High priestess

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Y/n POV:
I look at the window see many fishes swimming by, "Hey Avdol, do you know how to drive a submarine?" Hear Polnareff said "Tsk tsk, I know how to drive these kind of machines. Plus we're far away from the enemy stand, they didn't know we're under water." Avdol said. "We're 60 meter below, once we made it to Egypt we'll be there soon, plus here in this is safe enough and it even had windows too." Joseph said.

Suddenly I was crush behind  "VERSCHWINDE!!!" I angrily yell "Polnareff I think your gonna made her-!" I punch Polnareff right to his chest cause him flew back at the red door. Joseph went up to him "Told you don't made her angry or mess up with her or else it trigger her." Jospeh explain. I took a deep breath calming myself "Hey there's 5 cups here." Kakyoin said "Hey bring me one here, I would like one." Polnareff grunt stood up being help by Joseph.

I noticed a phone booth and remind me something, I went up to it press the number than it started dialing. "Hello?" "Hallo papa" "Y/n! Wie hangt mein Kleiner spion?" When my dad tease me sometimes calling me his little spy it made me smile because I dream of it when I was young. "I'm doing great, still with the others, what about you?" I said "Oh I had some paperwork's from speedwagon foundation about some important history." He answered "Hard work I see, hope your doing alright by yourself, how's y/d/n?" "He's doing very well, he missed you since your gone. But don't worry I had hologram of you so he won't be bored." He chuckle "Anyway I had to go help the others for their work, I see you back home, hope you be safe out there." "Tchuss Papa" "Tchuss mein spionagemadchen." I hang up the phone turn around see Joseph lean on the red door "Go ahead Jospeh it's your turn." I said.

I continue look at the window see many fish swimming by than hear Avdol announced "Good news we're reaching to Africa, we'll be there soon." Well I'll be... we're finally there in no time. We around up the map on the table "Along the coral reef, there is formal tunnel, it had 200m inland, let's go there." Avdol said. "We finally made it."  "So this is Eygpt..."  "Finally... we made it."

I look at the window but I feel an aura around me and it's Somewhere around us 'You gotta me killing me.' I turn around looking at them where they sit by the table "Hey Kakyoin why you grab 6? Did Y/n ask?" Jotaro said  "I could've of sworn there's 5, Y/n you grab yourself some coffee?" Kakyoin said "No I don't drink coffee." I answered. I see Joseph grab the six cup but something not right "Wait! That's not the-!" But it was too late, the cup transform which means it's a stand, it cut off Joseph bionic hand than throw them at his neck. "Joseph!" I quickly ran up to him but the stand was about to slice me right front of me, I call out Night Slash grab the blade than cut it.

The stand quickly went up the ceiling than sank in. "Avdol what's the stand name?" I ask "I believe her stand user is name Rose and her stand is called High Priestess, she can transform any materials like plastic, metals any kind of those." He explain. I quickly ran up to Joseph started healing him quick. His eyes open fluttering than open wide, I help him up quickly.

The water came out from the hole "It broke the surface system!" Avdol said "Quickly lets head to the door!" Avdol went up to the red door about to open it but the High Priestess trap his hands. Before she about to cut him Jotaro stand caught her remove her from the door. "What we gonna do this thing?" "Ripped it apart and show no mercy." Polnareff said "Works for me." Star Platinum started to ripped her into half but his hands bleeding letting her go that she transform into razor. The High Priestess went up to the ceiling than sank in through "Hurray lets go!" Avdol open the door than we ran in through.

Third POV:
"Okay everyone, listen here we can't breath through water we had to give each other a signal." Joseph said. "Mr.Joestar, do you know we could call out our stand so they can signal us?" Avdol said "Hm? Oh right never thought about that." "Aw men, and I always had great idea for hand signal." Polnareff pouted. "🙏✌️👌🙋‍♂️"  "He said: your underwear is showing." Kakyoin said "Yeah!" They both doing manly handshake "We be sink underwater!! Stop fooling around and let's go!!" Joseph said.

He released the water than open the latch, they gave each other the 'okay' hand language. Polnareff struggle screaming, the High Priestess bite his lip. "Crap! We gotta get her off from him!" Jotaro stand about to grab her but it was too late, she went inside his mouth. "We got get her out from him!" Joseph use hermits purple vine and Kakyoin Hierophant tentacles went into Polnareff nose. They bring out High Priestess from his mouth, she slipped losed and transform into harpoon.

The arrow shot at Polnareff, he quickly call out Silver Chariot block the attack. "I got this!" Night Slash appear behind her grab the handle than load it back than stab it through the wall so she won't get out. "Nice job, that will hold her to give us sometime to escape." Kakyoin said. They exit out from the submarine swam in middle of the ocean. "We're about 7 meter to the surface." Avdol said.

"Hold on something doesn't feel right..." Y/n said "What do you-" Avdol was cut off by the sea floor who swallowed the water cause them to suck them into its mouth. "What the hell!!" "This stand gotten itself big!! It's too strong!!" "You got to be kidding me!!"

"You fellas are so pathetic, you will never see my face since I'm 7 meter above." Rose said. The High Priestess release the water outside and the crew land on the tongue. "Great now what?" Jotaro said "Woohoo! Jotaro! Believe it or not your actually my type. So this is going to be painful for me as you." Rose said from her stand. Polnareff whisper Jotaro eats telling him the plan "Do I had to?" Jotaro said "Just do it." Avdol and Joseph were Confused what's the plan Polnareff whisper, except Kakyoin who knows what his plan is.

"Well, I gotta say, I may be in love with you and I would like to see you face." Jotaro said. "Oh you know she be so beautiful and hot." Polnareff said. "So you plan to make her blush?" Y/n said. "Nice try! But for now I'll kill you all!" Suddenly the tongue started to move cause the crew flew up "Everyone look! It's a stand tongue and about to hit us!" Kakyoin said. The tongue hit Jotaro behind him than he flew back land on teeth boulder.

"Quickly we got to save him!" Joseph said "I got this!" Y/n ran up to Jotaro quickly than made it on teeth boulder. The teeth move about to crushed them, Star Platinum and Night Slash hold the teeth but it was too hard. "Nice try! As you can see my teeth are hard as diamond!" Sudden than the teeth close both Jotaro and Y/n, "No!! Jotaro!!! Y/n!!" The crew yell.

"ora oRA ORA!"

"ni nI NI!"

"Hey you guys hear that?" Polnareff said "Yeah, sound like a war cry. And it's.... no way..." "The teeth!!! It's coming from inside the teeth!!" The boulder teeth break by Star Platinum and Night Slash punch working together. "It's Jotaro and Y/n!!" Polnareff cheer. The teeth started break open "Come on lets get going." Jotaro said. They swim out from High Priestess mouth swimming up to the surface.

They made it up to the surface "Don't do that again." Jotaro about to slam behind Y/n head but his wrist was grab by Night Slash stopping him "Hey I was going to save you because I can't lose you and same thing to you guys." Y/n growl. "Well we finally made it." Joseph said.

"Hey there's a woman and looks like she unconscious." Kakyoin said "I believe that's Rose the stand user of High Priestess." Avdol said "I'm going to take a look at her see if she hot." Polnareff walk towards her. Once he saw her face he was shock "How's it going there?" Jospeh said "Nothing to see here! Her teeth are very bad! You don't wanna take look at her!!" Polnareff scream.

Joseph made a phone call from Suzie Q at the phone booth and Jotaro was behind him. He hang up the phone "Hey! We got the Jeep you ask for! Come on let's get going!" Polnareff called out. "Alright we're coming!" Joseph chuckle.

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