Chapter 13: Frozen

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I've woken up with a slight headache, and a really dry mouth this morning. I moan, and roll on to my back, looking up at the ceiling. I instantly think about the whiskey I drank with Michael last night, and how I opened up to him. I can't believe I did that, but he was being nice, and I was slightly drunk. I probably said too much... I hope I didn't say anything bad, or embarrassing either because I tend to be more vocal when I've consumed alcohol. He probably thinks I have serious issues, or that I'm emotionally damaged after the things I told him; which I guess is kind of true... I sigh, and rub my face. Why did I have to tell him my life story? I would have got fed up with listening if I was him... he probably did to be honest.

I pull the covers over my head, and lay for a little while, before deciding to get up to have a shower. I also need to get something to drink, before I die of thirst.

After showering, I put on a long sleeved, oversized, black and red, checkered shirt, and a pair of black leggings. I towel dry my hair, letting it dry naturally, and then spray on some perfume.

As I walk down the hallway, towards the stairs, I hear laughter echo through the house. Is that Michael laughing? I don't think I've ever heard him laugh like that. His laughter is loud, and almost infectious. I smile when I hear Jessica giggling too. It's cute hearing them laugh together.

The smell of pancakes hit me as I walk in to the kitchen. Jessica is sitting at the table, and I see the back of Michael, standing in front of the oven.

"Hi Ness!" Jessica smiles.

"Hey." I smile, walking over to one of the cupboards to get a glass.

Michael turns his head, looking back at me, and smiles. My heart instantly flutters, and I smile back.


"Morning." I say, going over to the sink to fill my glass.

I open a couple of cupboards, searching for painkillers, but I can't remember which one they're in. Michael glances over at me, and opens a cupboard. I think he knows what I'm trying to look for. He takes out the box of painkillers, and holds them out to me.

"Thanks." I smile slowly, and take them from him.

He goes back to making pancakes, and I pop out a couple of tablets.

"Ness, can I show you my drawing?" Jessica asks, looking over at me.

"Mmhm." I nod, as I swallow the tablets.

I walk over to the table, and sit next to her.

"I drew you." She smiles, showing me her drawing.

I widen my eyes as I look at it.

"That's me in my dress last night?" I smile.

I try not to laugh when I see she's drawn abnormally long arms and legs, and she's drawn my boobs so big! She's kind of made me look like a clown too... I hope that's not how I actually looked last night.

"Yeah. I did the flicks on your eyes too." She says, sounding proud of that.

"Aw, it's really good."

"Do you like it?"

"I love it. Thank you." I smile, and rub her back.

"You can keep it." She smiles, sliding it to me.

Thank God she's not putting it up on the fridge or something.

"I'll keep it in my room."

Michael walks over, and gives Jessie a plate of pancakes.

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