Chapter 34: I See How It Is

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I wake up, but don't feel Ness next to me. I slowly open my eyes, feeling my arms empty and see the back of her sat up on the edge of the bed. She's still naked and sighs quietly as she moves her head side to side and rubs her neck.

"Hey." I croak, leaning up on my elbow.

She turns her head slowly and winces as she looks at me.

"Hey." She whispers.

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"Yeah. I think I'm due my pills."

I get up and move closer to her, gently resting my hand on her shoulder.

"I just need some water." She shows a little smile and goes to stand up, but I keep hold of her shoulder, making her sit still.

"I'll get you it."

"It's ok Michael." She smiles.

I glance over at the alarm clock next to the bed and see it's 7am.

"I need to get Jessie up soon. Get back in bed and I'll get you some water."

She stares at me, and without saying anything more she carefully lays back and pulls the covers over her body.

I stand up and pick up my clothes. I look over at Ness and see her watching me as I get dressed.

"Do you want anything else?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

"No thanks." She whispers.

"I'll be right back." I smile and walk over to the door.

I leave her bedroom and close the door quietly. I turn around and freeze when I see Jessica standing outside the bathroom rubbing her eyes.


"Daddy?" She says, sounding half awake and half asleep.

"Hey baby..." I say, walking closer to her.

"Why were you in Vanessa's room?" She blinks her tired eyes and looks up at me.

"Uh, I was just checking if she was ok. I need to get her some water so she can take her tablets."

"Oh... is she ok?"

"Yeah... What are you doing up already?"

"I needed to pee."

I smile and stroke her head.

"Go back to bed sweetie."

"Ok." She yawns. "Love you daddy."

"I love you too." I smile and watch her walk off to her room.

I sigh and make my way downstairs.

I come back up with the glass of water and look in on Jessie to make sure she's in bed. Once I see she's tucked up cuddling Winnie-the-Pooh, I make my way to Vanessa's room.

I open and close the door behind me, and walk over to Vanessa, giving her the glass of water.

"Thanks." She smiles and takes the pills.

She swallows the last pill and looks at me.

"I heard Jessie."

"Mm..." I nod. "She needed to use the toilet."

Vanessa nods and places the glass of water on the bedside cabinet. I run my hand through my hair and scratch my head.

"I'm uh, gonna have a shower and get Jessie ready for school."

"Ok." She says quietly.

"Try to get some more sleep." I show a little smile.

"Yeah, I'll try." She smiles back.

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