7th Year

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I can't believe that we still have to go back to Hogwarts, Voldemort took over the Ministry and now it was a law that children had to go to school so that Voldemort can keep track of the children and parents. Fleur and Bill's wedding was a disaster and now the trio was on the run, George's ear had been sliced off by Snape.

I sat with Neville and Ginny on the train, looking out of the window and seeing two black shadows flying.

Two Death Eaters came into the train carriage, looking grimly at everyone.

"My father will hear about this." Cormac Mclaggen sneered.

He was promptly ignored by the DEs.

"Hey losers, he isn't here." Neville stood up and said bravely when they reached the end of the train.

They left right after hearing Harry wasn't here.

"I'll be back..." I said and left to go to the toilet.

Once I came out, Draco was outside. I ignored him and proceeded to head back to my carriage when he grabbed my arm.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" I snarled.

He winced when I called him Malfoy. That hurt him.

"Can we talk in a private compartment? Please?" He pleaded

"What is there to talk about?" I said very coldly.

"Everything, I need to explain everything to you." He said, not loosening the grip on my arm.

"Ten minutes, that's all I'm giving you," I said and followed him to an empty compartment. Draco shut the blinds on the windows and covered the glass door.

"You're still wearing the ring I gave you...The night of the Yule Ball..." He said, holding my hands in his.

"Yeah, I guess...We never ended things did we? It's been four years since you asked me to be your girlfriend." I said.

"I know...I really should explain everything to you now. How many more minutes do I have?"

"9 minutes 30 seconds..." I said, looking at my watch.

"Look, after you and your friends got my father put in Azkaban, the Dark Lord was furious, he made me kill Dumbledore. I didn't have a choice. It was Dumbledore or my family. I was always in the Room of Requirement fixing the cabinet, that's why I didn't go to your Quidditch matches. That's why I didn't go to the Christmas Party with you. I'm not good at apologies, but I have to say...I'm sorry." Draco said all in one go.

I sighed and thought for a while, "Fine, Malfoy- I mean Draco, I forgive you. Though I do owe you an apology myself for helping to get your father in prison."

Draco waved his hand dismissively, "Nope. No apology needed, much as I am angry with you, I owe you much more."

After he finished his sentence we just stared at each other in awkward silence. Then we slowly got closer to each other. The next thing I knew, we were full on snogging with each other.

It was that same hungry passion we had on the night of the Yule Ball. Draco had one hand gently wrapped around my neck and the other around my waist. I ran my hands through his smooth platinum-blond hair.


Draco and I held hands as we walked in neat files to the Great Hall. All the teachers were looking gloomy and my once-favourite professor was the new headmaster. There were two new teachers who looked like DEs.

Everyone ate in silence after the sorting ceremony. I felt bad for the first years who were being mocked or hit by the new teachers, which Snape introduced as Amycus Carrow and Alecto Carrow.

Alecto Carrow was the new Muggle Studies teacher and Amycus Carrow was the Dark Arts teacher and the new vice-headmaster. That's right, not Defence Against the Dark Arts, just Dark Arts.


"Why'd you kill Dumbledore?" I asked Snape as soon as I burst into the headmaster's office.

Snape, for once, looked shocked I managed to sneak away from the watchful eye of the Carrow twins.

"I made a deal with him. Now go away!" Snape said curtly.

"No, tell me what deal you made with him! He trusted you!" I stood my ground and said.

Snape rounded on me and said, "Listen here, Y/N. Your beloved headmaster was going to die anyway as a curse had been put on him. He had less than a year to live and do you actually think he would allow your boyfriend to kill him? A memory that would've haunted him for the rest of his days?"

I shook my head timidly.

"You children, forever seeing what's in front of you, never seeing the story behind anything. Draco never had the guts to kill the headmaster, and you know it. Dumbledore arranged for me to kill him. That's final." He said.

"What about George's ear?" I asked, remembering the amount of blood that came from where George's ear had originally been.

"I was aiming at another Death Eater but I missed, does that satisfy you?" Snape said harshly.

"Um...yes. Sorry, professor." I said and walked to the door to see myself out.

"Y/N, don't let Alecto or Amycus see you. I can't guarantee they'll let you off, even if you are a Slytherin."

I nodded and left the office, keeping a sharp lookout for the Carrow twins.

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