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  Third POV:
The crusaders and mans walk up to the stairs head to the dock on massive boat. "Jotaro you think is a stand?" Joseph ask. "Probably, but this looks kinda normal." They turn around looking at Anne still on small boat looking at them.

Jotaro held out his hand helping her come on board. "Come on, Lets go." Anne look at him for second than jump off the boat jump on Joseph arms carrying her. She stick out her tongue and they both walk up.

Jotaro pull his hat down "Good grief." He murmured. On dock, everybody looking around the ship checking on something. Joseph, Jotaro, Kakyoin, Y/n, and Anne were in the control room but all they see the room was empty. The steering wheel was move on its own and the compress was pointing direct perfectly. "There's no crew or captain here but the steering wheel was move on its own and the compress move perfectly." Joseph said. "Hey guys! Look." They look at Anna pointing from the other room.

They follow her inside the room saw an ape inside the cage. "It's an ape, there's an ape here by itself." "It's an orangutan." Kakyoin explain "Who cares about that monkey! Come on let's go." They follow Joseph exiting the room. Anne still looking at the orangutan "Anne come on let's go." Y/n said right behind her. Anne nod follow the boys behind. Y/n look at the ape with glaring look 'Something going on here.' She thought walking away from the ape heading out with the others meeting them on dock.

  The others started talk about the ship something going on but suddenly a hook from the crane move by itself stab the man through on the face hanging him. Anne scream in terror, Jotaro cover her eyes "Good grief, that is not how you treat a lady for a welcome." Everybody were surprise that the hook move by itself. "Everybody! Don't touch anything that is electricity or anything! If you want to live you follow my order!" Joseph order the mans nod in agreement head to the control room.

The crusaders gather around "Don't know who's on this ship but there's gotta be a stand user around here." Polnareff said. "We gotta find the stand user where he is." Avdol said.

They turn around see Anne standing by the door with worried look. Joseph went up to her "Hey listen, I know this sound weird or something but don't worry we'll figure it out. Okay?" Anne nod. "Joseph I'll go with her to keep an eye on her." Y/n went up to them grab Anne hand, Joseph nod walk back with the other. "Come, Lets go." Anne nod walk in the control room with her.

  They both head to the room where they met the ape before. The ape tap the lock from above "You want me to get you out the cage? But I don't know where's the key is." Anne said. The ape held out his hand show half apple. "Your... giving it to me? It looks fresh and didn't change the color like it cut in a second." She look up at the ape lit a match place it to the cigarette dig something under the nest cover pull out a magazine. "*Gasp* No way! Your a smart ape and you read..." Anne gulp "Read magazine of pinup of girls." Y/n glare at the ape deadly, 'Pervert monkey' she thought. "Hey kids." Two mans came out from the radio room "Stay away from the ape, if you both get too close it'll rip you in half. Come on let's head inside." They follow them behind leaving the ape alone.

   The mans try to work on the radio "It's not working." "Try again, there's gotta be a signal." Anne and Y/n look at them concerns, Anne sigh but sniff something. She sniff her arm "Ew salt water. Hey Y/n wanna take a shower together?" She ask. "Yeah. I need to get rid of the smell from me." They both head to another door see it's the shower room. Anne turn on one of the shower check on the temperature. It was perfect temperature of warm.

The girls took off their clothes leaving them on the floor head inside the shower together. "Can you help me scrub my back?" Anne said. "Sure" Y/n scrub Anne back. "Hey I got a question. Why you care about me?" Y/n sigh "Because.... you reminded me of my childhood friend." She answered. "I do? Who is this friend?" "Her name is f/n and she my only friend. We play together like talking and hanging out together. But than...." she took a deep breath to calm herself "She been kill with her family by the burglars who broke into her house. I saw it on the news, she was only best friend that I love."

Y/n started to cry but a hands cup her both cheeks, she look at Anne "How about we become friends since we first met today." Y/n wipe the tears away gave her a big hug. Anne hug back with a smile "Thanks Anne.... that's very thoughtful of you." Y/n said.

  Suddenly the curtain was wide open reveal the orangutan, the girls was shock in surprise. Y/n grab two towels quickly from the hanger wrap Anne body with it to cover Anne and herself. The orangutan walk up to them closer with lustful look on his face. "PERVERT!!!" Y/n summon her stand to fight the ape but it was hit by a locker splutter out blood from his side head. "Jotaro." Y/n said, Jotaro look at the ape with glaring look hold the locker in his hand.

The ape started crawl away from him "Take your lock you stupid ape." Jotaro throw the locker from behind his head than he grab his jacket "So your not original ape, your stand user." The orangutan was about to kick him but than Star Platinum was summon punch the ape leg to block it.

The fan from the ceiling was move on its own fly towards at Jotaro stab him on his shoulder. "What the... who the hell ripped out that fan? It's gotta be a stand but where is he." The fan slap Jotaro hand away than slap him on the face cause him to fly back than the glass was broken into pieces. His stand grab the broken glass with his hand. He was about to punch the orangutan but his body was suck in through the wall.

"Anne get change quickly." Anne nod from Y/n order started to change back into her clothes. Y/n quickly change back into her clothes walk out from the shower room "That ape is the stand so that means-WOAH!" She was pull from behind pin to the wall tied up with pipes. "Y/n!" Jotaro was captured with pipes too pin on the wall.

The orangutan come out from the wall with captain uniform, it hold out the book said 'Strength'. "His name is Strength so that's means his stand is this ship." Y/n growl. Jotaro stand pull out the pipe from his arm but another one grab hold Star Platinum arm. The orangutan walk up to Y/n with pervert look, "Touch me and last thing you heard is broken bones." She growl.

  Jotaro grab the button from his jacket flick it behind orangutan head. The ape pick it up "Over here monkey, that button is not part of your stand." The ape grip the button with his thump and index finger "Are you angry? I guess it wounded your pride since you thought you would beaten us." The ape grunt angry "Cause ape like you don't had any pride." The ape snap in anger jump right at Jotaro. "What is going on now is your head!" Star Platinum shot the button with his finger aim it through the ape forehead. The blood pour out from his eyes whimper on cold floor in pain, they were released from the pipes walk up to him.

The ape rip open his coat "The ape show off their chest like giving up, so your asking me to spare you?" The ape nod. "You know, since you show up from the shower room which means...." Y/n summon her stand "IS THAT YOUR A DAMN PERVERT FUCKING MONKEY!!!" Night Slash scratch the ape so fast leave nasty blood everywhere on him. "Your up Jotaro" Jotaro stand started punching him in high speed. The ape is now dead on cold floor but the wall started move around like its swirling. "Crap the ship is about to disappear. Anne let's go!" Y/n carry Anne bridal style than they all ran away exiting the room.


  The crusaders are now back on small boat "Dammit I should have know that ape is part of his stand." Avdol said "Well at least we got away from it." Joseph said. "Guess we're drifting off again heading to Singapore." "Good grief my cigarette is wet."  "It take them to dry off til we get there." Polnareff said. "Don't know how long til we get to Singapore." Y/n place her head on Anne head shutting her eyes to rest.

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