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Third POV:
"Hey, old man... Something wrong? This is not right directions, aren't we supposed go to West? It looks like we're heading to that island." Jotaro said "No, that's not it, I want to meet someone first before we head to Egypt." Joseph answered. "Important person? Who live on that island?" Polnareff said.

They land on the island, the island looked was small that someone might live there. "Are there really a person who lived here?" Kakyoin said "Just one person here, he told me in India." Joseph said "Hate to interrupt you all but someone is spying us behind the bushes." Jotaro said. The mysterious person pop out from the bushes ran off "From the back I seen him before!!" Kakyoin said "Yeah it is! Could it be!" They follow him behind chasing him. The mysterious person reached small bowl of shanty than feed the chickens.

"There you go fellas. Are you hungry Michael? Don't eat too fast! I put clams there, it's your favorite." The crew stop chasing front of the small gate fence "Hey could that be-!" "Hold it! I'll go talk to him, you all wait here." Joseph said "Excuse me Sir, my name is Joseph Joestar. Me and my friends here are heading to Egypt and we could-" "Go away! I won't hear it!! Don't talk to me whenever people come here for good or bad news!! Just shut up!! Go away!!" He turn to them and reality hit them "No way!" "Mr.Avdol!" "I said GO!!" He slam the door shut. "Hold it!! It can't be!!" "That wasn't Avdol, it was his father. He lives on this island all by himself, I never told you guys everything because I'm afraid Dio army might find out this place. To tell him about Avdol death.... it's going to be hard." Joseph explain.

Polnareff feel bad that Avdol was gone from his death. "Avdol death was nothing to do with you Polnareff." Jospeh said "No...it's my responsibility." Polnareff said "Is He a stand user?" Kakyoin question "Indeed, but I don't know what it is he had." Joseph answered. Polnareff than left need alone time himself about what he think he did.

"So...who's going to tell him?" Y/n said "I'll go tell him, and your coming with me." Avdol said coming out from the house after finish changing back his usual uniform. "Why me?" "I just need someone help from his range when I told him plus your strong enough to hold him back." Avdol chuckle. "Alright, we'll meet guys back at the boat." Y/n and Avdol walk through the bushes leaving the crew behind to wait for them.

"Good thing you didn't told him since I told Jotaro to keep a secret to you." Avdol said "I'm always good keeping a secret." Y/n said. "By the way, I got a gift for you." Avdol open his hand show a flower hair clip.

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He move the stranded hair from her face and he was shock see three heal scars on her left side. "I'll tell you everything later." Y/n said. Avdol clip the flower hair clip that will not fall from her face "Where you get it?" "I was at the airport than something caught my eyes at the gift shop so I pay it and decided to give this to you." Avdol answer. "AAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!" The scream caught their attention "Hurry! That must be Polnareff!!" They ran off following the scream, sudden they saw fake Avdol and Polnareff sister are eating flesh from Polnareff.

Avdol grab the fake Avdol wrist crush it with his bare hand "Avdol it that you!! It.... is it really you?!" Polnareff was shock "Yes! Indeed! As you can see I was stabbed on the back than my face looked up because I was leaning back. Hol Horse scratch my forehead skin and my skull. It didn't reach for my brain." Avdol explain, Magician Red destroy the fake Avdol burning it "So your the judgement card also known as Cameo! I'll finish you off!" "Avdol be careful!! That guy look tough and too fast!" Polnareff said "Oh we'll send him to hell." Y/n came out from the shadow "Your here too Y/n! Wait you know Avdol is-!" "Shut it Polnareff!" She cut him off.

"But first.... grant me four wishes." "Wait what?!" "Instead of three, I grant four wishes." Avdol said. "What!... you..you making this some kind of joke?!" Cameo said. Magician Red threw a kick that utterly break Cameo arm and part of its head. "WHAAAAAAAA!!!" "Now for my next wish is... CRIES OF REGRET!" Magician Red appear behind Cameo choke him with fire ropes. Night Slash uppercut him on the chin cause him flew away and disappear. "Bastard!! He's gone! Stop running away you son of a bitch!!" Polnareff yell. Avdol shushed him "The enemy has to be nearby, so we got to be quiet." They searched him stumble across the bushes, Polnareff found a pipe sticking out of the ground.

Once again Avdol shushed them, he picked up a leaf and put it on top of it of the pipe, soon enough the leaf blown away by some air coming from the pipe. Avdol plug the pipe using his finger than pull it out. 'That son of a bitch!!! He's really down there!! Go to hell to you!!' Polnareff put bugs and mud into the pipe but it wasn't effective, he blown them away. "Dammit! No good!" "I have an idea." Avdol said. He was about to unzip his pants "Warn me next time Avdol!" Y/n said turn her back facing them "Oh I'm sorry, I promise to warn you next time." Avdol apologize.

Polnareff and Avdol started piss through the pipe, it's didn't not take long that the user pop out from the ground. "PLEASE!!!! I'M SORRY!! LET ME GO!!!" Cameo beg "Now my fourth wish... is that you will not come true!" Magician Red roasted him alive than fell unconscious.

"Hey guys!! Don't be too shocked!! You won't believe!!" Polnareff said "Polnareff what happen to you? Your wounded." Joseph said "Where those scars come from?" Kakyoin said "Who cares about my wounds! Don't be too shock Kakyoin and you too Jotaro!! Guess who I saw!! TA DAAAAA!! AVDOL IS AIVE!!" Polnareff cheer.

"Well than let's go." Joseph said grabbing his bag "Allow me carry that for you." Avdol walk up to them. "How's you back? Is your wounds okay?" Joseph said "It's fine now." "Wow Y/n nice hair clip, it look great on you." Kakyoin said "Its a gift from Avdol." Y/n said "HOLD ON A SECOND!! What's going on with that kind of attitude?! A dead man is still alive! Why you walk away like nothing happen?!" Polnareff yell. "Oh yeah, when I said I bury Avdol in India... I lied." Joseph said "W...W...W...WHAT THE HELL!!" Polnareff jump in shocked.

"Mr. Joestar and Jotaro tended the wounds back in India." Avdol explain "You knew about Avdol still alive and never tell me!!" Polnareff angrily said "Hold on Y/n! Why you didn't tell me when you and Avdol come to me rescuing me or tell me while we're traveling?!!" "Jotaro ask me a favor to keep it a secret." Y/n explain "Oh yeah Avdol, we found your father on this island. Come on let's tell him your here." "Oh that was me in disguise." Polnareff trip on the ground shock what he heard from him. "W-what....you all excluded me? Your all mean." Polnareff crawl to Y/n wrap his arms around her waist sobbing on her stomach, she pat his back comforting him 'Why me that he cry's on me?' She thought.

"Sorry Polnareff that we had to go that far." Avdol apologizes "We didn't want the enemy to find out about his status. Also I ask him to buy something." Joseph said "What kind of shopping?" Polnareff whine "I disguise myself in wealthiest rich Arabian man and bought it." Avdol explain. Joseph pull Polnareff away from Y/n "Come on Polnareff for love of sake stay put, it's already here." Joseph said.

From the oceans emerge out a big yellow submarine. "How on earth you pay for this?!" Polnareff said in shock. "We're taking this heading to Egypt!" Joseph said. They all got inside the submarine diving in the ocean.

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