The Wheel of Fortune

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Y/n POV:
Since we left from India we headed to Pakistan that be our next destination.  Polnareff and Kakyoin sat at the front seat and we sat back here. "Seems India was kinda dirty country. I'm gonna miss the noise back at Calcutta and the water in the ganges." Joseph said. "I should give Avdol a proper goodbye" Polnareff said. 

The road was clear but someone had same idea, right front of us and driving slow. "The road is getting narrow." Polnareff said. We cough out that the driver made dust coming inside the Jeep . "That's it! I'm passing through the guy." Polnareff pass the car in direct way which it rough.

"Polnareff! Your driving to rough! It'll cause trouble damage!" Kakyoin said. "We gotta be more careful on the road." I said. Before Polnareff say anything he step on the brake, making us surprise. "Do you pay attention when your driving?!!" Joseph said. "I know that.... just...look who's standing there." Polnareff pointed his finger at the person who was in middle of the road. 'You got to be kidding' I thought. The person took off the hat show off the person we know. Anne.

"Hey long time no see! Got room for one more? And also can you bring Y/n out." Anne said. The others look at me, I nod letting me out. Joseph open the door and I walk out, Anne jump to my arms. I put her down pat her head, "Why are you here in middle of the road? Aren't you supposed to be with your dad?" I said glaring at her. "Well... I lie" she answered shaking in fear. I sigh than we head back inside the Jeep than drove off. I was sitting at the middle with Anne on my lap "I mean come on, I'm a girl. I can paint my nail, change my-" I cover her mouth, "Please don't." I said.

"Hey it's that same car from before." Polnareff said look behind. We look behind at the glass window see same car from before, "Let him through he probably in a hurry." Kakyoin said. Polnareff stick his arm out giving the driver to past, the driver pass by us now he was front of us. Dust came inside the Jeep caused us coughed again "I let you pass through so hurry up and move it!" Polnareff growl. "Think he's angry what you did before." I said.

The dust window open show the driver arm than he show his sign that we'll move pass. "Look now we want to pass us, you should stay behind us in first place." Polnareff said pass by the driver. Suddenly the truck was front of us, "WHAT!!" The others shock. "Hang on!" Kakyoin said. We crash the truck front of us, Star Platinum punch the truck. We land on the road level by the rock edge and so the truck. The others groan that we land "That was close." Joseph groan. "Do you guys think it's a stand?" Kakyoin said.

"Actually is it." The others look at me "I can feel his aura around him from the outside so he is the stand user." I answered. "You are quite mysterious person who sense someone's aura." Polnareff said. "So what we gotta do with that truck?" Kakyoin said. "Good choice, pretend we never saw it." Jotaro said. Polnareff start the Jeep and drove off.

Third POV:
They stop at the road side 'Marhaba' to relax, they walk in see three mans sitting together and they were all like gloomy. Joseph walk up to the guy that was by the booth "What's that?" Joseph ask. "Fresh sugar cane juice" The man answered "Care for a glass?"  He give Joseph the glass, Joseph grab the glass but saw a car that was reflected.

Joseph turn around and the others follow his sight what he was looking at, they saw the car was by the tree. "It's him!" Polnareff said. He walk up to the car see no driver is in there. "There's nobody inside the car." Polnareff said. "Hey! Who's the owner from that car?!" Joseph shout. "Uh... I don't know sir I didn't notice the car was there." The guy said.

"He could be anywhere" Kakyoin said "This guy is messing with us." Polnareff growl "Probably it be one of those guys, is that right Jotaro?" Joseph said. "Yeah, Lets beat them all down." Jotaro said. They started beaten up some men's except Kakyoin, Y/n and Anne. "Jotaro stop! Not you too Mr.Joestar!" Kakyoin try to stop them.

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