Skirmish at Malfoy Manor

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It was nearing the Easter Holidays. I have to thank Merlin for helping me survive so many months.

The months I had been at school was horrendous, even with Snape's protection, I still earned many beatings and slashes with the knife.

The reasons? Refusing to use the Cruciatus Curse on the first-years, and rebelling with the members of the DA. Neville earned the most punishments because he was the 'ringleader' of the DA.

Ginny, Neville, Luna and I tried to get the Sword of Gryffindor from the headmaster's office but we were caught. Snape sent us to the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid for detention, lucky for us.

Luna disappeared after Christmas, I tried finding her but every time I tried, I was tortured and chained in the school dungeon.

My parents stopped replying to my letters halfway through March, and I couldn't do anything to find out why.

Draco was becoming more and more paranoid as the days went on, especially since the Carrow twins had it in for him, mainly because of his father.


I woke up on the last day of term, expecting to see my Slytherin dorm room and my trunk all packed and set to go, but what I saw terrified me.

I was in a dark room, a room I knew all too well. I was tied up in a chair in the living room of Malfoy Manor.

"Awww, look who just woke up. That pretty little Crankshaw girl." I heard a familiar voice, Bellatrix.

I squirmed and struggled, pulling against the ropes. My wand was gone, so was any magical object that I could use to escape.

"Let me go, Bellatrix Lestrange!" I yelled.

She laughed loudly like a lunatic. "Very brave...I can see why Draco fancies you."

She came close and circled around me.

"CISSY! LUCIUS! DRACO! LOOK WHO'S HERE!" She called loudly.

The Malfoys came into the room and gasped.

"Bella, what did you do?" Narcissa asked alarmed.

"Brought Draco's little girlfriend here, of course. He seems pleased to see her, aren't you Draco?" Bellatrix said and cackled.

Draco kept his head down and didn't budge.

Weak little coward.

"Where are my parents?! What did you do to them?!" I yelled at everyone in the room.

"Your...parents...are in Azkaban," Lucius said, looking away ashamed.

"Where they belong! The blood-traitors!" Bellatrix said, grinning nastily at me.

"So what if they're blood traitors?! Being pure-blooded doesn't make you any better!" I snarled at her.

Bellatrix grabbed a fistful of my long hair and yanked hard, earning a small scream from me.

"Bella, leave her alone. You've done enough damage to her family already." Narcissa said.

At least the Malfoys cared about me and my family.

Bellatrix ignored her sister and pointed her wand at me. "Crucio!"

I started screaming and writhing in agony. I pulled against the ropes, trying to get out of the chair. My head felt like it was about to explode, my body felt like it was being stabbed by thousands of white knives. I screamed louder than I had ever screamed before.

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