Dumbledore's Death

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I was sick of Draco's sneaking out every night, so I decided to follow him. He went all the way to the Room of Requirement and pulled off the cloth on the Vanishing Cabinet.

"Draco! What are you doing?!" I whispered urgently.

He whipped his head around and saw me. His eyes widened with terror. "Get out of here! It isn't safe! They're coming!"

"Who's coming?" I asked, looking at the black mist coming from the cabinet.

"Death Eaters. NOW GO!" Draco said and pushed me away.

"You let them in?! Are you mad?!" I yelled.

"Y/N, I said GO! Do you want to live or not?!" Draco said frantically. 

I drew my wand and said, "I can fight them!"

Draco let out a sound of frustration and grabbed my arm tightly, dragging me out of the room.

"I don't have time to deal with you. I need to go." He said and let go, walking to the direction of the Astronomy Tower.

I followed him all the way to the Astronomy Tower, he went to the top floor, where he heard Dumbledore talking to someone.

Harry came down from the tower from another staircase and bumped into me.

"Harry, what is-" I said but got shushed by Harry. Harry pointed to the top of the tower and motioned for me to not say a word.

"Good evening, Draco," Dumbledore said. "What brings you here on this fine spring evening?"

"Who else is here? I heard you talking!" Draco said, his voice was filled with panic and insecurity.

"I often talk aloud to myself. I find it extraordinarily useful. Have you been whispering to yourself, Draco?" Dumbledore said quietly.

Harry and I moved around to get a better view of what was happening.

"Draco...you are no assassin." Dumbledore said.

"How do you know what I am? I've done things that would shock you." Draco said, his voice shaking.

"Like cursing Katie Bell and hoping in return she would bear the cursed necklace to me? And replacing a bottle of mead with one laced with poison? Forgive me, Draco, but I cannot help feeling that these actions are so weak, your heart can't really have been in it." Dumbledore said gently.

"He trusts me! I was chosen!" Draco said and pulled up his left sleeve, there was a Dark Mark on his inner left forearm.

Dumbledore eyes widened.

"Then I shall make it easy for you." Dumbledore said, taking out his wand.

"Expelliarmus!" Draco said and Dumbledore's wand flew away.

Harry and I drew out our wands.

"Very good. Very good." Dumbledore murmured.

The doors of the tower slammed open.

"You're not alone. There are others..." Dumbledore observed, "How?"

"The Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement. I've been mending it." Draco said.

So that's where he's been.

"Let me guess...It has a sister. A twin." Dumbledore said softly.

"In Borgin and Burkes. They form a passage." Draco explained, not lowering his wand a single bit.

"Ingenious...Draco...Years ago, I knew a boy who made all the wrong choices. Please let me help you." Dumbledore said.

Draco began to tear up and cry.

"I don't want your help! Don't you understand? I have to do this. I have to kill you. Or he's gonna kill me." Draco cried.

Other Death Eaters went up the stairs and joined Draco.

"I'll look for Snape..." I whispered to Harry and ran down the stairs. Snape was just arriving at the tower.

"Professor Snape! You have to help Dumbledore!" I begged.

Snape didn't say a word, his eyes were stone cold, his face was expressionless. He pushed me aside and ascended the stairs himself, me following behind.

He reached the floor Harry was on, making Harry lower his wand before joining the Death Eaters himself. I stood next to Harry, seeing what would happen next. Harry held my hand tightly.

"Severus..." Harry and I heard Dumbledore say.

"Avada Kedavra." Snape's voice was shaking as he uttered the killing curse.

Harry quickly placed his hand over my mouth to cover up whatever scream I was going to produce. 

Dumbledore toppled off the balcony.

The Death Eaters all laughed and conjured the Dark Mark in the sky. Then they all began to leave the Astronomy Tower.

Harry and I ran down the stairs, following the death eaters. Bellatrix was stepping and kicking everything off one of the tables in the Great Hall, once the death eaters reached the entrance of the Great Hall, Bellatrix destroyed everything.

The candles burning there were put out and the glass of the windows shattered everywhere. I saw the crumpled face of Draco's, he was terrified that Hogwarts, his second home was being destroyed.

Harry and I followed the Death Eaters through the forest.

They stopped at Hagrid's hut and Bellatrix made it explode.

"SNAPE! HE TRUSTED YOU!" Harry yelled loudly, Draco and Snape turned around and Snape told Draco to run.

"INCARCEROUS!" Harry pointed his wand at Snape but Snape deflected the spell.

"FIGHT BACK! YOU COWARD FIGHT BACK!" Harry continued yelling at Snape. Bellatrix turned around and shot a spell at Harry and I. We both fell to the ground hard.

Harry got up first and tried to use Sectumsempra on Snape but Snape, being the inventor of the spell deflected it and shot another spell at Harry that made him fall further back.

I got up and shot a non-verbal spell at Snape. He deflected it but didn't shoot another spell back. He was focusing on Harry.

"You dare use my own spells against me, Potter? Yes, I'm the Half-Blood Prince." He said and stalked away. I ran to Harry and helped him up, walking back to the castle with him.

I couldn't believe it, Snape, kill Dumbledore? It must be a mistake, I trusted him, my family trusted him. Also, Draco? A Death Eater, no way.

By now, the whole school was gathered around Dumbledore's limp body, McGonagall slowly raised her wand and the tip glowed. Everyone else followed suit, raising their wands with lights at the tip.

In honour of Dumbledore, the greatest wizard who ever lived.


End of 6th Year.

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