19 Years Later

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Draco and I were at King's Cross Station, seeing off our son, Scorpius.

"Mom, how will I make friends at Hogwarts? What about father's past?" Scorpius said nervously to me.


"Mom, what is that on dad's forearm?" An 8-year-old Scorpius asked, pointing to his father's inner left forearm.

Draco and I looked at each other and sighed. Draco spoke first, "Son, when I was a kid like you, my parents taught me that muggle-borns were scum, they even taught me the phrase 'Mudblood', which you should never say. My father was a Death Eater, and when he went to jail, the leader of the Death Eaters, Voldemort, tasked me to kill the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore. I was made a Death Eater too."

"And in the end, your father switched sides. He's uh...more than ashamed of his past." I said.

"Then why did you marry him?" Scorpius asked.

"Your father and I were childhood friends, we met each other when we were four, started dating at 13, got married at 20. I married him because I loved him for who he was." I said, giving Draco a kiss on the cheek.

Flashback End

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy, you'll be fine. You're a Malfoy and you can be proud of it. Your father may not show it, but he's incredibly proud of you." I said to my son and hugged him.

Scorpius looked just like Draco, same blond hair, same grey eyes, same pale, pointed face. He was perfect.

Draco patted his son on the back and wished him good luck.

Draco was an amazing father, he may not be the most affectionate person, but Scorpius trusted and relied on him. Scorpius is much closer to me though.

I pointed to Harry and Ginny's son Albus, and Hermione and Ron's daughter Rose.

"See them, Scorpius? Who knows, they might be your best friends." I said.

"I'm not sure about that..." Draco muttered. "But son, just so you know...Your mother and I love you very much."

Scorpius smiled and asked, "Where did I get my name? You told me Harry Potter named his son after two headmasters."

"Your father's side of the family, well actually, his mother's side of the family has a tradition of naming their children after constellations. Your father and I wanted to continue the tradition. Hyperion, in Greek Mythology, was the 'God of Sun and Light'. So yeah, you can be proud of your name." I said.

"Your mother wanted to name you after her godfather, Severus Snape. Though that would've been weird, Scorpius Severus Malfoy." Draco said.

I laughed and facepalmed.

"What do you expect me to do there? What house do you want me to be in?" He asked nervously.

"Slytherin." Draco and I said in unison. Scorpius looked scared, making me laugh and pat his head.

"Not really, Scorp. Any house is fine, I almost got placed in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor, you know." I assured him.

"Okay...What about my other question?" Scorpius asked.

"Oh that. Have fun, cause some trouble, play pranks on others, please don't miss out on any homework, cause even more trouble but not enough to get expelled. I'll ask George to send you some pranking material, prank Professor Longbottom if you can, and say it's courtesy of your mother. Of course, do well in school and get the highest grades."

Scorpius nodded and got onto the train, waving at us from the window.

I walked over to Ron and Hermione, Ron was giving Rose a pep-talk.

"So that's little Scorpius. Make sure you beat him in every test, Rosie. Thank god you inherited your mother's brains." Ron said.

I waited until all of the children had gotten on the train before punching Ron.

"That's mean." I huffed. "Scorpius inherited my brains, you know. I'm sure he can beat your daughter."

"Okay okay you two, break it up." Hermione said before hugging me. "Glad to see you, Y/N, I'm sure your son will be happy at Hogwarts."

I smiled and said, "Your daughter too."

I went and hugged Ginny and Harry.


Draco and I went into the Three Broomsticks for butterbeer after we said goodbye. We sometimes came here to talk, just to remember the good old days.

"Here we are, parents." He smiled.

"Indeed, seems like only yesterday we went to Hogwarts, and you were a cowardly git who bullied others." I teased, making Draco laugh.

"Damn, I love you so much." He said.

"Always have, always will." I said, "Can't believe I'm married to the arrogant boy I met when I was four."

"I'm too attractive." Draco joked.

"That you are. I have a whole scrapbook of our moments together while we were in Hogwarts. Your Yule Ball look was definitely the best."

Draco smiled and clinked our glasses together. "To us." He said.

"To us."

We joked and laughed about everything we did back in Hogwarts, grateful for every moment we spent together. Grateful for the ups and downs in our relationship, because those helped us grow and improve it.

All was well.

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