Chapter 30: Snap!

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I wake up alone.

My head is pounding and my throat is so dry. I squint my eyes and moan because of the sunlight shining in to my room. Wow. I feel like shit. I'm never drinking that much again.

I yawn and stretch out my arms and legs. My whole body aches, and it's not just because of this hangover. I roll over to lay on my other side and have flashbacks of me and Michael from last night. Things got wild... and deep.

I get out of bed and stretch again. Ugh, I feel sick, and I still feel a bit drunk. I can taste the nasty alcohol in my mouth. I slowly walk in to my ensuite and use the toilet, holding my face in my hands. I wonder how Michael feels. He must be feeling like death as well.

I stand in the shower and close my eyes, feeling the warm water pour down on me. I start thinking about the things me and Michael spoke about last night... I can't believe I told him I used to hurt myself. I've kept that a secret for so many years... he was so sweet about it though, and he comforted me. I'm still surprised at how he noticed my scars and brought them up in conversation. He actually wanted to know what they were, and that means a lot to me... I'm not sure why? Maybe because it shows he cares.

I smile, remembering the feeling of being in his arms and falling asleep with him. I thought maybe I'd wake up next to him, but I knew he would be up early to pick Jessica up from her friends house.

I already feel much better after showering and moisturizing my skin. I get changed in to some comfortable clothing; a grey jumper, and black leggings, and let my hair dry naturally. I don't wear any makeup because I want to let my skin breathe today.

I leave my bedroom and walk down the hallway.

"Michael?" I call out, checking if he's in his office or his bedroom, but theres no reply.

I walk downstairs and look in the living room and kitchen. He can't have left that long ago. I grab a banana and sit down at the kitchen table eating it. I think I read some where that bananas are a good hangover cure? Probably bullshit. Michael's banana would probably be a good hangover cure though...

Ugh, I need pain relief and a coffee.

*Michael's POV*

"Was Jessie ok?" I ask.

"Yeah, she had a great time!" Brenda smiles. "And she was no trouble at all."

"Good." I show a little smile.

I feel like shit. The pain relief I took hasn't kicked in yet, and my head feels like it's going to explode. I need a coffee, and I need to go back to bed. I haven't had a hangover in a long time, and I certainly regret drinking so much last night. I'm exhausted, but Ness has a part to play in that too.

"Say goodbye to Rebecca, Jessie."

"Bye Rebecca, I'll see you at school tomorrow!"

"Bye Jess." Rebecca smiles.

"You'll have to sleepover my house next time! Can Rebecca sleep over sometime daddy?" Jessica asks, running up to me and holding my arm.

"Yeah, if that's ok with her parents."

"Yes, of course. Rebecca would love that." Brenda nods.

Brenda and Rebecca walk us to the front door, seeing us out.

"What do you say to Mrs Dornan?" I give Jessie a look.

"Thank you for letting me sleepover." Jessie shows a shy smile.

"Aw, that's ok Jessie. You can sleepover anytime. I'm glad you and Rebecca had fun."

We say our goodbyes and drive off. Jessica is very hyper and excited talking about everything her and Rebecca did last night on the drive home. I'm glad she had a nice time, but she's a bit too loud...

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