-Visit the Joestar-

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Y/n=Your name
L/n=Last name
D/n= Dad name
Y/d/n=Your dog name
F/n=Friend name
F/c=Favorite color

Third POV:
"So dad we're visiting an old friend of yours?" The girl ask. "Indeed! Since we move out today I decided that we visit him. It's been so long that I hadn't see him like few years ago." The man said.

They walk on the sidewalk and stop at the Japanese house. The man knock on the door and it open reveal a blonde hair lady, "Oh! You must be my Papa old friend." The lady move aside letting themselves in, before they get inside the house.


The buff old man ran outside from the house hug the man with a smile on his face. "How are you my old friend?! It's been so long. You had change abit." The old man chuckle. "I'm doing very well Joseph." D/n said. Joseph notice the girl who was by her father. "Who is this young lady?" "That's my daughter, her name is Y/n L/n and she 15." Joseph look at the girl and she gave him a glare look.

"She almost look like my grandson when she gave me that look." "Hahaha!!! She been like that when she never met someone or gave them when they bother her." D/n laugh "You Sure train her hard I mean look at her arms they're look quite strong." "Come on Joseph Lets go inside now."

They head inside the Japanese house and the mans start talking each other at the kitchen about the good old days. Holly making some tea for them while Y/n was sitting on a couch in the living room listening a music from her headphones. Holly place cup of tea on the table for her, "...Thanks" Holly smile walk away. Y/n took a sip of tea.

"Hey Y/n!" She place her tea down remove her headphones place it on her neck to hang it. She head to the kitchen walk up to her dad and saw egypt man who was sit by Joseph "This is Avdol, an old friend who's with Joseph. They met each other few years ago." Avdol gave a smile at Y/n, "Nice to meet you." He said.

"Hey what's going on here?" They turn around see 6ft tall boy. He look at the girl glaring at her. "Jotaro be nice, this is D/n daughter. Her name is Y/n L/n, they move out here today so they decided to visit." Joseph explain. Jotaro tip his hat "good grief..." he head to the living room "Hold on pal! Why not have a company with her. She a lot like you."
D/n said.

Jotaro sigh and head to the living with Y/n, they sat on the couch together and it's was silence. Jotaro look at the girl listening a music who was quiet and not bugging him. She wear was black sleeveless turtleneck, black rip pants, combat boots. Her (h/c) hair was short that stop on the neck and was messy and cover her left eye. (If your hair is long get used)

'This kid is something that she wore all black. Hope she not like those other bitches, they are getting on my nerves. But first of all, how is her right eye is red? Is she born with that?' He thought. His stand was manifested itself look right front of her. Y/n look at him and Jotaro was shock that she can see him, "My dad told me what a stand is. I had one too."

she manifested her stand, they both look at each other interesting than disappear. "His name is Night Slash, I name him myself."
Y/n said

"So.... what's your stand name?" Y/n ask "Star Platinum, Avdol name him." Jotaro answer.

"Y/n time to go!" She hear dad call, she get up "Seeya Jotaro." She walk away from the living room and head outside.

Y/n POV:
I walk on the sidewalk with my dad, it was not bad hanging out with the Joestar family. Joseph and my dad are old friends since few years ago. They had gotten stronger each other and learn to use hamon.

Tomorrow I'm going to high school for a first day. "So Y/n, wanna train together to practice your fighting skills when we get home?" I smirk "....Klingt gut Papa ."

Finally we made it home and move our stuff plus Night Slash like to help too, he is a helper after all. After we finish unpacking our stuff we head to the garage that was big enough that will give us some space to practice our skills.

We practice like an hour so we can get better and stronger. We finished our practice and took a shower, I put on my pajamas and jump on my bed. I see y/d/n come into my room and jump on my bed. I pet his head and he nuzzle crook of my neck. Night Slash was summon himself "Ni" I look at him "Yes, it was a first time to come here in Japan.

Tomorrow I'm heading to first day of school, I hope there's no annoying brats gonna bother me. They get on my nerves." I lay down and feel y/d/n weight on my legs.

"Gute nacht y/d/n" I scratch behind his ears, "Gute nacht Night Slash." He gave me small smile and disappear. I turn off the lamp that was beside me and pass out in my slumber.

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