Chapter 50: Another Family

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I walk in to my mom's house, and open the bottle of vodka I just got from the store. I need something to block everything out. I know getting drunk isn't the answer, but I need this right now.

I look over at the sofa and start sobbing, wishing and hoping to see my mom sitting there, and for her to tell me it was all a joke... obviously not a funny one, but at least she would be alive. She's not here though, and of course I knew she wouldn't be sitting in her usual place...

I close my eyes tightly, and swig back the vodka. The horrible burn hits the back of my throat, and the strong taste makes me cough a little bit. Soon enough it'll start tasting like water. I just need to down more of it.

I wipe my eyes and make my way upstairs. I stand in the hallway, and look in to my moms bedroom. The thought of her never being here again, or sleeping in her bed again makes me cry even harder.

I slowly walk in to her room, and put the bottle of vodka on the bedside cabinet before laying on her bed. I grab one of her pillows, and hug it tightly while I cry my eyes out.

I'm crying so much that I have to sit up to try and catch my breath. I drop my head in to my hands, and try to wipe the tears away, but they don't stop falling. I take a deep breath, and reach for the bottle of vodka. Just as I'm about to hold it, I stop when I see the wooden box next to it.

Rage begins to pulsate through my body. I grab the box, and throw it across the room as hard as I can. It slams against the wall, which causes it to break. The letters that were inside of it fall across the floor.

"Fuck you!" I scream, shaking like a leaf from how angry I am.

That man killed my mom. He put her through hell, and he's the one that should be dead, not her! Maybe he is already dead? Who the fuck knows? But I fucking hope he is, and I hope he rots in hell. My mom was sick for most of her life because of him! The mental, and physical abuse he put her through, the stress, the depression, her bad health, the heart attacks, it was all his fault!

I storm over to the letters, and roughly pick them up. I'm just about to screw them up, but I stop when I see I'm holding the last letter he sent to me. I turn it around, and stare at the address on the back of it...

I screw the letter up, shoving it in my pocket before rushing out of my mom's room.

I have to see if he lives at that address. I need to tell him that he killed my mom. He needs to be told what an evil, and monstrous person he is, and I'm going to do that.

I get in my car, and drive with so much anger raging through me. I'm surprised I don't get myself in to an accident, or pulled over by the police for how I'm driving right now. I couldn't give a shit about anything else around me.

I'm not sure how long the drive was, but now I'm pulled up on the street address.

For some reason I'm not as angry now. Suddenly I feel scared and nervous, and I start to panic a little bit.

I take a deep breath, and grit my teeth before getting out of the car. I look over at house number 18, and start walking towards it. I slow down and stop, staring at the house as tears start to fall from my eyes.

Get it together. I clear my throat, and wipe away the tears, continuing to walk towards the front door.

I take a deep breath, and then bang on the door.

I stand and wait.

What the fuck am I doing? I shouldn't be here. Regret and panic shoots through me, and I turn around, about to quickly walk back to my car, but I hear the door open.

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