Hol Horse & J.Geil Part 1

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   Y/n POV:

Hong Kong...


  And now we are heading our way to Calcutta, India.

  I lean my back on the iron wall that we are in the boat "I'm a bit worried, honestly only see India as a place where they eat curry and can become sick at any moment." Joseph said.

"Hope there's something good in India." Polnareff said holding his luggage.

Avdol chuckle "Don't worry, it's a simple
country and its popular. Anyway here we are now." He open the door.

As soon we step outside, everyone started huddle around us making us not to walk pass through them. 'Since Avdol said it's a popular country... this is not what I meant when India people started to huddle around us.' I thought. I try to pass through them but I was move away from the others.

"Let me carry that for you sir."

"Want a tattoo? Your very pretty."

"Please come to my place. Your hair is all a mess but don't worry I'll make you look very pretty."

"Please come to my hotel."

'Dammit! I got to get out of these crowded people.' I push them out of my way move my legs fast. Once I'm finally out from those crowded people I saw the others are still huddling, I wave my arms up so they can see me.

"Don't put your snot on my stuff!"

"Crap someone already stole my wallet"

"Y/n! Where are you?!"

"Mr.Joestar I think I found her."

Avdol look at me and so is the others, they started to walk forward to move away from the crowd. I summon Night Slash, he come closer to me than I whisper to his ear. He nod than flew off to find something. "There...you...are..." I look forward see the others had come out. Polnareff pant catching his breath from the crowd that was too much. "Let's get something to drink." Avdol said.

We are now at the small restaurant, "Here try this, it's call Chai." I smell the scent of tea front of me and it smells amazing. Grab the cup took a sip, my mouth taste like heaven since I drink this kind of tea. "Avdol this is amazing." He chuckle "I'm glad you like it." I pour another drink took a sip. Place the cup down I finish drinking, I feel my lips move across on my face. "Woah! Y/n I never see you smile." Joseph said.

'Wait.... did I smile much?'

"I never see you smile that much Y/n." Polnareff chuckle. I cover my mouth with my hand. "Come don't be like that, I wanna see more of-OW!" He was cut off by Night Slash that he slap him behind that he come back. He look at me float towards me, he open his hand show a wallet that I ask him. I grab it from his hand and he vanished, I turn around look at Kakyoin. He noticed I look at him "What's up Y/n?" I grab his hand place the wallet on his palm, "I ask Night Slash do me a favor to give your wallet back. Can't leave it without it." He pull his hand back with a smile on his face. "Welp, I'm gonna use the restroom." Polnareff grab his luggage stood up from the chair. "Hey Polnareff, aren't you gonna order?" Joseph said, "Order for me, something very good." He walk away.

"Seems here we could eat whatever... excuse me." The waiter came up to us. Kakyoin started order from the menu, after he finished ordering the waiter walk away to get our food ready. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!" I hear Polnareff scream. I stood up walk where the bathroom is and saw him holding the waiter collar. "Polnareff what's wrong?" He look at me with scary look on his face. "Theres... a pig in the toilet!" He pointed at the toilet. We walk in the bathroom see there is the pig in the toilet. "You see Sir the workers made a bit mistake here. You had to use this staff, watch here." The waiter hit the pig with the staff and it head back inside "While the pig is knock out you can do your business." He gave the staff to Polnareff walk away. I walk out the bathroom "No wait! Y/n! Don't leave me here alone!" Polnareff beg. "....No... it's your business." I walk out the bathroom heading back with the others.

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