Hol Horse & J.Geil part 2

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Third POV:
Y/n and Kakyoin were still kneeling over by Avdol's body. 'Avdol... please wake up... it's a slightly injured.' Kakyoin thought. 'Fuck... Avdol... please.' Y/n thought. It was pointless that Avdol body remains motionless on the ground. Polnareff shake abit still tearing up, he look up at Hol Horse with angry expression. He  walk up to him slowly. "Most of life ends very sudden. And you don't even get the chance say goodbye to your friend." Hol Horse smirk.

"Polnareff! Don't step into his trap again! Can't you understand that Avdol said 'You can't fight alone' and you didn't care that you had no choice." Kakyoin said. "You can't revenge taking a risk life fight like this." Y/n said. They do their best to prevent Polnareff from doing something stupid. "What's wrong? Come at me Polpol." Hol Horse tease him. "YOU!!"

"Polnareff! Calm down and retreat back slowly." Kakyoin pointed the truck behind
"That truck is our only way out." Polnareff clenched his fist "Calm? Calm down you say? How?" Polnareff growl. He look at Avdol's body, he breath heavily angry. Once he finished taking his last breath he calm down about to go up to them. But a voice came from the mirror Polnareff look at the mirror see the hang man sling out his blade place it on Polnareff neck. "Well... look what you done. Since Avdol dead because of you which means you own him."

Polnareff call out his Chariot "YOU BASTARD!" Chariot stab the mirror into broken pieces, but the hang man still remain one of the numerous shards, he still able to strike him. "It's pointless, I can travel every mirrors that I go. When the mirror broke into pieces I'm still in it." The hang man said. "Hol Horse now." He called out. Hol Horse call out his stand, before they strike at him. Some green emerald attack them to stop them.

"Emerald Splash!"

The emerald cause Polnareff to dodge from the bullets making it crash to the building. Polnareff struggle on the ground after the attack. He noticed the truck coming at him with Kakyoin driving and Y/n on front seat holding out her hand to help him. Polnareff grab her hand got inside the truck with them.

Hol Horse aimed his stand at the fleeing truck but soon stop and lowered his stance. "Seems losing my range." Hol Horse look at mirror shards and soon realize where his partner is. "Well I'll be, Seems he went up to them in surprise." Hol Horse said.

Not too far away, three of them in the truck are in middle of nowhere. "I'm so sorry Kakyoin and you too Y/n... I.. could revenge for my sister. But I understand now, I know Avdol fighting for me. I'll fight for him from killing." Polnareff said. Kakyoin and Y/n were shock from his last sentence. "Your sure you really mean that Polnareff?" Kakyoin said. Polnareff nod slowly, but he was elbow on the face by Kakyoin cause him losing blood from his nose. "That's all I give you to proof of you we made up. Polnareff." Kakyoin said. "Right... Merci... Kakyoin." Polnareff said stuttering. "When those bastard come up to us, we'll defeat them together." Kakyoin said. Polnareff look at the mirror grab it and yank it from the hanger. "That bastard travel around the mirror that he goes since it is his ability." He throw the mirror outside in middle of the road. "It may get hard to stop him but when we see him get out from the mirror he be dead once we attack him." Y/n said.

Kakyoin saw a light from the steering wheel metal piece see the hang man appeared. Kakyoin was shock "Crap he's in the steering wheel!" He step on the brake cause the car flew over. Kakyoin and Polnareff got out from the truck grunt in pain "Hey... you okay?" Polnareff said getting up. "Yeah... Y/n you okay?" Kakyoin called out but no response from her. "Crap! She must gotten hurt when we all flew over!" They stood up quickly went to the other side see Y/n body lay on her back on the ground. Her face was cover in few blood from her head and there's 3 scars on her left eye from the crash. "Shit! She not doing well." Polnareff pull her out from the car but see a light came from the car mirror see the hang man appeared behind him.

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