Chapter 45: Ronald

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"Hey Mama."

"Hey." She smiles, adjusting the way she's sitting on the sofa.

Tina walks out from the kitchen holding a glass of water and my moms pills.

"Hi Ness." She smiles.


"How are you?"

I watch her sit next to my mom and hand her the glass of water. My moms hand shakes as she holds it.

"I'm good thanks, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine thank you."

"And how are you mom?"

"I'm much better today."

"That's good." I smile. "You seem more chirpy."

She swallows her meds and looks me up and down.

"What's in the bags?" She asks.

"Oh, um." I look down at the bags in my hands. "I have a date later."

"A date?" Tina smiles.

"Yeah... I thought I could get myself ready here."

"Oh." My mom nods.

I'm not getting ready at Michael's when he has a date tonight as well. We'll both be getting ready at the same time, and I don't want to him to get me in a bad mood before my date. To be honest, I'm trying to stay out of his way after the way he spoke to me last week. I'm still angry and hurt by what happened, and he hasn't even tried to apologise. I'm staying out of his business, and I'm keeping my "personal shit" to myself.

"What's his name?" My mom asks.


"Ronald?" My mom makes a face.

"I know, it's a strange one." I laugh softly. "We've been messaging each other online, and he seems really nice."

"Online? Oh no Ness." She frowns. "You need to be careful with that stuff! You don't know who you're really talking to. What if he's a murderer, or a rapis-"

"Mom" I give her a look and laugh. "I've been talking to him long enough to know if he's a weirdo or not. Anyway, we're meeting in a public place, so I'll be fine."

"Mmm." She raises an eyebrow. "Just be careful."


"I'm so excited!" Jessie smiles.

"Me too!" Janet laughs, giving her a squeeze as she holds her. "I've got us some special princess cupcakes to make."

"Oooh cupcakes." Jessie licks her lips.

"Eddie has a surprise for you too."

Ugh, Eddie. I roll my eyes, and Janet gives me a look.

"What is it?" Jessie asks.

"I can't tell you, or it won't be a surprise." She smirks and puts Jessie down. "Go get you sleepover bag honey."

Jessie runs off and Janet shoots me a look.

"What was that eye roll about Michael?"

"Nothing." I shake my head. "What's Eddie got Jess?"

"He's made her a cute little den."

"A den?" I lower my eyebrows.

"Yeah, like a tent. He's made it with blankets and pillows."

"Mm..." I raise my eyebrows. "Impressive."

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