Getting Caught

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Christmas came and went. We were back to having Dumbledore's Army training sessions.

"Make it a powerful memory, the happiest you can remember. Allow it to fill you up. Keep trying, Seamus!" Harry told us. He was teaching us the Patronus Charm.

"Y/N, see if you can do it, then you can help the others." Harry went over to me and said.

"Okay, Expecto Patronum," I said and raised my wand. My Patronus was cast, it was a (Patronus of your choice), it was a corporeal Patronus. It was a beautiful bright-silver, translucent animal.

"That looks great, Y/N!" Harry praised and went to help Luna.

Hermione went over to me and asked, "How'd you cast that?"

"Think of a happy memory! The happiest and strongest you can remember. You have to focus too." I said.

Hermione nodded and cast her Patronus, an otter.

"Nice one, Mione, what memory did you think of?" I clapped and asked her.

"I don't know. I guess...being friends with you, Harry, and Ron. What about you?" Hermione asked.

"My first kiss with Draco on the night of the Yule Ball," I answered, blushing a little.

"You and Malfoy kissed?! Last year?! Oh my god, why didn't you tell me?" Hermione asked, her face full of happy-surprise.

"Yeah, we kissed at-" I began but a thumping noise stopped me.

Rumbling noises were heard outside the Room of Requirement. The chandelier on the ceiling began shaking wildly. The thumping and rumbling noises were coming from outside the entrance to the room. The glass protection on the wall shattered, leaving a bare stone wall with a hole in it.

"I'll make short work of this." We heard a familiar shrill voice outside.

The wall exploded to reveal Umbridge, Filch and the whole Inquisitorial Squad. Draco came into view, pulling Cho with him. His smirk dropped when he saw me standing in the room, his eyes were a mixture of anger and sadness.


Dumbledore was gone, Umbridge was the new headmistress. Dumbledore was accused of creating this army to seize control of the Ministry, he took full responsibility for it, and disappeared with his phoenix when he heard he was to be taken to Azkaban.

Everything became so strict under Umbridge's control. The pictures were taken down, more rules were set in place. This wasn't Hogwarts, this wasn't a school, this was prison.

All the students involved received detention. We had to write I must not disobey rules.

That was it, that was all we had to write, simple. But that was also what was carved into our hand.

We walked out of the Great Hall and saw Cho, I didn't think she told on us. Known her for five years, never known her to be a snitch. I was the only one to give her a small smile before walking off.

Draco was also there, waiting for me. "Look, Y/N, can we talk?" He asked, stopping me in my tracks.

"Yeah, we can. But I don't want to." I said and shouldered him purposely.

"Please, just talk to me." Draco said, grabbing hold of my arm.

" I SAID I DON'T WANT TO TALK TO YOU RIGHT NOW!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face.

"Fine...You were a traitor anyway, working with stupid Potter and lying to me." Draco muttered, his face went from compassionate to cold and hard.

"Traitor?! You're working for the enemy! Do you even feel happy in Hogwarts anymore?! YOU expressed sorrow when we had to pretend we weren't friends anymore! Why do you think I didn't tell you about the DA?! Because you would tell that pink toad!" I roared then lowered my voice. 

"I was crazy to think that we could date. I was crazier to actually do it for years." I said and walked off, wiping my eyes.


For the next few days, Draco and I didn't talk. I wasn't actually angry with him anymore, the anger stopped after a day.

Draco was just too busy studying for his OWLs to notice me at all. On the rare occasion he did want to look over my notes, he just stuck out his hand and I would give my notebook to him.

I was surprised neither one of us said the relationship was over. Heck, we didn't even break up, we were still together but we weren't talking. This was our first real big argument, I hoped it would be the last.

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