D'Arby the Gambler part 1

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Third POV:
"Hello fellas, what can I get you?" The bartender ask "We're looking for this mansion and it's important that we need to find it." Joseph place the photo on the table. "...Sir this is a cafe, order something and I tell you." The bartender said. "Oh sorry, we'll take 5 iced tea." Joseph order. The bartender pour iced tea in empty glass cup while looking at the photo "Nope, haven't seen it." The bartender answered.

The crusaders drink up their drinks in same time slam it on the table. 'We're almost running out of time.'  'No one haven't seen it yet.'  'We gotta keep trying where it is.' They were about to walk out but the voice called out "I know where is your location." They stop their tracks shock. "WHAT!!" They see the guy at the back table playing with the card. "You know where is it?!"  "Such wonderful news!" "Come on tell us!"

"Are you really expect of something?" D'Arby Said "Oh right here" Joseph handed him money "Sorry but I don't take cash, the only to get through me of asking is bet me." D'Arby chuckle. "We don't have time for poker, just tell us." Jospeh growl. D'Arby turn his head looking at the cat "How about this, the cat over there will choose which dry fish it pick. Polnareff why not give it a try." He pointed at him. "Alright than, I go for the right." Polnareff said. D'Arby throw two dry fish on the ground, the cat spotted it running to get it. The cat was going for the right but change side grab the left than the right. "Seems the cat caught the left than the right."

"W-what! That was-!" Polnareff didn't finish his sentence but his body turning pale "POLNAREFF!!!" The crew were shock see a stand grab Polnareff soul turning him into poker chip. Polnareff collapse on the ground, Avdol caught him "He's dead!". "Let me introduce myself, I'm D'Arby, D-A-R-B-Y." The cat went on top D'Arby lap, the crusaders were shock "You bastard!" Avdol grab his collar "You called that a bet?! You cheating son of-!" "Listen here, if you try to kill me your friend will be gone too which means gone forever." D'Arby cut him off. Avdol let go of his collar, "Why not run along but don't worry I keep Polnareff soul taking care." D'Arby smirk.

Joseph slide the stuff away from the table place an empty glass pouring wine. "We're playing my game, we take turns to drop each coins in and once the the drinks was spilled out they lose." He explain. "Wait Mr. Joestar you can't be serious! Are you saying..." "You got that right. I bet my soul!"

"Alright than... let's play." D'Arby pick up one coins but instead he change his mind, he pick up five coins slowly put them inside the drink. The drink didn't spill "Phew that was closed, now it's your turn." Joseph pick up one coin. Jotaro notice behind the coin 'He use wet cotton...he's increasing his volume dramatically.' He thought. The coin sank in the wine "Phew! That was close one. Thought it would spill for sure!! It's your turn now barbie."  "Its D'Arby!! Not Barbie!!" D'Arby growl. "My bad... D'Arby... now go on."

"Alright than, but first let me move. The shadow on mine is hard for me to look, let me move to the right side."  "Sure whatever it doesn't matter." Before D'Arby drop the coin "By the way Mr. Joestar... you thinking that surface tension reach its limit." He drop the coin he was holding, the wine stabilized without spilling. "WHAAAAT!!! IMPOSSIBLE!! IT SHOULD HAVE SPILLED OUT!!" Joseph shock. "What do you mean Should have spilled out? I put it in... it's your turn." Jospeh pick up coin and he was heavily breath and sweat bullet. "Guys look!" Y/n pointed up , they look up where she pointing at shock "NO!!! MR. JOESTAR!!"  His soul pulled out than turn into poker chip. "His souls is now mine. I won!"

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