The Lover

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Third POV:
The crusaders finally catch a ride heading to Karachi with a horse carriage. While they were strolling Joesph saw food booth "Ahh! Kebab!" He got off the carriage getting some food. "I would like 5 kebab please." "Alright that would be 10 dollar." The merchant said. "10 dollars? Hehe! That's too much!" Joesph laugh. "How about $2.50 pal?!" Joseph said "Oh? How about $5.30?!" The merchant said.

"Blutige holle, seems they're like voting for the food." Y/n grumble. "Yeah seems like it." Polnareff sigh. "Say Y/n, Kakyoin tell me that you had different eye color, is that true?" Polnareff question. "Yes and no I won't show you." Y/n answer. "Got some Kebabs fellas!" Joseph called out. He walk back to the carriage but saw Enya woken up "Holy shit! Guys look behind you that old lady is awake!" The crew turn around see Enya woken up but she shake in fear. "W....I didn't tell them!.... I didn't tell them about Lord Dio stand....why are you here?!" Enya stuttering said. The crew look at the merchant guy that Enya look, the merchant took of his glasses and removed the cloak.

The tentacles pop out from Enya face causing her scream in pain. The carriage started to break "Everybody get off now!" Joseph said. The crew jump off the carriage "Gross! What are they worms?!" Polnareff said "Why?!! I promise I didn't tell them! Why are you here to kill me?!!!" Enya scream. "Lord Dio places his trust on no one, not even you Enya that's why. And it's my job to make sure you never speak again." The merchant continue. "As for the rest of you, you'll be living to pieces." "Who the hell are you punk?" Y/n ask. "Call me Dan, Dan of Steel, my stand is the lover card." Dan answer.

More worms come out from Enya face fall on the ground. "Meme! Silver Chariot!" Polnareff stand cut off the worms from her. The worms land on sun side than they burn to ashes. "Look! The worms turn into ashes from the sun!" Joseph said "No wait! Those aren't worms, their flesh buds." Y/n continue "Its like one of Dio blood cells so which means that Dan planted the flesh bud inside of that old lady cause her to death." She explained. "That is correct. You see I want to kill her not control her, so I growth it inside of that old hag." Dan said "Enya since you work with Lord Dio but you didn't tell them about his stand. Your a fool Enya, a servant who loyal to Lord Dio like you is no longer be part of this." Dan said. "Wait a stand?!" Joseph said.

"Hey! What is Dio stand?! Tell us!" Joseph said, "I... I... was loyal to Lord Dio..... he believes in me for his trust....I'll die for him." Enya stuttering said pass out. The laugh caught their attention turn around see Dan sitting at the table with cup of tea. "What a pathetic old hag, she deserves it that she is loyal but not anymore now that she gone." Dan said. The crew walk up to him glaring daggers "The old lady may lay an out on us, but you be dead with her." Polnareff said "5 against 1 but we won't hold back, prepared yourself Dan." Kakyoin said. "Get up jackass" Jotaro said, Dan didn't do anything but drinking tea with a smirk on his face "Hey, stop trying act cool, get up and fight us." Jotaro said.

"Go ahead hit me, but you won't hurt me, I'm Dan of steel and none of you can't touch me-" he was cut off by Star Platinum punching him on the face crash at the glass window. Joesph fly back the same thing like Dan "What the! Mr.Joestar flew back like Dan but how?!" Kakyoin said. "Told you you can't touch me Jotaro, try pay attention when people finish their sentence." Dan grunt. Polnareff and Kakyion ran up to Joseph helping him up "So you said your stand is called the Lover, tell us where it is." Y/n growl "Oh oh oh, well you see.... it's inside of Mr.Joestar head." Dan answer. "Wait what! So his stand is inside Mr.Joestar head!" Polnareff said. "Here let me give you fellas example." Dan turn around see a young boy sweeping on the ground. "Hey kid, how about I give you money if you hit me on my leg with your broom." Dan throw the money in thin air, the kid caught the money. 'Now what is he doing?' The crew thought.

"Go ahead, hit me hard." Dan said, the kid held out the broom than hit him on the leg hard. Joseph scream in pain "What the hell!!" He hold his leg where it hit. "As you can see my stand and I are connected, when I get hurt it can cut your vains." Dan continue . "Plus the lovers seems taken Lord Dio flesh bud into your body, so you'll be dead like Enya from the inside and out." Dan explain. The kid hit him on the leg again cause Joseph scream in pain, the kid held out his hand for another money. "I didn't recall you to strike me again you stupid little brat!" Dan punch the kid on the face land on the floor than ran off. "Listen here fellas, Mr. Joestar had 10 minuets that he be eaten through than he be corpse like Enya." Dan explain.

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