Chapter 23: Wet

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Me and Jessie sit on the sun lounger, eating ice pops, feeling the sun beat down on us.

"Daddy, will you come in the pool with me?" Jessie asks.


"Why maybe?" She frowns.

"Ness will be getting in the pool with you in a second."

"But I want you to come in too."

I sigh, and look over at the pool.

"Alright, once I've finished my ice pop."

"Ok!" She smiles, licking her popsicle.

I made sure to put on my dark sunglasses because I know my horny ass will be looking at Ness, and I don't want her to see me check her out every 5 seconds. I know it probably doesn't matter now because of what's happened, but I don't want to come across as some pervert or something. It would be weird and rude if she keeps seeing me stare at her... plus it's a bit awkward after last night. I thought things would feel more awkward, but it's not too bad. I guess that's because I'm in a good mood today...

All I keep thinking about is last night, and how good the sex was. Things really went from one extreme to the other, but like Ness said; it was a long time coming. Ever since we had our first kiss, I've wanted more of her. There was so much sexual tension between us, and I can't keep ignoring the fact that I'm hugely attracted to her. There's only so much looking I can do, and in a way I've been torturing myself by trying to hold back. She was so confident and bold as well, which really turned me on. She definitely didn't hold back either... after all, she did say she'd been wanting it to happen for a while... I guess we both really needed it... I know I did.

I haven't been intimate with anyone in a loooong time. I thought I'd be terrible, and cum instantly, but I lasted longer than I thought. Fuck knows how, but I'm just glad I didn't embarrass myself. I made her cum too, or did I? She came pretty quickly... maybe she faked it? No... I don't think she did, did she? I could feel how much she was enjoying it, but I just didn't expect her to cum before me because I was so close to the edge. Maybe I was terrible after all? She seemed pretty pleased afterwards though, and even said we should do it again sometime... maybe she was just saying that to be nice though, and she was drunk... I don't know why I'm over thinking this... I suppose because this all feels new to me again.

"Ness!" Jessie shouts.

Fuck. She's in the garden. I try so hard not to look over at her straight away... I lick my popsicle trying to stay calm, and mentally tell myself not to take a double look, but I just can't help myself. I know she cant see my eyes, but she can see my head. I turn my head, and what do I do? I take a double look.

Jesus Christmas.

Jesus Christmas

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Daaaaamn. Is she trying to kill me? It's like she's purposely picked the most sexiest swimwear to tease me. She looks sexy as hell. I close my mouth, and suck on the popsicle, moaning on the inside.

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