The Oingo & Boingo brothers

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The chapter here is hard to work it so I did something easy because this chapter is hard to do it.

Y/n POV:
After we encounter the Geb, we head to the hospital later to meet up Avdol and Kakyoin. I feel worry about Kakyoin that his eyes was cut with scars on him. Don't know that he alright or he might go blind. And hope Avdol is doing well that his neck has bit cut on him.

Now we walk in middle of the road, "Do you think they pull through?" Said Polnareff  "Believe So, Avdol neck has bit damage so he'll be fine til we meet them later." Said Joseph.  "You know how about we get something to drink, there's a lot cafe around here." Said Polnareff. "Which one we go?" Polnareff took his cigarette off from his lip flick it. The cigarette pointed the 'MAXIM' place "There you had it, it tell us."

We took a seat than the owner came "Hello... what can I get you?" He ask  "I'll had a tea" Joseph said "Same here"  "Alright, 4 tea coming right up." Before he about to walk away "Actually scratch that, we'll take cola." Jospeh said "COLA?!?!"  "Yeah, you got a problem?" Jotaro said "No... I'll bring you guys some cola." He walk up to the small fridge getting cola "oh and we open them ourselves and we make sure we're not falling victims into funny business." Joseph said

"Hold on Mr. Joestar, why are cutting off the tea?" Polnareff ask  "We're in middle of the stand users that might be around us so we gotta make sure we don't fall for their tricks." Joseph explained. "Hey you in white apron!! Why is this cola is warm?! I'm not buying for this!!" The man yell walk away "Wait the cola is not cold?"  "Yeah... Sorry the fridge is busted."   "I think your bit paranoid Mr.Joestar, why not we find a next cafe." Polnareff said. But Sudden the building caught on fire.


"Ha...uh..whoops..." I look at Polnareff chuckle nervously. Night Slash swiftly grab the cigarette from his lip than step on it. "Hey-!" "Never smoke again like that place." I glare at him. "We'll take those teas." Joesph said.  We had tea right front of us, I pick up the tea but I feel my nose twitch that I smell something.

'Smells like.... poison.... shit.' I look at the others that were about to drink, I place the fill cup down pretend I finished drinking. Out of nowhere Iggy jump on the table took the cake "AAAH! A dog!!"  "Who bought a filthy dog here?!" The others spit out the tea "IGGY!" They growl. Iggy ran away than the others chase after him and I'am still here sitting alone, the owner came up to me "Are you gonna chase after them or drink your tea? Your with them." He said. I pull out my wallet place the money on the table. I look at him feel an aura around him but there's a another.

'Seems There's two stand users.' I thought. "Yeah, anyway thanks for the tea, it was delicious." I exit the cafe ran after the others to find them.

Third POV:
"Dammit!!! They were about to drink it!! And why is that little brat hadn't drink it?! Did she pretend that she finished it?!!" Oingo yell.  "Relax brother, there is another way to stop them, and yes that girl pretend to drink it maybe she smell it?" Boingo said. "Is the pages out?" Boingo look at his comic see next page appeared, he gave it to his brother to show it.

"I see, so I had to plant a fake orange bomb and once Jotaro peel it open he'll died." Oingo laugh. "We got to make sure we don't get caught or else they figure us out." Boingo warn.  "Yeah. By the way how is that girl outsmart us?"  Oingo ask. "I think Lord Dio told me she can sense someone's aura, which means she figure it out. Don't know what kind of person who sense anyone's aura but she something else." Boingo answer.

"Well than... let's get a move on." Oingo said.

Y/n POV:
Joseph and Polnareff going to meet Jotaro at the hospital that he told them, I told them earlier I'll meet them there in a minute or hour. I walk around the town to find a gift for Avdol and Kakyoin. I walk in middle of the road but I feel something tingling, I turn my head see the car that Joseph buy see the same guy from the cafe. I see an orange on his hand but I see something inside.... A BOMB!

I hid behind the wall peaking at him 'So I was right, he's a stand user who work with Dio but where's the second user?' He crawl inside the car, than saw Joseph and Polnareff come out from the store "Hey! There's someone in the car!" Polnareff sad. "Make sure he doesn't get out." Joseph warn. They started huddle around the car to make sure the guy doesn't get out.

Sudden than the guy come out.... What the heck? He disguised as Jotaro!   "Jotaro? Thought your walking to the hospital." Polnareff said "I change my mind."  "Hey what's up with that uniform?"  "Oh my uniform got dirty so I had to get it wash than I found this that the store had left." The fake Jotaro said. They all got inside the car drove off heading to the hospital.

Night Slash manifest himself  "NI NI NI?" "No, they think we're crazy to tell them he's fake. We'll leave them be, let's find a gift for Avdol and Kakyoin." I continue to look around the store but something caught my eyes.

I look through the window glass see cherry pin and red bird pin. "You want to buy this?" I look at the lady who ask me. "...Yeah, I want to give something special for my friends because their in a hospital." I said "Come I'll get you those." I walk inside the store with her. I look through my wallet see I had enough money left, good thing I save some not too much.

The lady brought out two small boxes put them inside the small bag, "That will be 10,000 yen." I handed her some money grab the bag exit out the store. I walk on the road heading to the hospital, hope Avdol and Kakyoin love the gift.

But Sudden I saw not too many people are circling two people angrily. I called out Night Slash knocking them down. I walk up two people see the same guy who disguise himself as Jotaro and the small boy was with him. "Who are you?" I ask "Like you make us to-!" I cut off the big guy using Night Slash who was closed to him "Tell.Me" I growl.  "This is my big brother Oingo and I'm Boingo!" The small boy name Boingo introduce. "Tell me... why are you here?" I ask. "We're order from Lord Dio to eliminate the crusaders!" Oingo answer.

"Please have mercy on us!" They beg  "Alright I'll give you mercy." They look at me surprise with joy "But..." Night Slash went front of them showing his shadow expression "I don't give mercy to the enemies." Night Slash scratch them both in painful way. Once I finish those bastard I continue my walk to find the others.

I saw the others were by the hospital than the ambulance arrived. The rescuers open the back see the bastards I took care of them earlier. "Y/n! You made it!" Polnareff called out.  "Seems you brought gifts for Avdol and Kakyoin." Said Joseph "Yeah... I decide to give them a get well  gift." Than I head inside the hospital.

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