D'Arby the Gambler part 2

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Third POV:
"That's two down. Wanna continue or run away leaving these two?" Avdol couldn't hold his anger anymore, he grab D'Arby by his collar "You son of a-!" "Hey! Hold on look!" They look at Y/n dump the wine show them the pieces of melted chocolate under the glass "He use piece of solid chocolate under it without us realizing. He move to the side from the sun, the chocolate melted down from the sun which make the wine not to spill." She explained  "What the hell! Why you put pieces of chocolate?!" Avdol ask. "Avdol that's enough, let him go." Y/n demand. Avdol Let go of his collar still angry "D'Arby get your cards out... we're playing poker." Jotaro said.

"WHAT!! JOTARO!!"  "Sounds fun, an interesting game, my favorite game!" D'Arby chuckle. "Jotaro this man is dangerous!" Avdol warn "I know he's dangerous... but he's more dangerous than my stand." Jotaro took a seat "Y/n sit with me." She was confused why, she sit by him "Why me?" She ask "I want you to make sure he doesn't cheat." He answer. "Shuffle the deck now." Jotaro demands. D'Arby started shuffling the deck "Alright done... Now what?"  "Let me guess...6 of hearts, 5 of spades, queen of diamond, jack of spades, ace of heart, 7 of diamonds, 6 of clubs, king of clubs, 2 of diamond." D'Arby slide the deck on the table shock that he guest them "He guests them all!! Jotaro how did you know?!"

"I can tell the cards... my Star Platinum can look through them while your shuffling." Jotaro answer.  "Interesting... now than... let's play." D'Arby handed him the security seal "There's one Joker and the deck seems normal." Jotaro said.  D'Arby took the book beside him shuffling the page without looking 'The page is 538...540...no 550.' He look at the page number said 550 'Heh heh heh!! I got it right...Star Platinum eyes may be sharp but...my sharpest sense is touch! Go ahead and shuffle the cards Jotaro.' He thought. "Okay! Open the game!" They each took a card "10 of hearts."  "7 of clubs."  'Can't let Star Platinum see while I shuffle the cards.' D'Arby thought shuffling the cards.

"One for you, one for me, one for you, one for me, one for-" he was cut off by Night Slash break his finger "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" He scream in pain. "What the! His finger! Y/n why on earth did you break his finger?!"  "Just look at the cards, he's cheating." Avdol look at the cards  "The second was sticking out, he's cheating." She explained. "How dare you broke my finger!" The dagger was thrown on the table  stab right front of him in surprise "Listen here, Jotaro play nicely and he's not gonna fall for your trick that your planning on. He told me to keep an eye on your trick and I won't fool from you." Y/n growl pull her dagger back. "Avdol can you bring that boy to come over here." Jotaro said "Jotaro, I've underestimated you. It doesn't matter who my opponent is but..." D'Arby stand manifested "I'm here to fight you as born gambler!"  "What are you doing?! Those are Mr. Joestar and Polnareff soul!" His stand stares manipulate the chips separated them each one in 6 equal parts. "Jotaro you must open with one chip and place chips in every round after. Once you take back six chips, you win back one soul! I'll give you chips but you haven't told me what I want to hears."

"Alright...I bet my soul..."  "Good!"  "J-Jotaro!" D'Arby place white chip "Jotaro those white six chips are your souls, when you lose your soul will be added to my collection." He explained.

The kid throw the cards to Jotaro and D'Arby "Jotaro. You had six white chips and they are your soul, think carefully." The kid look at him confused "Listen kid, don't worry about them too much, I know it sound weird but continue what your doing." Avdol said. "Now let see... I throw one Polnareff soul." D'Arby throw the chip of Polnareff soul. Jotaro throw one white chip "Alright. Show me what you got."  "Two pairs: Eights and nines." Jotaro said. "...Too bad...Two pairs:Queens and jacks." D'Arby took the chips on the table and push them to his sides. 'Jotaro had three chips left!' Avdol though. "Next game" Jotaro said "Sorry but this is the last game." D'Arby look at the cards and had three kings "Give me one card." The kid gave him one card. He look up notice Jotaro card were lay on the table never picked them up facing down.

"Hey what's the hold up? Hurry up and check your cards." D'Arby said. "No...These cards will do." Jotaro said. "Sorry I didn't hear correctly. I could've of sworn these cards will do." " No you heard me. These cards will do." "I'm asking why not looking at your cards!!" D'Arby growl. "Avdol, can you do me a favor." "Favor? Uh sure but question why don't you look at your cards?" Avdol question. "Dammit Jotaro! Don't ignore me!" "Let's see, I raise you another two...while I'm at it I raise you Avdol soul." Jotaro said. "WHAT!!!" "D'Arby, you are very calm and calculated man but however... I don't what's he's doing. I'll allow him to take my soul." Avdol grab a chair took a seat by Polnareff and Joseph.

"Heh kid! Give me one card!" D'Arby demand "Yes sir!" With that he look at his cards had four kings. 'I dealt as you ask master D'Arby, his hands are worthless. My technique is improve and you will definitely win.' The kid thought. 'Jotaro didn't know that the kid work for me, everyone here in this cafe are my people.' D'Arby thought "Alright...I'll raise Joseph soul! That's 15 chips!" Jotaro and Avdol were shock. "Hold on! You can't! He doesn't have anymore chips!" Avdol said. "Doesn't he? Think he does." "What is it?" "You only to write and I.O.U. My stand will know what to do." D'Arby answer. "Alright than, I bet on Kakyoin soul. Oh I almost forgot....I bet on Y/n soul." "What?! Jotaro are you sure to bet one their soul?! Y/n how are you so calm about this that he bet your soul?!"

"I let him, I trust him that he bet my soul to save Polnareff and Joseph. It doesn't matter what's in his mind but I let him." Y/n answer. Jotaro was now smoking a cigarette by Star Platinum who lit out in high speed. "Hey Jotaro! What did you just do?!" "What did I do? What you talking about?" "YOU LIT A CIGARETTE!!" 'I though I saw Star Platinum light it out for him. Maybe... he did something to the cards with his Star Platinum!!! Maybe... he switch cards when I wasn't looking!!!' D'Arby thought. The kid look at him heavily breathing and sweat dropped 'Stop looking at me you brat!!! When they figure out you work for me I murder you!' He look at his cards that he had was four kings and five clubs.

He noticed a drink by Jotaro drinking "AAAAAAAAAAA!!!! When did you get a drink?!?! Fine!!! I raise-!" "Hold it! I haven't raised it yet." "RRRRRRRRRRRR!! RAISE!?!?" "By the way, we want to know..." Jotaro and Y/n stood up from their seat "Tell us the secret what's Dio stand." D'Arby started breathing and sweating. "COME ON!! ARE YOU GONNA FOLD OR CALL!! D'ARBY!!!" He crush the cards in his hands struggling to breath. "Ca.......cal.......cal...." his hairs turning grey and his eyes roll back. "How is it possible that people passed out while they're on their feet?!" The kid shake in fear.

Their friends were released from the chips returning to their body. "Thank heavens! They're back." "He passed out because he couldn't stand the pressure." "Four kings!! Are you saying he had four kings?! Jotaro I must know what's in your cards." Avdol pick up the cards and both him and the kid shock what they are seeing "Shit! Absolute shit!!" "Star Platinum couldn't swap cards to cheat someone like D'Arby." "Jotaro don't tell me... you bet our souls on those worthless hand!"

On the ground of D'Arby collections were released from the chips. "Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!!! Come on guys let's play a game! Let's play Mahjong!! Or Backgammon!! It's also cool too!!!" D'Arby laugh like crazy. "The souls are now released, he doesn't look the same enough that he work with Dio." Avdol said. "Let's get going, the sun is setting and we need to find a hotel to stay for the night." Y/n said.

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