Tower of Gray

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   Third POV:
Five of crusaders were in the plane flew off heading to eygpt. Y/n was sitting by Jotaro, Avdol and Joseph sit behind them and Kakyoin was alone behind them. Y/n look through the window see the grey sky.

She was about to pass out in her slumber but hear something. "Kakogo cherta?" She stood up from her seat hear buzzing sound. She shook Jotaro shoulder waking him up. "What is it?" He groan, "Something doesn't feel right." Jotaro stood up and so is the other hearing the sound too.

  They look around finding the sound "Guys there" they look ahead see a beetle. "Rhino beetle... no.... it's a stag beetle." Jotaro said. "Could it be a stand?" Y/n whisper. The beetle vanish from the shadow, the others were shock that disappear and try to look for it. Y/n turn around but saw something shock "Jotaro is right beside you on your right!" Jotaro turn around see the beetle that has gotten big. He summon Star Platinum about to slap it but it vanished again. "You can't catch me because of my speed."

  "As I thought, it's him! It's one of representative cards! Which symbolizes the calamity and interruption of journey. H-he's called.....Tower of Gray! This stand is responsible for all the plane crashes and same goes the trains to which cause many innocence people died in horrible death." Avdol place his hand on his forehead not believing what he's seeing. "Wait so he kill 300 people year ago from planes and trains cause them to death." Kakyoin said shock.

The beetle appeared and fly low behind the passenger "What's it doing now?" "No... it can't be..." the beetle fly straight through three passengers head got their tongues. It written on the wall with blood than it said 'Massacre'. "You can't defeat me, I'm unstoppable that I'm fast so I'll take you all out." It laugh.

Avdol summon Magician Red about to attack him "Wait Avdol!" Kakyoin stop him. The old man woken up heading to the bathroom, his hand was touch to the wall. "Huh? What is this stuff, is it goo or slime?..... wait... I-it's b-blood!" Kakyoin knock him out cold. "Your stand will burn this plane. We don't want the people wake up or else they panic. We need to stop that beetle." He warn him.

"Hahaha! Let's see what you got." Kakyoin summon Heirophant Green "Emerald Splash" the beetle dodge the attack. Kakyoin use emerald splash again but it dodge again.The beetle attack his stand aim it at the mask, Kakyoin spit out blood. "Kakyoin!!" They said in shock. He went down on one knee try to stay strong.

"Now I'll take your tongue from your stand ahahahhaha!!!" The beetle flew right at him. Kakyoin try to get up but it was no used.He look at the beetle almost getting closer

But it was dead

The crusaders was shock what happen, there stood Y/n right front of him cut the beetle using Night Slash with his claws. Her expression was dark and her face was almost cover in blood. "Wow Y/n you kill him!" Joseph wipe the blood from his face that she made a mess a little. "How did you kill him so fast?" Avdol ask. Y/n took a deep breath calm herself "I quickly went behind him that he almost going to kill Kakyoin." She went up to Kakyoin helping him up. She grab a hanky from her pocket wiping the blood away.

The others help the dead old men on passenger seat cover him with blanket. Suddenly the plane staggered side. "Something not could be my imagination but I have a feeling this plane isn't flying straight." Joseph started make his way to the door but the lady's try to stop him. He push them away and the lady's turn around staring at Jotaro 'He so handsome' they dreamy thought. He push them out of the way and bump to Kakyoin "I'm sorry lady's but we're in dangerous situation. Please let us do our job and we'll take care of this." He told them kindly and walk pass them.

Y/n went up to them "My apologize but we're in serious danger. Please take care of the people and we'll do our best to land this plane perfectly safe." She smile at them. They nod letting her pass through while blushing.

"Dammit! That bastard rip off their tongues off and were about to crash!" Joseph said. "That bastard, he's going to cause this plane to crash to get us kill." Jotaro growl. Joseph took the steering wheel try to control the plane. "Ahahaha!!!" They turn around see old man laughing evil with bloods around him and his half tongue was out. "You all be crash together that my stand made an accident! You all 10,000 kilometers away from lord Dio. You all won't make it out of alive!" He pass out on the floor blood spreading out.

"Joseph, do you know how to fly this plane?" Y/n ask. "Yes I do since 50 years ago..... but I made a crash.... well sometimes." He chuckle nervously. "Good grief" Jotaro tip his hat "I'm not flying with you again old man."

The plane land 35 kilometers off away from the Hong Kong coast. Joseph made a phone call from the telephone and the crusaders were by the food booth and the guy spoke. "You all not from around here? I had rice porridge, we had hot cola too." "Rice porridge? Jotaro, Y/n would you both like some?  Hong Kong rice porridge is popular food." Kakyoin told them with kindly smile "I'll like rice porridge with popular pork." He said. Avdol was hungry too "And I would like-" "Hey! Hold on!" Joseph cut off.

They looked at him thinking why he interrupted their wait food. "You guys think we had time to eat? No no no we're going to my old favorite so you can there but not this weird looking food booth." He approach them. "Hey mister want to try Hong Kong hot cola?" He offered the glass to Joseph in which he ask shock "Hot!!! Everybody know damn well it was cold!" He growl. "Hey old man, who you were talking on the phone?"Jotaro ask. "Hm? Oh I'll explain it when we get to the restaurant, we had a talk about a plan that will get us to Egypt as safely and quickly careful." Gramps said serious.

Finally they head to the restaurant order 6 seat for them. Joseph pull out the map place it on the table explaining them the plan. Kakyoin grab the top of tea kettle Jotaro look at him. "Don't get so jumpy, this here that we want more tea. If you do this in Hong Kong they bring you tea few second." The lady came up with tea kettle pour some in his cup. "When they gave you tea after pouring..." he tap the table two times "It's the way saying 'Thank you" the lady walk away.

The Frenchman silver came up to them "Excuza me, sorry for interrupting but can you help me. I'm tourists from France and I'm having trouble from the menu. Can you help me?" He said. "Your annoying... back off." "Now now Jotaro let the man handle this." Joseph let the frenchman join them sitting between Kakyoin and Y/n. Y/n glaring dagger at him 'Something doesn't feel right about this guy' she thought. The Frenchman man look at her grab one of her hand "My what a beautiful young lady you are. I know your a kid but I never see this kind of kid with such beautiful face." Before he about to kiss her hand she pull her hand back. "Do that again and I'll scratch your face." She hiss. "Sorry about her, she a violence type of person. She doesn't like when people bother her or touch her." Joseph explain.

He told the waiter ordering from the menu what they want. The waiter arrived place three plates of different kind of food. "These are fish clams, fry frogs, and fry fish." Avdol said. "These sure are different, I never try these before." Y/n said "it's on me guys dig in!" Joseph grab one bowl. The others started eating and they were surprised that the food was delicious. "This is good.... this food is delicious." Y/n said in amazed. The silver hair man chuckle grab the star carrot using chopsticks "You know, this carrot remind me of something." The crusaders shock "Ah yes now I remember it's a shape as a birthmark." He place the carrot on his neck/shoulder.

The bowl of rice started shaking front of Joseph than suddenly it pop out reveal a sword. "Mr. Joestar look out!" Avdol flip the table summon Magician Red attack the stand using fire but the sword swirl the fire than aim it at the table turn into flaming clock.

"I was right it's another stand." Joseph said in shock. "I knew something isn't right about him." Y/n growl. "My stand is Chariot card also name as Silver Chariot." The silver hair man introduce "Muhammond Avdol it seem I be disposing of you first. Before that clock strike 12... you'll be a dead man."

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