Chapter 54: Let Me Love You

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I slide under the water, closing my eyes and holding my breath. I lay in complete silence, feeling my body warm from the water. I hold my breath, until I can hold it no longer. I sit up and rub the water from my eyes as I take a deep breath.

I lay back and think about my mom and her funeral, then I start thinking of Ashton, and then my dad... I wipe away the tears that have fallen from my eyes, and try to push the thoughts to the back of my mind.

I take my time to wash my hair and body, and then I get dried in my bedroom. I towel dry my hair, and pull on my oversized night shirt before going downstairs.

Michael takes his eyes away from the TV and smiles when he sees me walk in to the living room.

"What are you watching?" I ask, showing a little smile as I walk over to the sofa.

"Nothing really, just a wildlife documentary." He says as he looks me up and down before flicking his eyes back and forth from the TV.

I sit closely next to him, and wrap my arm around his. He holds my hand and looks at me.

"How was your bath?"

"Good." I smile.

He holds the side of my face, and inhales as he kisses my head.

"You smell good."

"Did I smell bad before?" I make a face and laugh softly.

"No." Michael chuckles. "You always smell good. I mean the shampoo or shower gel you use. You smell like vanilla and coconuts." He plants a kiss on my lips, and inhales again as he moves his lips to my neck.

I giggle from the tingling sensation his lips have caused, and stroke my hand through his soft curls. He smiles and kisses my chin, before looking in to my eyes.

"We can watch a movie if you want?" He says, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Maybe." I say, resting my hand on top of his. "But I think I might be too tired to sit through one."

"Yeah." Michael says, slowly rubbing my thigh with his thumb. "We can go to bed?"

"Not yet. I like sitting with you like this." I smile.

"Ok." He smiles. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"

"I'm fine." I laugh softly. "I'm still full from all the pizza you ordered, which I still feel bad about, by the way."

"Why?" He frowns.

"Because I didn't want you spending more money." I shake my head.

"I'm your boyfriend now, and you're my girl, so you're gonna have to get used to me buying you stuff and looking after you."

I give him a look and sigh.

"This is what being in a relationship is all about. I know you've always been an independent woman, but you've got me now."

"I've been on my own and independent my whole life. It's who I am, and accepting these things from you isn't easy for me... even accepting your love for me isn't easy."

He frowns and runs his hand through my hair.

"I love that you're a strong, independent woman." Michael nods. "I'm not telling you to change who you are because I love all of you, I'm just saying you can rely on me, and not feel bad about it. You don't need to be upset about me spending money on you. I know right now it isn't easy for you, but in time you'll get used to it. Let me do what a boyfriend is supposed to do. Let me love you."

I smile slowly as we gaze in to each others eyes, and nod my head.

"Ok." I say quietly.

Michael smiles and plants a long, soft kiss on my lips. I smile and pull away, biting down on my bottom lip.

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