Iggy, Polnareff, Y/n vs Vanilla Ice part 2

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Third POV:
"You not going anywhere til I finish with you." Y/n growl. Night Slash stab Vanilla Ice on the chest with his tendril, he pull it back throw the body on the wall. Vanilla Ice quickly manifested his stand getting inside its mouth started rolling around on the wall. "Not so fast!!!"

Night Slash grab him using his tendrils spinning him around than throw him on the wall. He collapsed on the floor stumble to get up. Before he get up only be stomp on the chest by Y/n foot. "I'm going to kill you." She growl. Night Slash stab him multiple times with his tendrils.



With last punch Vanilla Ice lay on the ground a lot of blood everywhere on him. Polnareff was shock that he never seen her so much violence to kill him and terrified. "Y...Y/n..." she turn around hear him call her name, she walk up to him slowly. Polnareff moving back but his body still tired. Once Y/n was close enough at Polnareff, she held up her hand orange sparkles around her hand. She place her hand on Polnareff chest than the hamon started glowing healing him.

"I...had enough...energy...I'm almost ran out....of hamon." Her voice was crack. Her silver hair is turning back to (h/c) and the marks from her arms vanished. Her black eye is turning back to (e/c). She collapsed on Polnareff chest fainting that she use all her energy from her transformation.

Polnareff carry her bridal style and about to stood up but hear a shuffle. 'You...got to be kidding!!' He turn his head see Vanilla was now standing up still had blood everywhere on him "How's that possible?!!". Vanilla Ice heavily breath looking at him, he manifested his stand than spin around in the room in quick speed. Polnareff quickly ran up to Iggy grab him by the collar place him on Y/n chest.

He manifested his Silver Chariot to attack him but he was too fast. "P...Polnareff..." He look at Y/n who called him in crack voice "Hang on there! I'll try to-!" He didn't finish his sentence that Y/n was not in his arm anymore but replaced Iggy holding him. He look up see her standing there right front of him heavily breathing.

"Polnareff! The sand!" She yell. Polareff look around realize he had an idea, Silver Chariot swing his sword around making the sand flew up in thin air. "There I see!" Polnareff look where Y/n pointing at see Vanilla Ice stand. Both Y/n and Polnareff stand were about to attack him but he vanished again. Suddenly he appeared spinning around surrounding them "There's no way out to get out from this guy." Polnareff grunt.

Silver Chariot place Iggy on floor from feet away and Polnareff push Y/n out the way. "What the hell Polnareff?!" She was shock realize what he's planning. "Au revoir... Iggy...Y/n.." the stand went behind him than made him vanished.

"No....Polnareff..." Y/n cover her mouth with sad look. Vanilla Ice appear from his stand breathing heavily "Now that he's gone.... I'll finish you-Huh?" He saw a bit of sand falling down right front of him. He look up see Polnareff was on the ceiling hanging there with sand. "Iggy..." Polnareff look at Iggy see him gave him a smile, he speck out blood than the sand falling down. "No...Iggy!" Y/n cried out. "VANILLA ICE!!!!" Silver Chariot stab him on the forehead grab the end of his sword than twist his head. Vanilla collapse on the floor on his back.

Night Slash break the wall with large open grab Vanilla Ice with his tendrils placing  him on the floor leaving him on the sunlight. Vanilla Ice scream from the light than his body turning into ashes "I could sense your aura but it's different....Dio gave you his blood turning you into a mortal vampire." Y/n said

She ran up to Iggy hold him into her arm "Iggy... you were a brave and funny dog I ever seen, you remind me of y/d/n who cares about me. *hic*... Iggy... I'm gonna miss you boy." She whimper. Polnareff walk up to her pat her back to comfort her, she place Iggy down hug Polnareff while whimpering.

He hug her back look at Iggy dead body but he saw a yellow golden looking gust move around heading outside. Y/n broke the hug see the gust head outside, the gust swirling around than appeared both Avdol and Iggy.

"Avdol...Iggy..." Polnareff stutter  "You both get along very well, I'm impressed you both are working together as partners." Avdol said. They vanished in thin air leaving them both.

Tears come out from Polnareff eyes, Y/n stood up wipe the tears away from him. She help him standing up "Come on...I know we miss them to avenge them... we gotta keep moving to find Dio." Polnareff nod in agree.

Y/n was about to take a step but she her body gave up falling down, Polnareff quickly grab her around her waist. "She must use all her energy from the transformation and her body is tiring her." He carry her bridal style walk out from the room. "Get a bit rest .....we still had unfinished business to do."

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