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It was breakfast the next day, a lot of us were doing our homework or playing chess while eating. I was teaching Draco something when we heard Seamus Finnigan's voice come from the Gryffindor table.

"Eye of Rabbit, harp string hum, turn this water into rum..." He said.

I laughed and said to Draco, "It's not a real spell, actually."

"Really, Y/N? You do it then." Draco smirked and challenged me.

"Fine." I smiled and waved my wand over my water. It turned to rum instantly.

"Holy crap! I don't think the third-year students can do that! You are better than mudblood Granger!" Draco exclaimed loudly.

I smacked him on the shoulder hard for saying 'mudblood'. Suddenly, an explosion sounded and we saw Seamus's face covered in black soot. Everyone began laughing loudly at him.

Owl hoots echoed around us, the mail was here! I received a package of chocolate and a few spellbooks with a letter from my parents.

Dear Y/N,

We hope you're enjoying yourself at Hogwarts. We heard from Severus that you did splendidly in his class, he actually wants to give you private lessons to improve your magic and learn more things. Make some friends there, okay? Maybe kids from other houses. Also, congratulations on making it into Slytherin. We are so proud. We sent you these spellbooks in case you wanted them. Don't overwork yourself, okay? We want you to have the best time of your life there as well as keeping up with your schoolwork.


Mom and Dad

I smiled reading the letter, pleased to hear that I could take private lessons with Snape, and also thinking I really should make friends from other houses.

Draco got up to go to flying lessons. "Come on." He said, pulling me out of my seat.

"I'll catch up with you?" I smiled at Draco and went off to the Gryffindor table. I ran up to Harry and Ron.

"Hey! I'm Y/N Crankshaw." I held out my hand to them.

"Ye-yea...I-I kn-know you! Your family is the richest wizarding family in the world!" Ron said nervously, his pale face going a bit pink.

Harry's face was turning pink too, though he kept a straight face. "Aren't you friends with Malfoy?" He asked a bit warily.

"Oh yes, he's my best friend. Just between you and me, I have a bit of a crush on him." I smiled, a little embarrassed.

"Gosh, you? Having a crush on Malfoy? Bit strange...Anyway, what do you think of Professor Snape?" Ron asked me.

"I think he's great actually, he's a good friend of my parents, that's why. Oh, I'd better get ready for flying class now. See you around!" I beamed at them and ran off, hearing Ron say "Blimey, she's cute!" to Harry.

I caught up with Draco and went to our first flying lesson in the field. We got there and stood in 2 neat lines with the other students, waiting for Madam Hooch. There were broomsticks in front of us.

Madam Hooch walked through the lines, greeting us. "Good afternoon, Madam Hooch!" We chanted back.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson. What are you waiting for? Everyone step up to the left side of their broom. Come now, hurry up. Stick your right hand over the broom and say up."

I heard many people say "Up!" But not everyone succeeded in making the broom go to their hands.

"Up!" said Draco and the broom flew to his hand immediately.

"Up." I said, the broom zoomed to my hand.

"Up!" Harry said across me, his broomstick flew to his hand so fast it looked like lightning.

"Up!" Ron said loudly and his broomstick flew up and hit him in the head.

"Up. Up. Up. Up." I heard Hermione say, her broomstick only wiggled, I guess she isn't the best at everything.

"Now when you've got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. And grip it tight, you don't want to be slipping off it. When I blow my whistle, I want you to kick off from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment. Lean forward slightly, and touch back down. On my whistle 3. 2." Madam Hooch said and blew her whistle hard.

The boy with the toad, Neville Longbottom started levitating. "Ahh!" He yelled.

"Mr. Longbottom," Madam Hooch began, but it was too late. Neville flew high into the sky.

Neville flew over the buildings, crashing into the walls and doing dangerous dives. I was extremely surprised he wasn't hurt yet.

He finally got caught by a statue's sword, his robe hanging from the blade. His robe tore and Neville fell to the ground hard. His Remembrall dropped and Draco picked it up smirking.

Madam Hooch told us to keep our feet on the ground while she took Neville to the hospital wing, if not we would "be out of Hogwarts before you can say Quidditch."

"Did you see his face? Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze, he would've remembered to land on his fat arse." Draco laughed and squeezed the Remembrall.

I half-laughed with the Slytherins.

"Give it here, Malfoy!" Harry said loudly and stepped forward.

Draco turned around and said nastily to Harry, "No! I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find."

Draco then got on his broomstick and flew up.

Harry prepared to go after Draco when Hermione tried to stop him.

"Harry, no way! You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly!"

Harry wasn't listening to her, he just zoomed after Draco.

"What an idiot." Hermione sighed.

I just watched on excitedly, thinking Harry was quite the flyer.

"Give it here or I'll knock you off your broom!" Harry yelled at Draco.

"Is that so?" Draco asked mockingly, throwing the Remembrall into the air and catching it.

Harry lunged at Draco but Draco did a full 360, dodging Harry effectively.

Damn, Draco has some skills.

"Have it your way then," Draco said smoothly and threw the Remembrall high into the air before flying down. I glanced at him disapprovingly and rolled my eyes, hoping Harry wouldn't get hurt.

Harry flew and caught the Remembrall before it hit a window, doing an extremely impressive flip to save himself from crashing into the wall. He flew down quickly, with everyone running to congratulate him.

"Harry Potter! Follow me!" McGonagall appeared and called out. Draco and his goons laughed, thinking Harry would get into huge trouble.

Our Love Is Forever | Draco Malfoy x Reader (Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now