Becoming his Girlfriend

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I rummaged through my wardrobe to search for a dress for tonight's party.

Mom and Dad were throwing an extravagant party, they invited the Malfoys, the Macmillans, the Flints, the Parkinsons, basically those who were pureblood.

My parents even told me Snape was coming, since he's a close family friend. Lucius and Snape were the only Death Eaters coming. My parents only made exceptions for them but they despised other Death Eaters.

I finally found a blue dress along with some accessories. It was an inch or two above my knees and it wasn't that flowy.

I finished changing and looked at myself in the mirror. The dress really made my blue eyes pop. I let my long brown hair flow freely down my back.

I just hope Draco likes it.


I ran down the stairs to greet the guests, running wasn't very elegant but I don't care. I was most excited to see Draco though. He was wearing a suit and looking way more handsome than before.

I hugged Narcissa. "Mrs. Malfoy! Great to see you again."

Narcissa beamed at me and gushed, "Great to see you too Y/N. You have no idea how much Draco has been looking forward to this. And my, my, that is a wonderful dress you have on."

"Thank you." I thanked her before turning to shake hands with Lucius. "Good to see you, Mr. Malfoy."

He gave me a subtle smile and shook hands, saying "Good to see you too."

Draco led me away from his parents after we were done with formalities, I took a good look at him.

"Wow, you really look...amazing," I said, looking at his hair and face. His hair was no longer slicked back like it used to be, he had bangs now with a parting at the side. His jawline was sharper and he was taller now.

" too." He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

We were both looking at each other awkwardly when we heard a shriek from the other side of the room. It was Pansy, obviously.

I saw Pansy as a rival and occasionally, a friend. If she didn't compete with me for Draco all the time I would definitely see her more as a friend.

Pansy ran up and hugged Draco tightly, much to my annoyance. Draco pushed Pansy off gently and said, "Pansy, we're only friends. Nothing else."

Pansy shrugged and said, "For now." before winking at Draco. Draco shook his head firmly and said, "Only friends, because I already have a girlfriend."

What? When did he...?

"Oh really? Who?" Pansy asked dubiously.

"Y/N, of course. Who else?" Draco said and slipped a hand around my waist.

Pansy huffed and walked away to gossip with her friends Millicent Bulstrode and Daphne Greengrass.

"When did I agree to this?" I asked, crossing my arms.

"I was going to ask you at the end of the night, so much for that. So...want to be my girlfriend?" He asked me, straight forward, just how I like it.

"Sure...Had a crush on you anyway." I replied casually.

"Damn, we are the most unromantic people ever." Draco laughed and kissed my forehead. "Let me try again. Y/N, my best friend of 9 years, will you please be my girlfriend?"

I laughed and nodded, wrapping my arms around him, letting him kiss the top of my head countless times.


I brought him out into the garden where there were no people around. We sat near a large pond, under some willow trees. It was a cool summer night.

I sat down, leaning against the tree and motioned for Draco to sit down too. He did, though he was rather cautious about getting his suit dirty.

"You think this relationship is going to work out?" I asked him.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it? We've known each other for so long." Draco replied, playing with my hair.

"True, but the crowd we hang with is so different. Y'know, I hang out with Harry and the others, and you hang out with Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy and Blaise, and Theodore. And we are so different..."

"We've been best friends for years, a relationship can't hurt." Draco coaxed. "Come on, you've said yes already, you can't say no now."

"I never said I regret saying yes," I said and kissed his cheek.


There we sat under the willow tree in each other's arms, joking, laughing, gazing at the stars. I didn't know what obstacles we would face, but we would face them together.

I am extremely sorry if this is lame as I am terrible at writing romance. I am absolute shit at writing romance so yea, sorry about it.

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