Chapter 4: Yellow

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While Michael walks in front of me showing me around I try not to keep glancing at his body. He's quite tall, and his legs are very slim. I shouldn't be checking him out, but I can't deny the fact that he's a good looking guy. His tight jeans show off his little bum too. He has a nice ass... and that waist, whew! He has that perfect V shaped body going on with his broad shoulders. I've noticed he has some big hands too, with really long, skinny fingers. I'm a sucker for big hands... I'm not sure why, I just love them. Well, I guess because they're sexy, and us girls love big hands all over us... feeling us and groping us... ugh, just a shame he comes across as an asshole. Ok, I need to focus now.

Michael looks at me and I think he catches me looking at him, but I quickly turn my head, looking around his kitchen. Thankfully he acts like he didn't just see me checking him out. I clear my throat and try to fill the awkwardness.

"Nice kitchen." It's beautiful actually.

The grey colour scheme is really nice and sophisticated. It's massive too, with a huge island in the middle of the room. I have always loved kitchens with an island, and I love to cook, so I can see I'd have some fun in here. This is literally my dream kitchen. It's weird to think that I'll have to start getting used to living here when everything is so lovely.

I walk around admiring his kitchen.

"You'll have to get used to where everything is, like cutlery, plates, glasses... but if you can't find something then Jessica can show you." He says watching me walk around the Island.

"Yeah, there are a lot of cupboards and draws." I raise my eyebrows and laugh softly.

He nods and starts walking away from the kitchen.

"I'll show you upstairs."

I take one more look around and then follow behind him. As we're walking upstairs my eyes have wondered to his body again. I really need to stop. I don't normally keep looking at a guy like this, but for some reason my eyes keep going back to him like a magnet. We reach the top of the stairs, and I look left and right down the long hallway.

"This is where the main bathroom is." Michael says turning left and pointing to the bathroom.

I have a quick look inside and I can't believe how big it is! The bath tub looks so nice and relaxing.

"Jessica has her bath every night in there. Well, she should do, but it's always a struggle. Once she is in there it's hard to get her back out. You'll see for yourself soon enough." Michael makes a face.

"That's cute." I laugh.

Michael looks at me and shows a little smile. I'd love to see him smile properly.

"That's what I used to think." He raises his eyebrows and continues walking down the hallway.

I smile and follow him.

"This is Jessica's room."

The door is open slightly so I'm able to see in. Everything is pink, and I see she has a lot of toys. Her bed is covered in soft animal toys too. It's a typical girly princess room. Pretty and cute. I continue following Michael, and now we have reached the end of the hallway.

"And this will be your bedroom." Michael says, opening the door.

He walks in and I walk in after him. It's huge of course, and everything is so neat and clean. It has a double bed too, which is very nice compared to my single bed back at home. There's a built in wardrobe, which is even better because it makes moving and storing all my clothes so much easier.

"You have an ensuite too."

"I do?!" I raise my eyebrows.

"Yeah, through that door over there." Michael nods.

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