Anubis the sword of curse

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Third POV:
"How are you feeling Kakyoin?" Ask Joseph "I'm doing fine, the doctor said my eye is not losing any sight so once I get this bandage off of me I be good to go." Kakyoin answer. "I brought a gift for you and Avdol." Y/n handed two boxes to them. Avdol open it see a red bird pin, He smile at it and said "Thanks, it's beautiful." Y/n open the box that was for Kakyoin, she bring out the pin place it onto Kakyoin hands letting him feel the touch.

He rub it and knows the guess "Cherry pin, thanks, I treasure it." He chuckle. "We'll be heading out now, you sure you'll be alright by yourself?" Joseph said. "Don't worry, I be fine, I see you guys around." Kakyoin said.

"What on earth is this receipt? The 0 is 5, and the decimal is 0 and what is this wiggly worm?" "That's a 4 and it means..." "46.350!!!! Are you freaking kidding me?!" Polnareff yell. "Don't worry I pay for it." Avdol said. "Aww look at him!" The crusaders look outside front of the door see four lady's looking at Iggy "Why is he chewing gum?" "Maybe waiting for its owner." "Lady's Excuse me he's with me." Polnareff started to flirt at them, as for Iggy he jump on Polnareff face farting him. "Damn you mutt!!!" Polnareff scream.

-Later in Kom Ombo-

Polnareff left on his own looking around to find the others. "Hey you sir! Want to buy the papyrus? This here is real!" The merchant exclaimed. He handed it to Polnareff letting him take a look, he sudden ripped it in half. "That's fake, try your best next time, Don't think I know it. Now where is Jotaro and the others?" He made his way towards the ruins that were little father, but closely followed by another guy carrying a strange object wrapped in bandages. They both enter what was left of the temple "You got balls to attack me in this place." Polnareff said "I'm Chaka and my stand is called the 'Anubis' and I'm here to kill you here Jean Pierre Polnareff." "He He He... you are really manly enemy... very well... let's do it." Polnareff called out his Silver Chariot and Chaka unsheathed his sword.

They circle around each other assessing the situation, but something is bothering Polnareff. Chaka went behind the pillar and soon the blade cut through the pillar, Polnareff who received a huge gash of blood on his chest. "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! What the hell!!!!" He scream in pain. The sword came out of the pillar, Polnareff had relish his own stand to counter the attacks. He rolled away from the pillar and tried to determine where is the stand user is hiding. 'Dammit! Where could he be?! His stand can pass through anything.' He jumped on nearby pillar looking for the enemy.

"Come out! How about up here?! It's a nice view! You can't go underground can you? Come out and fight me!" He called out. Out of nowhere beneath him, the pillar was currently falling towards him with Chaka on top of it. "DIE POLNAREFF!!!" He was about to strike but as for Polnareff he's not scared or impressed. Silver Chariot pointed his sword at another pillar then it eject itself, it impaled Chaka on his neck. He fell on the ground knocked out but apparently not dead. "Not dead yet? Your injury had some immobilized in you." Polnareff spotted the sword that was somehow managed re-sheath itself.

"That's odd...the sword sheath back but it was out a minute ago. What on earth?" He tried to unsheathed it and it worked, he stood there not moving but mesmerized the glowing sword was giving off. "Polnareff! There you are!" Hearing that Polnareff sheath the sword back he was holding. "Why are you squatting like that? Did you step on poop?" "Are you alright Polnareff ?" "Yeah... I was ambush by an enemy who attack me?" "WHAT!! AN ENEMY STAND!" "Its over now, that guy over there attack me with his sword and his stand called the Anubis." Polnareff explain.

But apparently the sword being kidnapped by bunch of mice. "What the hell! GET LOST YOU STUPID MICE!!!" The mice ran off. "Geez, if you want to steal something go steal some cheese." Polnareff pick up the sword. "By the way where's Y/n? Thought she be with you guys?" He ask "Oh she told us we'll meet her at the ship." Joseph answered. "We must go now or else we'll miss our ship." Avdol said.

-Timeskip in barbershop-

"Polnareff you said we'll stop at first location at the police station." Jotaro said "Relax. The man had to get new look. Hey do you mind put this sword over there please?" "Sure" the barber put the sword away. "I'll go to police later, it look dangerous weapon."

"I'll be outside." Y/n exit the barbershop sitting on the ground lean her back on the wall. Until a barber was thrown out his own place, Polnareff and Jotaro exit the building too. "What the!!" "Y/n stay back! The sword is the stand! It controls people mind once they touch it!!" Polnareff warn. "I got this" Y/n unsheathed her twin daggers from her belt "You can't be-!" "Stay back!" She growl. The barber jump and went for a vertical Slash on her. "DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!" "NI!" Night Slash appeared and managed to catch the sword between his hands. "WHAT?!!!" "Now than...let's finish this." Y/n cut the sword in half than Night Slash throw the half blade on the ground.

"I didn't know... you that." The barber knock out unconscious on the ground. "Guess that's over." "Wait! Don't touch it! Once you touch it you be mind control. Let's put it back in the sheath." Polnareff slowly sheath the sword back in "Phew... now that's over what we gonna do with this?" "Throw it at Nile river." Jotaro said "Good that's-" "Hey you!" The police went up to them "someone reported me that there was a fight broke out here! What's this? A sword?! Give it to me it's a legal weapon!!" "No wait you got it all wrong that guy-!" It was too late, the police unsheathed the sword and now Polnareff shimmering his eyes were turning white.

"Oh no.... Polnareff!!" "Jotaro go find Avdol and Joseph." "Hell no! You want to die to fight him? You went too far to fight the enemy!" Jotaro growl "It doesn't matter, all I care is to save Polnareff from that sword. Plus I can't lose another friend."  'Wait?.... another.... friend?' Jotaro thought. Night Slash appear grab the dagger. "Now than...let's fight." Polnareff charged towards her swung the sword, Y/n and her stand easily blocked it with their daggers. "Is that all you got?" Y/n activate her hamon sparkling around her dagger. "OVERDRIVE SLASH!" The hamon of wave aimed at Polnareff but it block it by the sword than deflect it "What!" "HAHAHAHA!!! You think you could stop me?!" Polnareff laugh evilly. "Let's work together." Jotaro step in "Fine... try not to get in my way."

Polnareff charged at Jotaro attack him with stronger and speed, 'His speed.... this is not good! Gotta do something!' Jotaro thought. Star Platinum try to catch it but the sword accelerated. "What! It increased its speed!" "I'll take your head!" The sword stabbed Jotaro torso. "Yes! I did it! Lord Dio I did what you ask! I will bring his head to you!" Anubis laugh evilly. A lighting slash cut the sword from Jotaro torso than someone caught it with bare hands. "WHAT!!!" "You know, you forgot someone else." Y/n was front of him with dark expression on her. She slice the sword in full speed. "NOOOOOOO!!!!" Once the sword is cut into pieces Night Slash broke the handle smash it both sides.

Polnareff lay on the ground unconscious, "He'll be fine once he's a awake." Y/n started heal Jotaro torso with her hamon. The boy noticed a sword on the ground, he pick it up than the sword possessed him. "HAHAHAHA!!! Good thing I learn a new trick. Now I'll stab Jotaro back and have his head cut off!" Before the kid throws the blade Iggy trip him cause him throw the blade different directions "What! Where did that dog come from?!" Anubis panicked. The blade was aiming at the wall "Yes a wall! That will stop me! Once I'm aim at the wall someone will pick me up!" The blade heading at the wall but it never came.

"What? Why I'm not..... uh oh....." "Uh oh Indeed." Night Slash caught the blade with his bare hand "Now than, shall I cut you in half or million pieces?" Y/n smirk.



The crusaders sat outside by the cafe, "Hey Why you looking at the sunset, there's no food there!" Polnareff laugh at Iggy. Iggy jump on his face fart on him "AAAAAHHHH!!!"

"By the way Y/n, what do you mean lose another friend? You had an old friend back in the past?" Jotaro ask. " was long time ago... I don't want to talk about it." She sigh. "Help me!!!" Polnareff cried out. "Iggy come here boy." Iggy jump off Polnareff face jump on Y/n lap. "Damn you mutt!" Polnareff growl angrily.

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