First Task

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I went to look for Cedric and Harry in the champions' tent. Hermione was there too. I hugged Harry first then went to hug Cedric. When Hermione rushed in to hug Harry, Rita Skeeter took a picture of them.

"Young love..." Skeeter simpered. "How...stirring. If anything goes unfortunate today, you two may even make the front page. Oh, look another couple."

She made the cameraman take a picture of me and Cedric. "Two girls trying to get together with the champions. How thrilling!" She tittered.

"I have a boyfriend already!" I defended myself. "And Hermione and Harry are just friends!"

"That's what they all say," Skeeter said and winked.

"You have no business here. This tent is for champions and friends!" Viktor said to Skeeter.

She huffed and walked away.

Dumbledore walked into the tent to wish the champions good luck.

"I should go now." I said to Cedric.

"Uh...yeah. Thanks for wishing me luck." Cedric smiled and kissed my cheek.

There was a flash of light and a camera sound.

SHIT! Skeeter took a picture of that too.

I left through the back of the tent hurriedly after giving Viktor a quick hug for good luck and for putting Skeeter in her place.

What was I going to do about that picture?


Cedric came out first to fight his dragon, a Swedish Short-Snout. He was great at it. Transfiguring a rock into a dog to distract the dragon while he went to get the egg was genius! Though the dragon focused his attention on Cedric when he was just about to get his egg. He got it, but the left side of his face got burnt.

Fleur went next. Her performance was smooth and fast, she charmed the dragon to sleep and got her egg. Just one small setback, the dragon snorted and her clothes caught fire. She put it out with her wand easily.

Viktor came out third and he didn't hold back. He used the Conjunctivitis Curse on the dragon, blinding it. He got the egg, at the cost of the dragon smashing its real eggs. He got points docked for it.

Harry came last, looking very unsure of himself. His dragon was a Hungarian Horntail, the most ferocious out of the bunch. Harry jumped around to avoid its talons.

"Your wand, Harry, your wand!" Hermione yelled to him.

"Accio Firebolt!" Harry raised his wand and tried to summon his broom.

Nothing happened.

Harry ran and hid behind a large rock, the dragon smashing the rocks around it.

His broom appeared soon and Harry hopped on it, flying away. The dragon broke free from its chain and flew after Harry, crashing through the teachers' and judges' section.

"Well done, dragon!" Fred yelled to it.

Harry flew away from the stadium, the dragon in hot pursuit. 

A few minutes passed and neither Harry or the dragon returned.

"Come on, Harry. Please come out of this alive." I muttered.

More minutes passed and Harry flew back to the stadium, grabbing his egg heroically.


"Congratulations, Harry!" I shrieked and hugged Harry tightly. "I knew you could do this!"

"Thanks, Y/N. I honestly didn't even know if I could do this." Harry said, his smile was unbreakable.

"EXCUSE US! CHAMPION COMING THROUGH!" The Weasley twins chanted and hoisted Harry on their shoulders, carrying him all the way back to the Gryffindor Common Room.

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