Yule Ball

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I looked at myself in the mirror, anxiously brushing my hair over and over again. I wasn't hiding it, I was nervous. This night had to be perfect, it had to!

Pansy wasn't making the situation better. She and her little gang were squealing and giggling all over the place. 

"Are you quite done hogging the mirror, Y/N?" Pansy snapped. "In case you haven't noticed, it's our room too."

"Sorry, sorry, almost done," I said hastily. I looked at my reflection once more, gazing at the beautiful dress my parents had sent me. My blue eyes were gleaming and my long brown hair had more waves than normal.

I'm so nervous...What if Draco doesn't like the dress? What if I trip and fall while I ascend the stairs? No, no, snap out of it Y/N! This is your night to enjoy.

I sighed and moved away from the mirror, allowing Pansy to twirl around in her dress in front of it. It was frilly and pink.

"How do I look, girls?" Pansy asked.

Her gang all praised and complimented her immediately, I only complimented her once.

"Who are you going with?" I asked her.

"Theodore Nott. Since Draco is going with you." Pansy replied, looking quite jealous of me.


I walked up the stairs out of the dungeon, careful not to step on my dress. Draco was waiting for me outside the Great Hall. He was wearing very formal dress robes, which made him breathtakingly handsome.

 He was wearing very formal dress robes, which made him breathtakingly handsome

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"Oh...Um...Wow...You...Uh...look amazing!" Draco managed to get the words out.

"Don't look so bad yourself, Draco." I smiled and complimented him, my face red from blushing hard.

I turned to look at the staircase and saw Hermione descending it. Her dress was gorgeous, it was pink and had frills. Hermione looked like she did a full 180.

Talk about a transformation!

Her date was none other than Viktor Krum, I can already imagine Ron's reaction.

"I have to go compliment her!" I said to Draco, but he held my hand tightly.

"Nope, tonight is about us only." Draco said and led me into the Great Hall.


Hogwarts has outdone themselves with the decorations this time. The Great Hall looked like an ice palace, ice decorations hung from the ceiling while Christmas trees adorned the room. There was a big dance floor at the front of the hall.

The champions danced first, Fleur with Roger Davies, Cedric and Cho, Harry and Parvati, Viktor and Hermione

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The champions danced first, Fleur with Roger Davies, Cedric and Cho, Harry and Parvati, Viktor and Hermione. Harry and Parvati seemed the most awkward pair amongst the champions.

After Dumbledore and McGonagall joined in the dancing, Draco led me to the dance floor.

Draco twirled me around, laughing at how I stumbled. "Sorry, I'm not good with heels..." I said embarrassed.

"It's okay." He said and lifted me up in the air and spun me.

I soon began to relax and enjoy myself, finally getting used to dancing with heels on. Draco was an amazing dancer, which helped a lot.


"Want me to get us drinks?" Draco offered.

"Sure, thanks." I smiled and kissed his cheek, letting go of his arm. I joined Hermione, Harry, Ron and Padma at a table. Hermione was smiling happily.

"Viktor's gone to get drinks, would you care to join us?" Hermione asked the boys. Ron looked very sulky.

"No! We would not care to join you and Viktor!" Ron spat.

Wow, that's not like Ron.

Hermione's smiled dropped and she asked, "What's got your wand in a knot?"

Ron rolled his eyes and said bitterly, "He's a Durmstrung, you're fraternising with the enemy."

"The enemy?! Who was it wanting his autograph?! Besides, the whole point of the tournament is international magical cooperation, to make friends." Hermione burst out.

Harry was just looking so done with everything, sitting in between Ron and Hermione.

"Think he's got a bit more than friendship on his mind." Ron retorted.

Hermione got up angrily and left, tears welling up in her eyes.

"And what are you doing here? Traitor!" Ron snapped at me.

"What do you mean traitor?!" I asked him defensively.

"Yeah, you're a traitor, dating and coming to the Ball with Malfoy!" Ron spat.

"Excuse me?! We've been dating for almost 2 years and now you make a fuss out of it?! I'm sorry that I can get a date and you can't!" I seethed.

"I can't get a date?! You turned me down for an arrogant tosser!" Ron stormed.

"And I'm glad I did! I'd rather go with an arrogant tosser than go with you, Weasel-bee!" I yelled.

Some people looked in our direction, but I didn't care.

"You may have ruined Hermione's night, but you won't ruin mine!" I said and walked away in a rage, tears falling down my face.

I bumped into Cedric on the way out of the hall. "Hey, woah woah woah, Y/N, why are you crying?"

"Nothing, Ron was just being a jerk." I replied.

"It's fine, just ignore him." Cedric said and hugged me before going back to dance with Cho.


"Y/N? What are you doing out here, sitting on the stairs...and crying?!" Draco asked me.


"Come on, tell me." Draco said, sitting down and wrapping his arms around me.

"Just Ron being jealous...nothing much."

"That little Weasel!" Draco exclaimed angrily and got up to go get revenge on Ron.

"Draco! Don't. Leave it, it's not worth it." I said and got up, wiping my eyes dry.

"Fine, only for you." Draco said and thought for a while. "Want to go to the Astronomy Tower?"

"In these heels? Hell no." I said.

"Too bad, still going." Draco said and dragged me up all the way to the tower. It was a miracle I didn't trip.


We stood at the top of the Astronomy Tower, looking over the balcony, feeling the winter snow fall around us. The scenery in front of us was amazing.

When the clock struck twelve, Draco pulled a ring out of his pocket and slipped it on my left ring finger. It was a big metal band with a serpent design on it, similar to the one he wore on his right ring finger.

"It's a promise ring, I know we're only 14 but still, I want something to link us together." He said and kissed my forehead. "Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas." I smiled and leaned up to kiss him.

It was our first kiss, but it was so intimate and passionate. Sparks flew everywhere and electricity ran through me. Draco pushed me up against a wall and kissed me harder, his hands around my waist.

I ran my hands through his hair, feeling the softness of it. Our lips were moving along in perfect sync. My heart wanted to explode, the happiness I felt was overwhelming. I wished and hoped that this feeling would never stop.

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