Final Battle part 1

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Third POV:
"These curtains are quality nice." Polnareff wrap the curtains around Y/n left eye. Her body still tired from fighting Vanilla Ice. "So your saying that your left eye is powerful when you open it?" "'s much powerful once I open it....I never knew I could do that since long time ago. I leave it open since I cover my eye and had no idea it does that earlier. I can feel it in me." She sigh. Her eyes widened shock feel her body tingling, she look up see someone at the end of the stairs. Polnareff follow her eye where she was looking at see someone there.

"Been a while Polnareff." "Dio...finally show up." Polnareff stood up. "So your gonna avenged your sister death and somehow to manage to make it here." Dio look over at Y/n who sat on the floor tiring. "Seems she transform into her form along with her stand with that left eye of her." He chuckle. Y/n stood up slowly "Seems you knew about it, you may be powerful but you can't stop us both." She growl.

Polnareff heading upstairs, but in shocked that he went down the stairs. He try to climb them up but he was back down the stairs, he tried again, with same result, he going down by climbing up. "W...What!!!....I took a step!! And I'm back down!!" He was confuse and shock. "Polnareff..." He turn his head at Y/n "....I sense" Polnareff was about to grab her that she falling but she gone. "What!!!" He turn his head see Dio carry unconscious Y/n in his arms "She can sense everyone stand, guess she can be useful to do her job for me." He chuckle.

"Let her go!!! Silver Chariot!" He called out his stand rushing towards Dio. "Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!" Suddenly the wall got busted behind Polnareff revealing remaining members. "Mr. Joestar!" The gang look up at Dio shock see him carry Y/n "Let her go!!" Joseph angrily said, Dio smirk fly away along with Y/n. They were about to head upstairs "Wait Guys! Before we go up, there's something I need to tell you." Polnareff continue "When I climb upstairs after Dio I was back down here, Y/n said that his stand is The World."

"The World? Wait where's Iggy and Avdol?" Joseph ask. Polnareff look at the ground, the others look at him realize what happen to them. "They're....gone." He sob "Oh god...Let's go, we gotta save Y/n." Joseph said. "Hey idiot! Tell us what above this floor?" Kakyoin demands at the bag. "The...tower...There's a room at top, Lord Dio goes there sometimes during the day." The idiot in the bag answered. "Let's get going." They ran upside heading to the tower.

They finally entered the room at the top tower, they saw Y/n lay on cold floor by the coffin. They ran up towards her scanning her "Looks like Dio didn't do anything to her, no flesh bud or draining the blood out of her." Joseph use his Hermit Purple around Y/n healing her by using his hamon. After healing, she woken up place her hand on her head "The hell? What happen?" She grumble. Joseph help her up on her foot, Jotaro smash open the window allowing the sunlight flow in. Kakyoin let the idiot out from the bag "Open the coffin now." He demanded.

"P-please...forgive...m-me...L-Lord Dio."The idiot open the coffin slowly. Once the coffin is wide open, inside was the idiot and his his jaw was bloody wide open like it had cut him in half. "WHAT!!!" Sudden the gang feel the tension from behind them. "Let's get out of here!" They jump out the tower "What was that feeling back there?"   "I don't know, feels like it's a trick or something."   "Guys, I don't know what that is but I guess Dio is playing with us or whatever." Y/n manifested her stand use his tendrils grabbing them all "What the!! What is this-!"  "I'll tell you later!" Night Slash place them down on the street safely.

"The hell was that? Is that your ability?" Joseph question. "Mr.Joestar, it was her new ability. Earlier before me Iggy and Y/n are fighting the enemy. But all of sudden Y/n transform into terrifying person and same thing to her stand. She very powerful killing the enemy." Polnareff explain. "We must get a move on, the sun is setting. The night is coming once Dio find us." Y/n said.

Y/n POV:
It's now been night, Joseph, Kakyoin and I are outside while Jotaro and Polnareff  went on their own. Joseph tell the guy from inside the truck that he need the truck. The guy yell at him but cut off that Joseph gave him money. We all got in than drove off "So once you open your left eye you become like a scary person when you transform?" Ask Jospeh. "Yes but I need to keep it closed just for short, once Dio attack me I'll fight back. I never I had this kind of power in me since long time ago." I answer.

I feel my body tingling now, I look out the window from behind see Dio inside the automobile and random crazy man is driving for him chasing after us.

"We got incoming, it's Dio ride." I growl. Kakyoin manifest his Heirophant Green outside attack him with his emerald splash. Sudden Dio flick one of them causing them to missed him. "He deflect my emerald splash with a flick." Out of nowhere Dio stand appear right front of Heirophant Green.

Before The World punch him, Hierophant block his punch using his arm to protect himself than The World punch him. Kakyoin bring his stand back looking at his hands are cover in blood. "Y/n can you heal me?" I shook my head "I gave few to Polnareff that he was badly injured after my transformation. I had enough energy in me but I got to save some of them." I ripped the end of my jacket quickly patching his hands.

"Incoming!!" I look behind the window see the same guy from automobile is flying towards at us.

Third POV:
The man crash through the window behind, Joseph try to control the wheel but they flew over crash at the wall cause an explosion. Dio walk towards the truck where it crash.

He ripped open the car door but see no Kakyoin, Joseph and Y/n, only see the dead guy that he throw him.

He look up see them jump over the rooftop with their stands  "Found you" He chuckle. "Let's keep on moving." Joseph turn his head see Kakyoin standing on the edge looking down at Dio "What are you doing Kakyoin? Come on!" Joseph order "I understand now." He took off his shades "I know now how to cover the secret of Dio stand."

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