Iggy, Polnareff, Y/n vs Vanilla Ice part 1

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Third POV:
"It already been 10 minuets and they're still trap." Avdol said, Y/n walk up the steps "Guys, we can't stand to wait for them. Don't know if they gonna make it on time but we had to help and find them. It doesn't matter if they're still alive or not but we must help them together." She said. Both mans look at her shock "Lets go and save them than stop Dio!" They nod in agree.

They all enter the mansion in stealth mode, they peak of the room see many stairs were spread around from up and down. "It's gonna take us forever from this kind of mansion. It's like a maze!" Polnareff said. "Y/n, can you sense the stand user aura?" Avdol ask. Y/n look around than answer " Not quite but I can't feel it, they must had been hiding somewhere." Avdol manifest his stand create a flame "These flames will detect us to find a way ." He explain. "Why 6 flames?" Polnareff question "It let us know where is the stand user is." Avdol answer.

They follow the flames behind than it heading downstairs, sudden two flames from left side started sparkling. "What the hell! Avdol What that even mean?!" Both Iggy and Y/n follow the flames where it pointing at and see it pointed at the pillar. Iggy manifest The Fool attack the pillar leaving a large crack. The pillar burst out reveal one of Dio minion splattered out blood, he fell on the ground dead. "Hey! Look around!" The room turning back to normal "He had a stand to illusion the room." Avdol said "So that explains why he use his stand not letting me feel the aura around." They continue walking but Avdol see a written words on the pillar.

'Who read this carving and turns back as well...'

He wipe the dust away using his thumb shock see full sentence.

'Shall perish!'

He turn around shock see the enemy stand. The enemy head towards Polnareff, Y/n and Iggy "Look out!" They all turn around but push away by Avdol. Suddenly the stand made him vanished leaving both arms. Polnareff stood up grunt, he look around confused where Avdol is. "Avdol? Where are you Avdol?" Y/n quickly stood up and saw both arms lay on the ground. 'No...it can't.... oh god..' "Hey Iggy! Can you smell him?!" Iggy was froze in place heavily breathing. "Avdol is dead." They look up where the voice come from see a stand, it both grab both Avdol arms "He's gone... forever." The man appeared from the stand mouth "Who the hell are you?!" Polnareff growl.

"I'm Vanilla Ice and I'm order by Dio to perish you all." The stand chowing down the arms than turn into black orb started spinning around on the walls. "We gotta go now!" Y/n grab Polnareff hand and Iggy ran upstairs. 'I can't believe.... Avdol... is gone.' Polnareff thought. They made it out from the door see the exit "Lets get the hell out of here !" They all about to head out. "No... we can't" Iggy and Polnareff look at Y/n shock "Polnareff, I feel your aura of your feelings that is sad saying you want to avenge Avdol death. I know you feel bad but... we can't turn back." She said. Polnareff nod "Alright than... let's head upstairs." They head upstairs quickly.

The black orb appeared from the exit "Thought he could had gone this way to exit but that girl feel his aura feeling that he want to avenge Avdol death. Very well, guess I'll go after them." The orb vanished. Polnareff, Iggy and Y/n were on next floor but stop see a gaping hole on the floor. "Verdammte holle!!! He's here!!" They look around to find him but no luck. "Y/n use your-" He look down see a small stand under his feet "Shit he's-!" He was cut off that the stand vanished his toe.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! MY TOE!!!" Polnareff fell on the floor holding his toe screaming in pain. "Hang on! I'll-!" Y/n cut off that the stand went pass by her head gap through the wall. "Fucking hell! That almost kill me!" She quickly ran up to Polnareff using her hamon healing his toe. After healing they hid behind the pillar "What now? We gotta stop this-" Polnareff was cut off by the stand who leave a large hole above him. They got out from their hiding spot than back to back "We gotta fight this guy but he's too fast to take him down." Y/n growl. She feel an aura is coming at them but not both sides "Polnareff move!!" She push both Polnareff and Iggy out the way. They look up shock see the stand was above her, she use her hamon created a force barrier to protect herself,  the stand pushing her with pressure trying to crush her.

"You bastard!!!" Silver Chariot try to attack the stand but it dodge it easily. The stand rolling around the wall surrounding them "What now?!" They use their stand ability to attack him but it dodge everything from them so fast. "Iggy got an idea?" Polnareff said. Iggy nod create a sand around them than it drop that they're not there anymore. "Where could they be?"  "Vanilla Ice... What's all the noise down here?" Vanilla Ice turn his back see Dio coming down the stairs "Lord Dio. Polnareff, Y/n and the dog vanished somewhere around, stay behind, I'll take care of this." Vanilla said.

Polnareff, Iggy and Y/n peak out from the stairs 'Good idea Iggy, creating the fake Dio to finished off Vanilla Ice is brilliant.' Polnareff thought. Before the fake Dio about to attack him, Vanilla Ice chomp off his arm "Lord Dio didn't come out because the sunlight, he never been shine by the light and never leave his room." The fake Dio about to attack him but he went through and the crew jump out to dodge his attack. Iggy stumble trying to stand up but a shadow towering him, he look up shock see Vanilla with anger expression on his face. "You stupid mutt!!" He punch Iggy on the face sent him flying on the wall.

"You image the fake Dio, I'll kill you!" Vanilla Ice went towards him started kicking him, Iggy whimper in pain "You made me angry!" Vanilla keep on kicking him. Y/n stood up shock see Vanilla Ice kicking Iggy, she see him getting hurt speck out blood. 'Iggy... no' she grip her hair tight. "You bastard.....STOOOOOOOP!!" Vanilla Ice was about to turn around but only be hit by black tendrils causing him crash on the wall. "W...What on...earth...was that?" He move his head up see her stand behind her with multiple tendrils behind his back. "What the.... is that her stand...ability?" Before he get up only be slam on the floor by another tendril. "YOU KILL AVDOL AND HURT IGGY!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!" Y/n yell.

Iggy and Polnareff stumble to get up, they look up see Y/n stand had black tendrils on his back. They were shock what they are seeing "What the... her stand had tentacles?" Polnareff said.

Y/n hair turning to silver. The mark appeared on her both arms, they were alike scars that been scratched. Her hair from left side that she cover is now removed reveal her (e/c) eye and it change into black. Her nails growing and turn into sharp nails.

 Her nails growing and turn into sharp nails

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(This is what her transformation looks like. I did/try my best to draw her and it's bit hard to work on it)

Night Slash starting to transform into his form. His hair from left side eye is remove reveal his black eye, black scars appeared his both cheeks. The pointy looking sharp appeared his both shoulders and his boots from behind growing two pointy looking spikes.

 The pointy looking sharp appeared his both shoulders and his boots from behind growing two pointy looking spikes

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(This is what his transformation looks likes)

"I....never see her form and her stand look so terrified." Polnareff said. Vanilla Ice was about to manifest his stand but only be caught by Night Slash tendrils "Your not going anywhere til I finish with you." Y/n growl.

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