Yellow Temperance

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Y/n POV:
So this is Singapore. Sure is nice to come here. We all need to take a rest to the hotel than we'll leave later. We all head to the hotel but heard a whistle. We turn around saw officer "You Sir!" He pointed at Polnareff. "Huh? Me?" "Yes you! Read the sign!" Polnareff look where the sign that officer pointing at. "Here in Singapore we don't leave trash here! When people leave trash that'll be 500.000 yen!" He pointed at the bag on sidewalk.

'That's..... Polnareff luggage.'

Avdol snicker try Hold his laugh. "Huh? I don't see any trash but all I see was my luggage." The officer was shock. Polnareff wrap his arm on the officer shoulder "Tell me where is the trash?" He smirk. "T-that's y-your luggage?!" "Yes is it." The officer back away "I'm so sorry I thought it was a trash." He ran off. The others laugh expect me but hear a small giggle, we turn around see Anne sat by the bushes. "Why is she here? Is she supposed to find her dad? She like a lost puppy." Polnareff said.

"Hey are you supposed to go find your dad?" Anne turn her head away "I'm waiting for him in 5 Days." She scoff "I can do what I want. I don't take orders from you all." I went up to her crouched down her level, she shake in fear "Except her!" I sigh. I stood up turn around crouched down that my back facing her. "Jump on my back." I feel she was confused but than she jump on my back. I stood up walk up to the others "Shall we go guys?" I walk past by them and they follow behind me.

Once we're inside the hotel, Joseph order a room for us. I put Anne down and we started play rock-paper-scissors. "Alright everybody, we had a room. Avdol and I will take a room." Joseph said. "Me and Jotaro we'll take a room since we're young students." Kakyoin join in. "Last is Polnareff and....." Joseph look down at Anne "I'll be with her." I said. "Alright, we'll take four rooms." The lady gave four keys to him. We all had our own room "Well than I'll shall be going now." Polnareff walk away heading to his room. I look down at Anne "Let's go." She grab my hand and we both walk away heading to our room.

I unlocked the door that we got here, we both got inside see the room is neatly organized. Anne jump on the bed, "Anne I'm gonna change." She nod. I head to the bathroom close the door behind me, I place my backpack on the bathroom table unzipped it. I need to change something comfy, can't wear the same thing. I pull out my clothes place them on top of the toilet, I took off my old clothes put them inside my backpack and started to change.

 I pull out my clothes place them on top of the toilet, I took off my old clothes put them inside my backpack and started to change

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After I change, I exit the bathroom see Anne lay down on the bed. I hear a knock from the door, I grab the handle open it wide show Jotaro and Kakyoin. "Good Your here." Jotaro said. "We had emergency, we got a call from Polnareff, he said there's stand." Kakyoin explain. "Lock the door okay and keep Anne safe." I nod. I close the door walk up the bed sitting down, "Was it Jotaro and Kakyoin?" Anne ask. "Yeah, they say its emergency so we had to stay here when they come back when everything is clear." I explained. I look over my shoulder saw her taking a nap.

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