Alessi the Set

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Y/n POV:

'Hi... wanna be friends?'


'Let's play at that flower field!'

'Sounds... fun'

' Let's play tag!'


'I had so much fun with you Y/n!'

' too'

I jolt out my bed drenched in sweat, "Y/n you okay?" I look over see Polnareff "You Okay?" I took a deep breath to calm myself "Y...Yeah, I'm Fine." I replied "You sure? You move a lot, did you had a nightmare?" "I'm fine... you go, I meet you outside." Polnareff nod walk out from the room.

I sit up place my hand on my head, I can't believe I dream about f/n. Since I saw the news what happen to her. I need to calm myself. I stood up open my backpack grab change of clothes.

I head to the bathroom took a shower, after I took a shower I change my clothes and dry my hair. I exit out my room head downstairs to meet the others outside. Once I'm outside I saw Jotaro, Polnareff and Iggy are there and Polnareff yelling that he want to eat breakfast. Jotaro notice me, he walk up to me giving that stern glare "Do you had money?"...really dude? I pull out my wallet see I had enough money but here in this country had expensive food. "Enough, but here in this country had expensive food to buy." I sigh.

"They better hurry up or I'm gonna starved to death!" Polnareff yell. "Just wait patiently for them." I grumble. We decided wait out here once Avdol and Joseph come out. I feel my stomach growling much and very hungry but I gotta try hold it in.

- Hours Later-

We wait too long for them and they hadn't come back. Where the hell are they?!! "Man! Where are they? I'm starving!" Polnareff whine. "...You think they been attack by enemy stand?" Jotaro said "You think so? Maybe we could find them." Polnareff stood up from the ground than we walk away to find them. "Oi Jotaro, I'm gotta find them by myself." He nod as response.

I use hamon jump land on the rooftop and continue on jumping every roof to find them. 'Man, wonder where could they be? Hope they're doing okay.' I look every street but no luck. I jump off the building land on the ground, I walk on sidewalk looking side by side. I felt someone bump on my leg, I look down see a silver hair kid wearing a baggy clothes and...earrings?

"You okay kid?" I ask, the kid look at me and he seems surprised. "It's me? Can you remember miss?" The kid ask. I scan his figure and it pop out my head "...The hell happen to you Polnareff?" "You remember?!" He jump up at me wrap his small arms around my neck. "What happen to you?" I question. "An enemy stand use his stand on me turning me into a kid!" He explain. "Let's go find this-" I was shock hear my voice change like child voice. "Ahahahaha!!! Now your a kid and you won't stop me using your stand!" I turn around see a guy wearing weird uniform and messy hair with bells hanging.

I wrap my small arms around Polnareff than jump high using hamon jump land on the rooftop. "So that's the stand enemy who turn you into a kid?" "Yes! His stand is like a shadow and turn them into kid, once people get touch by his stand they be like us!" He explain. "We gotta find Jotaro and tell him about this." I carry Polnareff bridal style jump off the roof ran off. "I didn't know you still had strength in you."

"Oof!" I land on my butt look up see a woman looking at us. "Are you both okay?" She pick us up walk away taking us somewhere else. We're now in the bathroom taking a bath, Polnareff sat with the woman on her lap and I'm in the tub. My body started drift in the water feeling relaxing. "AAAAAAAHHHH!!!" I shot up see the same guy attacking with his stand at Polnareff stand. Silver Chariot pin on the wall and his wrist started bleeding from the axe. The enemy grab Polnareff on the neck and coming this way.

I lay low in the water til the enemy is close enough, I see him close enough and was about to drown Polnareff. I shot out bite his nose. "AAAAAAHHHH!!!! BAD GIRL!!" He let go Polnareff and try pull me away. I let go his nose than called out Night Slash but he's in his child form. "Your stand won't work on me-!" Night Slash punch him on the face cause him flew out the window. I look out the window see Jotaro look at the enemy who's almost knock out.

He look up see me "Jotaro it's me Y/n! That guy is the enemy!" I yelled out. The enemy stood up and ready to fight him, before Jotaro about to attack him the shadow went underneath him and he's turning into kid. "HOPE YOU WATCHING LORD DIO CAUSE I'M ABOUT TO KILL JOTARO!!!! NOW JOTARO DIE-!" He was cut off by Jotaro punching him with his small fist. 'Well dang he punch him using his kid fist.' I change back to my clothes same thing to Polnareff. I carry him bridal style jump off the window. I put him down and our body's are changing us back to normal.

"We're back to normal!" Polnareff hug me "Put me down or I punch you." I grumble. Polnareff put me down, me Polnareff and Jotaro walk up to the enemy that he lay on the ground. "Now than... Let's finished you off." Our stand manifested started attacking him.




The enemy shot up in thin air defeated. "Excuse me, do see a young boy and you girl who almost look like you both. The boy had silver hair and had this earring. And the girl had short h/c hair. Have you seen them?" The same woman that Polnareff and I know her ask us hold out the half earring. "I'm...sorry...I don't see the boy or the girl." Polnareff answer and he look feeling down but try to stay manly, the woman walk away and she feel worried.
"You be okay Polnareff?" I pat his back "Yeah... I be fine... let's go find the others."

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