Dumbledore's Army

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It was finally winter, I didn't know how I managed to survive being under so many rules but at least the holidays were drawing closer.

The trio called a meeting at Hogs Head in Hogsmeade Village. Most of the students attending eyed me suspiciously when I walked in, there were quite a number of students gathered in the little pub.

Hermione stood up and welcomed us, "Um...Hi...So we all know why we're here. We need a teacher, a proper teacher. One who's had real experience in defending against the dark arts."

"Why?" Zacharias Smith asked.

Ron looked annoyed, "Why? because you-know-who's back, you tosspot."

"So he says," Smith said ignorantly.

"So Dumbledore says." Hermione countered.

Smith wasn't backing down, "So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?"

Harry didn't say anything. 

"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." Michael Corner pressed on.

Harry finally stood up and began talking "I'm not going to talk about Cedric, so if that's why you're here, you might as well clear out now."

Luna asked a question, "Is it true you can cast a Patronus Charm?"

That question helped a bit, even though it was Hermione that answered. "Yes, I've seen it."

People started labelling Harry's achievements that they've heard of.

Harry stopped them soon, "Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that. But the truth is, most of that was just luck, I didn't know what I was doing half the time, I nearly always had help."

"He's just being modest." Hermione said.

"No, Hermione, I'm not." Harry said. "Facing this stuff in real life is different from school...In school, you make a mistake you try again tomorrow. Out there, when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die before your eyes, you don't what that's like."

He quietly sat back down again. Hermione seemed to be leading this meeting more, "You're right, Harry. We don't, that's why we need your help if we want to have any chance of beating...Voldemort."

People began writing their names on the sign up sheet.

"How do we know we can trust her? She's Malfoy's pet after all." Smith jerked his head to me.

I rolled my eyes and said, "Shut up, Dufferpuff. I'm not his pet." before writing my name.

"That doesn't answer my question. Slytherins are evil, after all."

"Smith...I am more trustworthy than you. My house doesn't define who I am." I said and stopped myself from flipping him off.


The next few days were fun, Harry appointed me as his assistant teacher since I was already good at the spells. He absolutely banned me from teaching the others dark spells though.

We had duels, some were harder than others. Hermione was my favourite duelling partner though, both of us were exceptional, but I was better.

"Y/N, teach them Liberacorpus, okay? We need them to know the counter jinx to Levicorpus." Harry told me one day during a training session.

"Can I teach them Sectumsempra next?" I asked Harry.

"Is it a dark spell?"


"Then no."

I rolled my eyes but complied anyway.


"Come on, your turn." Umbridge said to me.

Students were subjected to questioning about suspicious activities, seems like she knew we had a secret organisation or something.

"Would you like some tea?" She offered.

Snape warned me the night before to not drink a single thing that she offered...

"Um...no thank you, professor. I don't drink tea actually." I answered.

It was true, I hated tea.

"Yes, you most certainly will drink it." Umbridge ordered.

I reached over and grabbed the tea cup and brought it close to my lips.

Well, say goodbye to this clean uniform.

I dropped the cup onto my lap. The cup fell to the floor and shattered into pieces, my skirt was drenched with tea, and Umbridge's carpet was stained

"Oh! You-Nevermind, see yourself out please." Umbridge said, trying to calm herself down.


"How'd it go?" Draco asked after I changed into another set of uniform. 

"Swell, I spilled tea on myself and avoided her questions. Y/N 1, Umbridge 0." I said and lay down on the couch beside him, laying my head in his lap. He stroked my hair while we talked.

"But seriously, are you in any group?" Draco asked.

"Nope, I'm too busy studying for my OWLS for that nonsense. What about you? What's that?" I asked and pointed at a purple badge pinned on the front of his robes.

"Oh, this? I'm a member of Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad. You should join it too, you get a ton of power and we can catch Potter and his friends doing something against the rules."

"Oh, really? What if I break the rules? Will you send me to Umbridge's office to be punished?" I asked, looking disappointed that Draco decided to work with the enemy.

"Hmm...Then again, why send you to get punished by Umbridge when I can do it myself?" Draco asked with a mischievous smirk.

I laughed and punched him gently. "Shameless flirt, we're 15, calm yourself down." I said and brushed my hair out of my face.

Draco laughed. Then he said seriously, "Just kidding. Though I wish we could still act like a couple outside of the common room. Umbridge said I couldn't be friends with you anymore, because she thinks you could influence me."

"Seriously...Well, I don't want to get you in trouble. As long as we snog once in a while, then fine." I said and sat upright. Draco smiled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

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