Snape Substituting/Quidditch Match Incident

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Snape stomped into the DADA classroom, he seemed to be in a bad temper. He shut all the windows with a flick of his wand and pulled the projector screen down.

"Turn to page 394."

He began walking to the back slowly, making sure everyone was opening their books. As he got to Harry's desk, Harry asked him a question.

"Excuse me, sir. Where's Professor Lupin?"

"That's not really your concern is it, Potter? Suffice it to say that your professor finds himself incapable of teaching at the present time...Turn to page 394!" Snape said and tapped the projector with his wand.

Ron took far too long to get to the page so Snape used magic to do it for him. "Werewolves?" Ron said.

"But sir, we've just begun learning about Redcaps and Hinkypunks, we're not meant to start nocturnal beasts for weeks." Hermione appeared and said.

"Quiet..." Snape said in a monotone.

"How did Granger get here?" Draco asked, pointing at Hermione.

"You tell me..." I replied, carefully observing the gold necklace around Hermione's neck.

"Now, which one of you can tell me the difference between an Animagus and a werewolf?" Snape asked, walking to the front. Hermione and I raised our hands but he ignored both of us.

"Anyone? How disappointing." He said coldly.

Well, there are two girls raising their hands here, Snape.

"Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard that elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice, with each full moon when he transforms he no longer remembers who he is, he'd kill his best friend if he crossed his path. Furthermore, the werewolf only responds to the calls of its own kind." Hermione spoke up.

"AWOOOO!" Draco howled humorously, making the Slytherins laugh.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy," Snape said, shooting a cold glance at Draco. "Now, this is the second time you've spoken out of term Ms. Granger. Are you incapable of restraining yourself or do you take pride in being an insufferable know it all? Five points from Gryffindor. I don't see Ms. Crankshaw speaking out of term like you."

My face grew red as some students glared at me.

Why did you have to compare Hermione with me, Snape?

"As an antidote to your ignorance, and on my desk by Monday morning, two rolls of parchment on the werewolf with particular emphasis on recognizing it," Snape said grimly.

Everybody groaned as much as they dared.

"But sir, it's Quidditch tomorrow." Harry protested.

Snape advanced on him and placed his hands on Harry's desk. "I suggest you take extra care, Mr. Potter. Lost of limb will not excuse page 394."

Hmm...Lupin's Boggart is a full moon, he isn't here on the nights of full moons, I saw Snape brewing Wolfsbane potion for him and now we're learning about Werewolves? 10 Galleons say that Lupin is a werewolf.


"You have a substitute seeker, Flint. Use her." I heard Oliver say to Marcus. They were arguing at the end of the hallway. I walked up to them and both boys started talking to me.

"Y/N, tell your captain that even though your normal seeker is quote-unquote injured, you can still play," Oliver said.

"Well, I'm the captain and I say that we won't play tomorrow," Marcus said firmly.

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