N'Doul & Geb/ Iggy & The Fool

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Third POV:
"Hey, what's that sound?" Polnareff look up at the sky. "They're here." Jospeh said "A helicopter!" Polnareff said  " They're from the speedwagon foundation, they looking a spot to land." Jospeh said.  "Hold on, the foundation owned by a friend of yours who take care of mom in Japan? Don't tell me we're going to fly?!" Jotaro said.

"No, if it had been possible to I would've done that. The pilots are not the stand users." Joseph said  "Than why are they here?" Kakyoin ask  "...They brought out the recruit to help us." Joseph answered.  "His personality is a problem but he be useful to us that he help us. It was hard to fetch him since we brought him from New York."  "Mr. Joestar, you can't be serious to bring him with us, are you sure about him?" Avdol said.  "He be a handful to help us and he has a stand as known as.... The FOOL."  "Wait the fool? Hahaha! Oh man I think this guy might fool us like something else?" Polnareff laugh.

The helicopter landed and two pilots exited the cockpit  "Mr. Joestar, Good to see you" Pilot #1 greeted "Appreciate you guys come over." Joseph said "So where is he?"  "He's at the backseat." At the backseat was nothing but a blanket "There's... no one there." Jotaro said "No he's there." Polnareff walk up to the backseat "Hey! Come on wake up! Heads up now pal!!" Polnareff tease "Be careful! The helicopter was rough and he's not in a mood!" Pilot #2 try to warn him. "Polnareff move back! Or he-!" It was too late, something pop out from under the blanket show off a dog.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" The dog chew on Polnareff hair. "A dog!"  "So that dog!! Is a stand?!"  "That's right, he's the stand user of The Fool and his name is Iggy. He love to chew people hair, we don't know where he's born but the dog catcher try to catch him but he's feisty so they couldn't catch him. Avdol caught him once he saw him in the alleyway." Jospeh continue .  "Oh by the way, when he chew people hair he likes to fart on their face." Joseph explain.

Iggy got off Polnareff face "You little mutt! Silver Chariot!!" Sudden the sand around up behind Iggy than summon to be assumed a stand.  "So that's The Fool!"  "We fought the orangutan back in China sea." 

"I'll chop you in half!" Silver Chariot cut his stand in half but no effect. "His stand is made out of sand so it had no effect on him." Avdol explain "AAAAAAHHHH!!! HELP ME!!" Polnareff scream.  "You had his favorite snack with you?" Avdol said "Of course, I had it right here." The Pilot #1 handed him chewing gum.  "Can I feed him?" Y/n walk up to him "Sure-"  "No wait! Hide the packet before-!" But it was too late, Iggy jump on Y/n made her fell on the sand "Are you okay?!" Avdol worry. 

"I'm fine, he's so cute." Y/n smile that Iggy lick on her face "Oh come on! So unfair!! How come he likes her?!"Polnareff whine "Because I'm a dog person so I love dogs." Y/n explain "Oh Ms. L/n there's a gift for you from your father." The Pilot #1 hold out the gift box handing it to her. She put Iggy down grab the gift box opening it, she saw letter there started to read it.

'Dear Y/n,
        This is a gift for you, I hope your doing alright with the others. I'm glad your still alive and protecting yourself, hope you like the gift. Can't wait to see you when you come back home alive, you mother be very proud that you stay strong and help the others to save their life. Stay strong my little spy.

-Love D/n'

Y/n look through the box see a locket necklace, she open it see two pictures of her parents, on the left was her mother and on the right was her father. She let Night Slash helping her put it on her neck. She look through the box see another items, she pull out reveal twin daggers. "Woah! Y/n Why your father give you weapons?!" Polnareff said. "He had a lot a weapons when he was a spy long time ago when he was a teenager. He gave me some of them well not too much because weapons are cool to use them." She explained.

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