The Empress

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  Somewhere at Eygpt:
    An old lady was on the floor in sorrow. "AAAAAHHHH!!! MY BOY HAD BEEN DEFEATED!!!!" Enya scream. "I'm connected to him. I can sense him. He's gone!!!"

Soon enough, holes appeared on her face blood pop out. She mentioned that J.Geil her son was defeated by Polnareff that carved him.


Her body shot up and she rushed the door, she smash a random cat with her staff on the way.

"You shall pay for this! The Empress card will kill you to death!!! HE HE HE HE!!!"

Third POV:
Five crusaders inside the bus heading  to next town. Joseph and Jotaro sit together quiet at the front seat, Polnareff talk to the woman at the back seat who said her name is 'Nena' and Kakyoin sit with Y/n at the middle tending her wounds. They buy it at the shop to buy first aid kit for her wounds before leaving India. Kakyoin close the first aid kit that he's finish "How you feeling?" He ask. Y/n gave him thumbs up "You be okay when you had one eye open?" Kakyoin ask. Y/n nod her head as response. Kakyoin look at the window see they had arrived at Varanashi.

Outside the bus, they step out looking around the town. "This city looks interesting." Joseph said scratching his right arm. He held it up show a swollen bite. "What's wrong Mr.Joestar?" Polnareff said. "This bug bite is not doing good. Looks like it getting infected much." Joseph answered. Polnareff look closer see a looking face "That look like a face." He said. Joseph pull his arm back "Hey! stop that! It's freaky." Joseph said. "I'm sorry gramp, want me to take you to the hospital?" Polnareff tease. "Stop treating like an old man, I'll find the clinic place." Joseph said. He walk away heading to the clinic place to find it. The crusaders decided to split each other look around. Polnareff with Nena, Jotaro with Kakyoin, last was Y/n who be alone. "Are you okay to walk alone Y/n?" Kakyoin said. She nod her head walk away, "Call out your stand to us when your in trouble!" Polnareff yell out that she feet meter away.

Y/n POV:
  I walk on the road looking around that people selling some stuff. Having my left eye to recover and is kinda bit hard to leave my right eye open. I pull out my wallet open it see I still had plenty enough money left I had. 'Good thing dad gave me a lot of money just in case.' I thought. I head to food booth to buy some meat, after the owner gave me bag of meat I pay him and walk away. I open the bag pull out piece of meat started to eat it. "That old man ran off and stole some food!" I hear the lady scream. 'Old man?..... oh shit' I ran up to the lady "Excuse me, can you tell me where is this old man?" I said.

The lady pointed the directions straight, I ran fast to find Joseph. 'What did he do?' I thought. I look up at the roof, "Hamon Jump." I feel the sparks appeared on my legs, I jump high enough land on the roof and ran off. "You bastard!" I hear Joseph shout.

I follow his voice that is not to far, that means I'm getting close to him. I stop at the roof edge see Joseph was middle of the road talking to some weird creature lady. 'She must be a stand. Wait, could it be...' I jump off the roof land front of him. I look up at him see him shock "Y/n thank god! Help me get rid of this!" I nod. I held out my hand to the stand about to grab her but she slap my hand away. "You won't remove me from Joseph arm because I'm the empress! Hahaha!!" The empress laugh.

"Joseph I knew who is the stand user." I said. "Who?!" He said shock. "It's Nena" I answered. Joseph look at me confused "Nena? Your must be joking." He laugh. I gave him deadly glare, he look at me and his face change into surprise. "Your joking are you?" He said. I shook my head 'no' as response. "I can feel her aura back in India since we left. Just like the same thing to imposter captain" I said.

"You figure it out but you won't stop me!" The empress said. She punch Joseph on the face cause him flew back crash to the stand booth of pot. Ashes were spread on the ground, everybody notice what's going on. I ran up to Joseph quickly grab his free arm pull him up than we ran to the alleyway. "Joseph is there a way to stop the empress?" I said. "There's no other way to stop me bitches! Hahaha! You can't keep on running around with me!" The empress laugh. "I'm not running around." Joseph said. He look up ahead and I look up what he's looking at see a barrier fill with tar.

'Oh I see it now. Great idea Joseph.'

He ran up to the barrier "This ends now!" He jump up to the barrier than put his arm into the tar. "Do you think it might work?" I said, "I hope so if-" a nail appeared from the tar stab it at Joseph throat. "Joseph!" I was shock, "You bastard! You had a nail!" Joseph try to pull the nail away from his throat but his bionic hand is broken that he can't remove the nail. "This ends now Jo-!" "Hey!" I cut her off.

She turn around look at me and I walk up to them, "What Kid?! Wait til-!" I cut her off "That's not it but look around your body." I smirk. She look around her body see the tar started to dried off. She was shock that she can't move "What is this?!" She said. "Wait! You weren't try sacrifice me! You put me into the cold tar! But how?!"She said. "I have hermit purple who tell me to get rid of you, it was their idea." Joseph answered. He look at me "Y/n care do the honor?" I nod. I grab hold of empress and I feel her shake in fear. "Please! Half mercy!!" She beg.

"Sorry but..." I summon Night Slash "There's no mercy" I finish. I ripped the empress away from Joseph arm throw her up in the air. "Shadow Strike" Night Slash started punch her with one strike than she started to break into million pieces.

"Thanks Y/n, Lets go find the stand user." Joseph said. We walk around the alley way to find Nena. "Hey Y/n." I look at Joseph "Can I had something that was in the bag." I pull out the meat give it to him. "Thanks" He said took a bite out of it.

Third POV:
At the alleyway, Polnareff lean to Nena to kiss her. Before he kiss her Nena started to throw up, Polnareff was surprise. "Aaahhh! Nena what happened?!" He said. All of sudden a fat lady pop out from Nena stomach. The fat lady lay on the ground unconscious. Polnareff was shock what he saw. "She a stand user"

Polnareff turn around to left side see Y/n and Joseph. "She a stand user that she work with Dio. She camouflage into a beautiful lady and turn into ugly lady." Joseph said. "You should think about it, your bit clueless that you didn't know about it." Y/n said.


The crusaders were by the edge of the river, Jotaro and Kakyoin looking at the night view and Polnareff sat on the ground still shock. Joseph check the car engine is set and Y/n help him. "Alright the car is set, Polnareff you okay to drive?" Joseph throw the car keys at Polnareff hair. "Don't tell me your still shock?" Jospeh said. "I never... thought about it... before." Polnareff said. They all went into the car drove off. Out of nowhere a red car by the rock hill light up the headlights follow them behind.

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