Hol Horse & Boingo

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Y/n POV:
'This is Cario and our final destination is not too far but we gotta find it or else we're losing time to stop Dio.' I look around the view on rooftop trying to look the mansion but no luck. "Hey Y/n! Are you gonna stay up there or come down?!" Look down see Polnareff yelling at me. I jump down land front of him "I'm was just looking around to find the mansion, you don't had to yell." I scoff walk away. I pull out my locket necklace open it see my parents, it brings back memories with my dad but I never got a chance to see mom. "My my~ who's that woman?" Polnareff ask right behind me.

I tuck it back under my shirt turn around jump and slap him on the face. "AAAAHHH!!! What was that for?!"  "That's my mom you idiot and she taken. Don't even think about her or you get slap so badly that leave a red mark on your face." I growl. "I didn't know that's your mom! I'm sorry!" Polnareff held out his hands front of him pleading his life. I use hamon jump land on rooftop "I'm going for a walk by myself, when there's trouble call me with your stand." I jump on every rooftop.

I jump on clock tower roof look around, I feel tingling. 'Again? There's one enemy stand user...no wait two. Where are they?' I look down to find them, I saw grown up cowboy talking a boy. '...Is that Hol Horse and Boingo? seems they're working together to get rid from the others.' I jump on next rooftop where they're at. Look down see Hol Horse holding a comic book "Are you serious that I had to take down Polnareff from sticking my fingers to nose?!!" He yell. "I-it's 100% Sure. Yes" Boingo stutter under the crate. Out of nowhere a sword was held on Hol Horse surprise him. It was Polnareff stand.

"So we meet again Hol Horse." Polnareff said from behind. Hol Horse was about to manifested his stand but he was pin on the wall by Silver Chariot. "I know your not alone since back in India, so where is your new partner? Where is he?" Polnareff grab his both wrists pin them behind behind his back. I look at the box where the boy was hiding and his hand was stick out little. Polnareff saw a hand from under there "Oh? So that's your partner over there. Hey! I know your under-!" He was off guard by Hol Horse fingers stick to his nose. 'Disgusting, was that part of his plan or the boy?' I thought.

I look over the other side see the others are coming this way where Polnareff and Hol Horse were. "Hey Polnareff, you caught the stalker?" I look back see Hol Horse was behind the wall holding his stand gun at Polnareff head. The others came confuse "Polnareff you okay?" Ask Avdol  "H-Hey Guys, What's u-up?" Polnareff stutter. "Are you okay? Your face look quite sweating."  "Did you caught the stalker?" Polnareff stick out his tongue pointing behind him trying to give them a signal. "Hey hold on! He try to ask us that someone is behind him!" Avdol pointed out. I look at Hol Horse about to shoot him but Polnareff sneeze cause him to be caught right front of them.

"What the! Hol Horse!!" Silver Chariot elbow him crash on the pot of oil. "Everyone! Hol Horse is back and got a new friend with him under the crate so be careful!!" Polnareff warn them. I look up see a car was about to run over Hol Horse 'I should probably help the kid and the others.' I thought. The car was about to come closer at him but went to different direction that the car was slip from the oil about to crash the others.

"...Shadow...Strike" Night Slash punch the car to stop. I jump off the roof kick the crate quickly grab Boingo jump back on the roof.

He look at me scare "Hey not gonna hurt you." I said in soft tone. I look over at Hol Horse still lay on the ground and scare too. I look back at Boingo "Stay here, I be back. Okay?" He nod. I jump off the roof land right front of Hol Horse. He look up at me in shock, Night Slash grab his both legs lifting him up. "I'm sorry! Please have mercy on me!!" He beg see tears coming out from his eyes. I snap my finger give Night Slash a signal, he spin Hol Horse around in high speed than let him go. He crash on the wall see him unconscious. "Nice job! By the way, where were you Y/n?" Polnareff ask. "You should of called me with your stand when there's trouble." I said. He made an 'O' sound.

After encounter Hol Horse that he's sent to the hospital. I tell the others I meet them up behind, I jump on the rooftop where I left Boingo there. He look at me confused "Why... save me?" I sit by him "Can't let a young kid died can they?" I scoff. "But you hurt me and my brother! And you-!" I place my hand on his head calming him down "I know but listen, I know we're enemies but you can change your life. You can use your stand book that help you see a future and you be like a hero. Use it as wise." I grab him behind his shirt jump off the roof with him.

I place him down pat his head "Think what you are kid, imagine what's inside of you." I walk away from him and hear him called out "I WILL! FAREWELL!!" I chuckle. "Arf!" I look down see Iggy right front of me, pick him up place him on my shoulder nuzzling his cheek on my face. "Let's keep on moving."

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