The Sun

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Third POV:
Joseph sign the paper to buy the car and Polnareff sat by the woman who was flirting at her. "You know for starter I think you look absolute beautiful because-" he was cut off by Joseph who hit his hair with an envelope. "Come on Polnareff lets get going." Joseph said. "Mr.Joestar! Watch the hair! Do you had any idea how I fix this?!" Polnareff fix his hair. "Come on lets get going, the others are waiting for us." Joseph said. "Adieu mademoiselle." Polnareff goodbye the lady.

"Wow! This country town looks incredible! Every house here is huge and none of them look old!"Polnareff said amazed. "What's up Kakyoin? You look feel down or something, is everything alright with you?" Polnareff question. "Hmm? Oh it's nothing it just that I feel like someone is following us and I can't shake the feeling." Kakyoin answer. "All kind of  stand users who been attacking us since last time before." Polnareff said. "We'll go about 10 Km Northwest and reach at the village. Because of the desert and mountains block the route. If you drive the car it will take two days, that's why all the villagers fly helicopters." Joseph explained. "It'll take long to get on camel back."  "Camel back! Hold on Mr.Joestar I never ride camel in my life!" Polnareff said. "Leave the magic to me." Joseph pointed his thumb himself with a grin.

"You wanted camel? Well sure I can give you one of them but they'll cost you a lot." The owner man said. "We're in important mission and as for pay how about I give you that car."  "I never thought such great offer!"  "Mr.Joestar you just bought that car!" Polnareff said. "Why I want fancy car that I bought because I change my mind so I offer it." Joseph said. "By the way we need that water, we can't travel along without it."  "Of course sir the camel is yours now." The owner said.

The camel blow it smell at Polnareff face "That stinks!! Mr.Joestar how do you get on them?" Polnareff said. "It's easy first you  make it sit....Grr..." Joseph tried to force the camel sit. "Joseph you did it wrong. Watch this how you treat them." Y/n walk up one of the camel. The camel look up at Y/n see her place her hand on it's head petting him than gave it an apple. The camel ate the apple than sit down letting her sit on its back. "How did you do that?!"  Joseph was shock "Show some respect of animal life." Y/n answer.


The crusaders walk in middle of desert heading to Northwest. "You okay Kakyoin? You seem bit jumpy." Polnareff said "I can't shake the feeling that someone is following us." Kakyoin said "Hey Jotaro, get a look." Joseph said, Jotaro grab the binoculars start searching around "There's nothing, no one else is there." Jotaro said "Lets keep moving the heat is getting hot." Polnareff drink some water from his canteen. Joseph pull out his watch shock that the time was 8pm "Jotaro check your watch, what time does it say?"  "It's 10...pass 8!Hey old man." "My watch is correct... we lost track of time." The crew were shock "Why is the sun isn't setting?!"  "Wait could it be?!"  "No way it can't?!"  "Could it be a....stand!"

"Everybody take cover behind the boulder!" The crew went behind the shadow of the boulder. "How on earth can a sun be a stand?" Polnareff said. "I'll use Hierophant Green to look around the view see there might be the stand user." Kakyoin manifested his stand "30m...60m...80m...100m"  the sun was ready to attack "Kakyoin bring back Hierophant back its about to attack." Jospeh said "Emerald-" the sun attack Hierophant with meteor shower than shot at the camels. "Bastard!" Silver Chariot swung his sword at the meteor "I'm gonna bust a hole in the the ground! Everybody get in now!" Star Platinum punch the ground making a hole, they get in quickly.

"This is bad, how can a sun be a stand?!" Polnareff said "Be quiet or else the stand user find us." Joseph pull his canteen but held it up see a hole there "OH SHIT!" He throw it out  far away. "This heat is too much goddamit." Y/n step out from the cave "Wait! Come back it's too dangerous!" Joseph try to prevent Y/n back but she didn't listen. "He...hehe...hahahaha!" Kakyoin laugh like crazy same thing to Polnareff and Jotaro. "Oh shit! The sun is driving them crazy. Y/n come back now!" Joseph said. "I'm busy!" Y/n called out.

She went front of the boulder tap it hear a clink sound "So here is the stand user." She punch the glass with force than the crack appeared in thin air. "How the hell the hole appeared in thin air?!" Joseph said in shock. The sky started turning dark from the light. "It's clear! Come out!" Y/n called out.

The crew got out from the rock went up to Y/n what she punch see a guy who is fat "This guy use the mirror as camouflage, he must had follow us behind." "So guy is the sun user." Kakyoin said "And look he had air conditioner and pack of water."  "Let's take it off his hand." Jotaro said. "Wait so we already defeated the stand? We don't even know this guy name." Joseph said

"Well let's get going now." Kakyoin said "Hold up! It's dangerous to strode in the night, let's set our tent here than we'll leave tomorrow." Joseph said. "Y/n your hand is bleeding." Jotaro said see some shattering glass on her hand bleeding "Guess I hit through the mirror too hard."  "I'll help you patch up." Kakyoin said.

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