Dark Blue Moon

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Y/n POV:
"It'll take three full days to get to Singapore, some place will do us good. But first of all..... why you guys still wearing that uniform? Aren't you hot in those?" Joseph said looking at Kakyoin and Jotaro. I sat on railing by them feeling the cool breeze 'Sure is peaceful and calm to come here on this boat.' I thought. "Well we are students so students behave, always dress up the part." Kakyoin explains sitting on the chair that he's relaxing and so is Jotaro. He grunt in agreement. "Japanese students are so stiff, are they?" Joseph said.

I pull out my walkman out my backpack put on my headphone listen my most favorite song called 'Walk like Egyptian'. I hum along snapping my finger feeling the beat through my head.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I hear childish shout. Took off my headphone put it back inside my backpack. I stood up from the railing see a boy who was struggling to break free from the man. "Hey what's going on?" Joseph ask "Thought we agreed no passengers here." "I'm sorry sir but this here is a stowaway, he came from the basement he snuck in." The man told looking at him. The kid break free getting in fighting stances "Come at me punk!" The kid yell "We'll call the police that you got here." The man said "Wait? The police!" The kid was shock "No wait please, I want to go at Singapore to meet my dad there. Please I'll do anything to work here. Anything please." The kid beg.

The man pinch the kid cheek but suddenly the kid bite his hand and the man yell in pain release the kid. The boy jump in the water. 'The hell is that kid doing, what is he thinking?' I thought.

"Woah! That kid has gut. He jump right in the water." Polnareff said walk up to the hail railing. "What should we do with him?" Kakyoin ask. I went up to them see the kid swimming away. "Just leave him there." Jotaro said like he doesn't care. I took off my leather jacket quickly shove it at Kakyoin chest holding it for me. I jump in the water "Y/N!!!" hear the others call out "This is no good! Sharks are part of these ocean!" The man said that I hear but I don't care that I scare about shark. I swim faster towards the kid and caught him, "Let go! Let go-!" "Enough!" The kid stay silent that I yell. "Sorry, but listen here sharks are around these part of the ocean here but we need to go back to the boat. Okay?" The kid nod.

I pull the kid close but feel something on my stomach. 'Wait.... is he...' I took the kid hat off reveal long black hair. "Your....a girl?" She blush "Y-yes... How did-?" I feel your chest on my stomach." I answered "What's your name?" "I'm Anne" I nod.

  She wrap her arms around behind my neck I swim back to the boat "Y/n keep swimming shark is coming closer right at you!" Joseph shout. I turn around see the shark fin coming closer. I feel Ann shake of fear "Close your eyes Kid." Feel her nod from my neck. The shark jump out the surfaces than I summon Night Slash punch the shark in thin air using his fist. The shark dive back on the ocean floating unconscious out the water and Night Slash disappear. I swim back to the boat but hear a crack, I turn around saw the shark was dead, blood cover the ocean around it.

I see another sea creature but it's not another shark. I quickly swim back to the boat Kakyoin summon Heirophant grab my hand pull me back up.

Third POV:
Y/n was pull back on dock with Anne and the crusaders gather around checking her she alright. "Y/n you took that shark down with your stand. That's amazing!" Polnareff said amazed. Y/n place Anne back on her foot checking her there's any scratch on her but none of them on her.

The crusaders look at the young kid "Could she be... a stand?" "She put Y/n in danger but if she is a stand." "I don't know if that kid has a stand." They look at the girl glaring. The girls look at them "You all wanna go punk?!" Anne pull out a knife getting to fighting stances. "Come at me! I can take you all!" Ann yell at them.

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