Chapter 47: 7 Letters

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I run in to the hospital room, and see my mom all wired up in bed with an oxygen mask on. Tina and Ashton are sitting by her side.

"What's happened?" I ask, trying to catch my breath.

I walk over to my moms side and stand by Ashton. My mom looks up at me looking all dazed and exhausted.

"She thought she was having a heart attack." Tina frowns. "I had to call for an ambulance."

A heart attack?!

"She said she had chest pain and she couldn't breathe." Ashton frowns.

"Are you ok mom?" I frown.

She doesn't look good. The colour has been completely sucked out of her. She nods and takes off her mask.

"I'm fine." She croaks, showing a little smile.

I shake my head as tears fill my eyes. I smile back at her and put her oxygen mask back on for her.

"It's ok. Just rest." I say, stroking back some strands of hair from her face. "I thought she was getting better? I saw her earlier and she was feeling fine." I say, trying to hold back my emotions.

"It just happened suddenly." Tina frowns.

"What has the doctor said?"

"They're doing tests on her to find out how bad it is. The doctor thinks it might have been a silent heart attack, which is basically minimal symptoms of a heart attack."

"Oh God." I sigh, holding my forehead. "But, she had a heart attack years ago. She's been on medication ever since, which is supposed to help her!"

"She might need surgery Ness." Tina frowns.

"Fuck." I shake my head.

"She's in good hands now." Tina shows a reassuring smile. "The nurses are going to be checking on her all night, and the doctor is going to see how she's doing in the morning. Hopefully she will be feeling a bit better by then."

I nod slowly, and sit on the edge of the bed, staring at my mom. She has her eyes closed now, and seems to be asleep. She needs rest.

This brings back a lot of bad memories for me. I was only 10 when my mom had her first heart attack, Ash was 4, and that was when I started to self harm.

I swallow the lump in my throat and look at Ashton.

"Mom will be ok." I smile.

He shows a little smile and nods, but I can see in his eyes how worried he is. I said exactly the same thing to him when I was 10, and I was right back then, I just pray I'm right this time.

Neither of us say much over the next few hours, and nurses come and go, checking on my mom, We're all just concerned, and we want to be quiet so she can rest.

I look at Ashton, and see he has fallen asleep in the chair... it must be pretty late now. I carefully stand up, and walk over to Tina, sitting in the chair next to hers.

"Thank you for calling an ambulance." I say quietly.

"You don't have to thank me for that." She smiles.

I take in a deep breath, and look back at my mom.

"It's late... you don't have to stay any longer Tina... you should get home."

"I will soon." She nods.

"Do you mind taking Ashton back with you? I'm not leaving tonight." I shake my head.

"You need rest too." She frowns.

"I'm not leaving my moms side." I shake my head.

She nods and places her hand on my arm. I look at her and she shows a warm smile. The room falls silent again as we both watch my mom.

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