Chapter 1: Busy Man

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Another day where I haven't stopped. I'm so focused and engrossed in the work I'm doing I haven't had time to eat yet, but that's usually how my day to day life is. I'm a busy man.

I type away on my laptop, drafting up an email to send to a client. I read it over carefully and edit it before pressing send and start straight on to my next task. I'm on a tight schedule today.

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, and for a moment I take my eyes away from my laptop screen just to check if it's anything important.

I sigh seeing Janet has text me. I thought it might have been a client. I read what I see on the screen, but I don't click in to the message. She always complains I don't text her back, or I don't text back fast enough. What does she expect when she knows I'm busy? It's an easier life if she doesn't see I've read it.

Remember I told you I've got plans today, so don't forget you're picking...

I'll read it later. I quickly put my phone back in my pocket and continue with my work load.

There's a knock on my office door, but I keep my eyes on my laptop while I read some data.

"Yeah?" I call out, not really wanting to be disturbed.

The door opens and Andy pops his head in.

"Do you have that presentation together for the MK company, Michael?" He asks.

"I'm working on it." I say abruptly, not taking my eyes away from my work.

"Ok, just shout me when it's done."

"Yep. Sure." I say bluntly, feeling irritated.

Fuck off.

Andy leaves without saying another word. I sigh and lean back in my chair, taking a moment. I stretch out my hands and adjust my tie, loosening it slightly, before sitting back in my usual position and continuing my work.


"It's obvious that other companies benefit from this online system, so if we can get the project manager on board with this his business will increase just like the others have, shown from the data I collected." I say, clicking through the pages of my presentation.

"Yeah, I agree." Andy nods.

"So, the plan is we arrive at the clients site, meet with the project manager and get a bit friendly with him. It's important we have a good relationship with him, and we will just discuss where we are in the project."

"Right." Andy nods.

"You got them questionnaire lists yet?" I ask, flicking through some files on my laptop.

"I have asked the research team about 3 times for them now." He shakes his head.

"Great." I sigh and roll my eyes. "They need to do their job properly because the deadline is in a couple of-"

I hear my phone ring in my pocket. I take it out and quickly answer it, expecting it to be a client, but again it's not who I'm expecting.

"Mr. Jackson?" A female voice answers.

"Yes, speaking." I say firmly, with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

"It's Mrs Frank. Jessica is sat waiting to be picked up."

I widen my eyes and quickly look at the time. Shit!

"I'm just calling because I couldn't get hold of Janet, and I wasn't sure who is supposed to be collecting Jessica today?"

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