Chapter 55: I Want To Taste You

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I log out of my emails and shut my laptop, finishing work for the day. I stand up and start to gather up some paper when I hear a knock on my office door.

"Yeah?" I call out.

I hear the door open and I look up seeing Bill walk in.

"You off now Mike?"

Bill has been the only employee of mine who I've let call me Mike. I like him, so he's allowed. He can do his job, and he's a nice guy. He hasn't been working here long, but we get on well. I've realised I get on better with older guys than I do with guys my age or younger; e.g. Andy and Brad.

"Yeah, my daughter needs to be picked up from school soon."

"How old did you say she was?" He asks, standing in front of my desk now.

"She turned 7 a few weeks ago." I smile.

"Oh boy." He raises his eyebrows and smiles. "I remember when my daughter was that age... she's 30 now. They grow up so damn fast."

"Yeah, I'm dreading her teenage years." I laugh softly and make a face.

"Mmm." He smirks. "You've got another 6 years until the mood swings start. She'll start giving you attitude and inviting over her boyfriends before you know it."

"She already gives me attitude sometimes." I chuckle. "And trust me, she ain't having a boyfriend until she's at least 18." I raise an eyebrow.

"I used to say the same thing." He laughs. "I remember thinking it would get easier as she grew older, but it got worse. You worry about them even more when they start turning into little adults, especially when it comes to fathers and their daughters. We're protective of our girls."

"Yeah..." I make a face. "It's all part of being a girl dad."

"And girl dads are the best." Bill smiles.

"Absolutely." I agree.

"Anyway, I came to let you know I've finished reading Mr Biden's portfolio, and I've wrote up that business plan like you asked." He says, placing down some paper work on my desk.

"That's great, thanks." I raise my eyebrows and pick it up, taking a scan through the pages. "I didn't expect you to get it done so quickly."

He smiles, watching me flick through the business plan.

"I'll have to take it home and read it properly, but from first glance it looks good."

"Thank you."

"I'll give you some feedback tomorrow."

"Sure." He nods.

"Anyway, l better get going. You doing anything this evening?" I ask.

I walk away from my desk and Bill walks with me over to the door.

"No. I usually go home, have dinner, watch whatever my wife is watching on TV, and then get an early night." He chuckles. "I lead an exciting life."

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