Justice part 1

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  Somewhere at Egypt:
In the dark room, the same old lady bawling on the floor for the loss of her son. "Boohoo! My...my son...J.Geil." Enya whine "All seven stand users I sent are defeated! They fought poorly, those crusaders had won from them!"

Enya hit her head on hard floor "CURSED YOU POLNAREFF!!! CURSED KAKYOIN!!!CURSED JOESTAR AND HIS GRANDSON!!!CURSED Y/N!!! I Enya Geil going to take you all down! With my own the Justice Card!"

Back with the Crusaders:
  They stop at the border plane to drop off Anne back in Hong Kong,  Jotaro his uniform jacket that was burnt by wheel of fortune, Y/n pay for him for new clothes.

"Seems the jacket suit you that is fix." Y/n said from the changing room. "You done yet?" Jotaro said. Y/n come out the changing room reveal her new outfit.

(Replace the brown jacket to black jacket that Y/n wearing before back at India)

(Replace the brown jacket to black jacket that Y/n wearing before back at India)

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"My my, you look amazing wearing that kind of outfit." The lady said. "How much would that be?" Y/n ask. "Oh that will be- hey what's that on your stomach?" The lady question. Jotaro look at Y/n stomach see a black mark show open wide mouth with sharp teeth like an animal beast show off their teeth. "Birthmark, anyway here you go." Y/n gave the money to the lady and walk out with Jotaro. "So your born with that birthmark?" Jotaro said "Yes, my dad was born with it" Y/n said.

"This birthmark here is the crescent called the wolf also know as the 'Howler' it's one of our family bloodline. My dad change his Howler last name to L/n because he can't reveal his true last name. He had to keep his and me a secret identity from his boss, it was long time ago." She explained.

"Ah you guys are done." Kakyoin said by the entrance door. "Hey Y/n how come your jacket isn't burnt?" He ask. "It's fireproof, my dad gave me this on my 12 birthday, it's a handmade." Y/n answer.

"Let go! Let go! I don't wanna go back I wanna keep going with guys!" Anne squirm from Polnareff grasp who trying to hold her. Joseph place his hand on Anne head calming her down "Listen kid we're not on vacation, we're on a mission to save my daughter. Why not go home? Your parents be worried sick." Joseph said. "Fine" Anne said. Polnareff let go Anne letting her go back to the plane. "Hey kid." The voice call her. She turn around see Y/n behind her crouched down her level "Got something for you." Y/n place a small box on Anne hand. She open it show a necklace has golden star in the middle. Anne hug her neck "Thank you! I'll take good care of it." Anne said.

Y/n pat her head "Get home safe." Anne nod walk inside the plane than flew off. Anne look at the window see them waving her. "Thank you guys." She said. "Where you get that necklace?" Polnareff ask "Varanashi, they had some nice jewel there, it's a goodbye gift." Y/n answer.

The crusaders drove off on the cliff "Polnareff you okay to drive? The fog is getting thicker and would not fall on ravine again." Kakyoin said. "Yeah, there's a cliff up right beside us and no rails." Polnareff said.

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