Death 13

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Third POV:

Waaa!! Waaa!! Waaa!! Waaa!!

  The crying echo came from the baby, Kakyoin woken up but he was confuse, he was not on the bed. "Wha...where am I?" He look around see he was on the Ferris wheel "Amusement Park? It's a first time coming here. I don't get it, the others and I are in middle of the desert on camel back. But where are they?"  He turn around see a dog behind him.

"This is very strange.... there's no one here but I heard a baby crying.....where is this baby?" Catching his attention, there was a green balloon approaching him from the other side window. He saw it carrying on something that attached on a string see a card. He grab it turn it over shock "This is..... Death 13!" Suddenly The card move on its own. Pair of arms emerged out completely wielding giant scythe. It immediately swing it around lightly cutting Kakyoin but it stab the dog's head.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Kakyoin woken up screaming this time on the bed, drenched in sweat. "Kakyoin you alright?!" Kakyoin stop screaming see Polnareff was beside him. "Hey take it easy, stop screaming and shaking the the bed. Get dressed, after breakfast we're taking the plane." Polnareff said. "You'll alright?" Polnareff worried "Yeah....just.... I had terrible dream." Kakyoin said. "I see, well come on the others are waiting for us."

Outside of the hotel, Joseph talk to aviator taking the plane. They heard screaming caught their attention see a boy screaming "MY DOG!!! AAAAHHH!!! Who would do such a thing!!!"

'That's the same dog... from the dream I had' Kakyoin thought.

"Wait what?! What do you mean your not selling us the plane?!! Last night you said you would sell us the plane and you took the money!!!" Joseph said.

Y/n POV:
"I'll return your money but the truth is the baby is sick, it's 39 degrees Celsius Fever. There's no doctor around here in this village so we have to take him to one that does is you sir." The aviator explain.

"What?!"  "A baby?" Polnareff and Kakyoin finally come out from the hotel place. "Well... what about that plane over there?" Joseph said pointing at the other plane.

"That One is broken, we had two other planes but they are all out of errands and they be back in two days." The aviator explain "Two days!! We're also try to save life!! We can't stay here in two days waiting them!!" Joseph growl. I went up to the aviator "Sir, we'll take the baby and take the plane that's final." I said. "What!! Hold on you can't be-!"  "Joseph we had no other choice or else we won't get on the plane. Got that?" I growl.

"" Joseph sigh in defeat. We all got inside the plane with the baby flew off. "Can't believe you accepted to take the baby with us." Joseph said "Look we had to or else we won't get on the plane. It's the only to do it." I said "Fine, once we find someone else to take the baby we'll finish some business." Joseph said. "Man... I'm getting sleepy." Polnareff yawn.

I look at the baby that I had him on my lap and looks peaceful taking a nap. I feel my eyes getting heavy 'man...I need to get some more sleep since I hadn't slept much last night.' I thought than fell asleep...

I woke up see I'm at the amusement park and I'm on the Ferris wheel. "Kakyoin! Y/n! Where the hell are we?!" I turn around see Polnareff shock. "It's the amusement park.... this is the same dream I had last night." Kakyoin said "A dream? Oh this here is the dream. Think I could relax since it is a dream." Polnareff said calming down.

"Guys, I feel like an aura around us and don't know where is it. It probably be a stand who's controlling this dream." I said  "Y/n just relax, there's nothing to be worry about." Polnareff said. "NO! She right! There's three of us but how we are in the same dream?!" Kakyoin continue "Listen! You saw that dog died and it's the same dog that you sitting by!"  "Wait Kakyoin, do you know someone's name here?" I question "I remember.... I believe he goes by Death 13" Kakyoin said.

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