Slughorn's Christmas Party

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It was nearly Christmas, only 5 days away. Slughorn invited all the members of the Slug Club to attend his Christmas party. We were allowed to bring a date, which I invited Draco by default.

He seemed interested in going to the party, seeing as he had been rather upset that he wasn't invited to be part of the slug club.

"Come on, Draco," I said excitedly.

"I'll...see you inside. Have to do something first." He said.

I looked unsure but said, "Um, okay. Just tell Filch that you're my date and he'll let you in. I hope."

I smiled and headed off to the party.


Hermione was with Mclaggen, it was her way of getting back at Ron for dating Lavender. Harry brought Luna.

I was chatting with Luna while Harry went to talk to Hermione when Filch came in dragging Draco.

"Get your hands off me, you filthy squib," Draco said fiercely.

Filch was looking angry, "Professor Slughorn, I just discovered this boy lurking in the upstairs corridor, he claims to have been invited to your party."

"Okay, okay! I was gate-crashing! Happy?!" Draco snapped.

I couldn't get a word in because Snape who was also there, spoke, "I'll escort him out."

Draco pulled himself away from Filch and said sneeringly, "Certainly. Professor."

He walked out with Snape.

"Professor Slughorn! Draco is my date for the party." I said loudly, glaring at Filch.

"Uh well, can bring him back here if you want," Slughorn said uncomfortably, knowing full well how the reputation of the Malfoys was now.

I gave a sound of frustration and left the room, Harry following me. "What are you doing?" I looked at Harry and asked.

"Seeing what Malfoy is up to." He said and turned a corner. I followed him and saw Snape and Draco around the corner.

"Maybe I hexed that Bell girl, maybe I didn't. What's it to you?" Draco snapped at Snape.

There was a crashing sound, Snape had shoved Draco to the wall. "I swore to protect you, I made the unbreakable vow!" Snape seethed.

"I don't need protection! I was CHOSEN for this, out of all others. ME! And I won't fail him." Draco seethed back with rage.

"You're afraid, Draco. You attempt to conceal it but it's obvious. Let me assist you." Snape's voice lowered a bit.

"NO! I was chosen! This is my moment!" Draco snapped determinedly and walked off. Harry and I were listening intently.

"What's happening? What's he talking about?" Harry asked me.

"I don't know! Draco doesn't tell me anything about what he's doing these days." I said frustrated.

"Well try and spy on him, you saw him that day in Knockturn Alley. You know he cursed Katie. Get information from him!"

"That's invading his privacy! He's not evil, Harry. A mean-spirited bully yes, but not evil." I shook my head and walked away.

So much for a fun night at Slughorn's Christmas Party.


I returned to my dorm and found Draco sitting on a couch near the fireplace, looking resentful and sulky.

"Draco...?" I said softly.

Draco saw me and turned away.

"Sorry I ruined your night." He muttered.

"Wasn't really all that interesting without you anyway..." I lied. "Why didn't you just tell Filch you were my date?"

"And let everyone know you're associating with someone who has a Death Eater parent? I don't think so."

"To hell to what they would think, we've been together for nearly 3 years and you think I would care?!"

I walked over to the couch and saw Draco's eyes, they were full of tears. My face softened.

"Don't cry..." I said gently and sat down next to him. Draco laid his head on my shoulder, still crying.

I kissed his forehead and laid his head gently onto my lap, stroking his hair soothingly.

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