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Third POV:
"Hope he's not mad." Jospeh said. Jotaro stood at the front door while Jospeh is behind him. Jotaro took a deep breath knock on the door, the door open wide reveal Y/n father "Mr. L/n I-" "I know what happen to her, I'm not mad I'm just.... being down that's all." He cut him off. "She use all her power in her and lose her strength from using it too much after using it, the doctor from the speedwagon foundation told us she use all her hamon to heal Kakyoin wound." Jotaro explain.

"I see.... thank you for telling me this." Joseph went front of him pull out something from his pocket show him the locket that Y/n father gave it to her back in Egypt. He hand it to him "Keep it for her, she means a lot to you." Y/n father nod. "See you around fellas." They nod walk away from his apartment.

Y/n father close the door head upstairs to the room, he open the door "So why surprising them?" He question. "Remember when I was a child and surprise your birthday?" "Yeah?" "I decided to keep it a secret, you know what that means?" The man titled his head "You surprise them and reveal your secret once you find them?" "Indeed correct"

There a young teen girl looking at the window who sat up on the bed with IV tube on her left arm, her right armless has been bandages up with a clean one. "By the way, I'm going to train you for your eye and hamon once you recover. Okay?" The girl turn her head at him "Yeah...so when I get prosthetic arm?"

"Til they call me once they're done......Y/n"


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