Justice part 2

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Y/n POV:
'Gotta warn the others right now.' I ran up to the stairs but I felt something sharp right through my leg. I groan in pain pull something out my leg. It was a scissor. "Nice try young lady but you won't escape from me!" The old lady said.

I look at my left leg had small gaping hole bleeding. "Now you be under my control!" I felt something pulling my leg, the fog is pulling my leg.

I look at the old lady who was laughing, "You know, since you try to control me, it won't work." I said in cold tone. She look at me confused "What? I'm sorry but I heard you say-" she was cut off by my stand punch her on the side cause her skidded back inside the living room. Once my leg is free I ran back upstairs than I hear the door slam from downstairs.

I hid behind the railing see Jotaro walk out the large door. Hear the living room door slam close by the old lady with that smile on her face. "Oh you startled me. You must learn how knock, what can I do for you young man?" She said in cheerily tone.

I look at my left leg still bleeding 'Gotta patch it up, I can't use hamon healing since it didn't work on me.' I ran back to my room to patch my wound.

Third POV:
"I'm looking for Polnareff and I did knock, maybe you didn't hear it because you doing something else, I wonder what?" Jotaro said cause Enya shock. 'Damn! Now what? This Jotaro is clever and wise, I must think of something think!' She thought.

"He's in the bathroom right at that door, he been there quite sometimes." She said pointing at the door behind. "...Of course he's taking a shit. This one here?" Jotaro walk up to the door, "Yes that one, the bathroom is right at the end make a left turn." Enya pull out the scissor started to run up Jotaro leg to stab him.

'You fall for it you fool! Now prepare to die Jotaro and I'll steal your life!'

"Oh I forgot, you had a second?" Jotaro move his right leg cause Enya trip about to get stab by the scissor, she quickly move her head side. "What's wrong? Did you trip or that clumsy?" Jotaro said. "That was... too close." Enya said nervously. "I got a questions for you, how did you know my name is Jotaro, I didn't give you my name, no one had." Enya was shock what he said.

'Crap gotta do something quickly!' She thought.

"Oh your hurting this old lady feeling *cough* *cough* your name is on the guest book." Enya said. Jotaro pull out the guest book from inside his jacket "This book right here?" "Yes! That's it your name is right here." Enya walk up to him shock see the guest name 'Qtaro Kujo!!!' She thought shock. "Jotaro is not written there." Jotaro throw the guest book away.

Enya sweat dropped still on the floor nervously. "Cut the crap! I know your a stand user." Jotaro said. Enya grunt in anger glaring at him. "What's the matter? Aren't you gotta fight me with your stand." Jotaro said. The undead people burst out the door behind him. "Your looking right at it now!" Enya said. Jotaro was about call out his stand but a black flash appeared front of him cutting the undead people defeated. Enya was shock what she saw "Your pissing me off old lady." The voice said. Enya and Jotaro look upstairs see Y/n sitting on the top of the railing.

She jump off land on the floor "I could feel someone aura when they're bad or good. Plus your messing with the wrong person." She growl. Enya stand grab her swiftly squeezing her to death "AAAAAHHHHH" "Y/N!" Jotaro ran up to her to save her but he was stab on the leg by the undead baby using it tongue. "HAHAHA!!! With one small scratch I be able to control you by my stand!" Enya exclaimed. "Jotaro!" Polnareff came out the room with Hol Horse behind him. "Jotaro it's me Hol Hore. Listen once she stab you with one hole your in control by her stand fog and turn you like a puppet." Hol Horse explain.

"Silence!" Enya said, she control Hol Horse right arm shutting his mouth with his hand. Star Platinum started punch Justice but it didn't work, his punch was through by the fog. "HAHAHAHA!! Do you think you can stop me with guns, sword, bullets I don't think so." Enya laugh. "And now I'll control you Jotaro!" "Run Jotaro! She gonna turn you into a puppet!" Polnareff said.

"Good grief... I don't need to run, before I defeat that stand of hers she be out of breath." "Yeah... and you be dead." Y/n join in. "What? Sorry can't hear what you both said, did you said-" she was cut off that she was choking losing out of breath and her face turning blue. "Look! Star Platinum is sucking the fog! He's suffocating that bitch!" Polnareff explain. Enya stand let go of Y/n land on her feet, "Now for a finish touch." Her stand has a rope in his hand tied Enya trapping her. Once Star Platinum finish the Justice Enya collapse on the cold floor unconscious from losing out of breath.

"Nice going Jotaro!" Polnareff said, Y/n went up to Polnareff heal his tongue using her hamon heal. "You Be Fine once your tongue is heal, by the way you smell stink." Y/n said. "what do you mean?!" Polnareff question "Because I smell your breath, your tongue touch the toilet did it?" After Y/n heal his tongue Polnareff cry on the floor embarrass.

Joseph started make fun of Polnareff that he lick the toilet. "Hey guys look outside." Jotaro said, the crew look outside see the fog vanished open the view see the graveyard. "Seems the old lady disguise this graveyard into small town." Y/n said carry Enya in her arms. "Farewell fellas!" They look at the car who voice was see Hol Horse drove off stealing their car. "BASTARD!!!" Polnareff yell chasing after him. "Don't worry Polnareff we'll find a way to drove off!" Joseph said

"So what we gotta do with the old lady?" Kakyoin said "Let's take her with us so she can tell us about Dio once she woke up." Y/n answer.

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